Samaria is the elder sister with daughters to the North Slightly
= Sodom is the younger sister with daughters to the South,
= Jerusalem is The subject city, thus all them in the same,
+ Jerusalem does so bad, she does good in making her sisters
actually look good by comparison, even to justifying
Her Sisters by the depraving acts She Does.
Ezekiel 16:53
"However; i will restore the fortunes of Sodom, & her daughters, & of Samaria, & her daughters, & your fortunes along wiht them, "
Ezekiel 16:54
"so that you may bear your disgrace & be ashamed of all you have done in giving them comfort."
EZ 16:54 is the woman, the shame faced wife and countenant mind is a double grace from THE LORD, says THE WISDOM OF BEN SIRA, it is pretty much how we come to Christ save the difference between man and woman, we must repent from our sins, and she will be able to take to the max of testing when we do, thus she must be will be covered before that she can come to Heaven, making a perfect vessel for THE LORD GOD LIVING to try the hearts and minds of HIS MAN, that is I SHALL HAVE EVERY MALE ABRAHAM, I SHALL HAVE EVERY MALE, what? not the women? no you fool, HE HAS EVERY FEMALE, EVERY ONE OF THEM, ALREADY, they are not even an option to run a curse upon self, save the flesh, that is the covering that the male, Adam our first father failed in sin at, that is here as with these women, is said of Jezebel is said of them all, "bury that cursed thing propper she is the daughter of a king." That cursed thing is the covering flesh damned, that is the male role, that is why her hands and her feet, and her head are left my the dogs, for them shall go to hell to be take, for the hounds are for Heaven and NOT hell, that is they are loyal as to what they chew, not needing to chew cudd, for they only devour that they are trained too, thus the body, eaten they take to heaven, and the feet Jesus Washes, is us, for the women, why THE LORD washes them of course. and the Hands for we swear to honor and protect them, by and to THE FATHER THAT GIVES U.S. THEM. and the Head for we are to MAKE THE TRUTH OUR LORD, OUR HUSBAND THE HEAD and if NOT you best believe THE CHRIST DIED FOR ALL THE WORLD TO TAKE HER SINS AWAY, i say her, the same reason that GOD refers to ISRAEL as a her at times, that is cause the failed in sins lusts going back to beelzabub building prisons and saying this life, so GOD doesnt mention the men cause they are not, but the she is always, thus nations are also women, for she is always, even when she ends and is numbered, she goes to heaven still and there is a number of them, but only one naiton is ever accounted forever, that is Israel, but that is understood well with the truly reborn as a representation of Abraham's seed, then that come back from the original rebellious state, and thus are reborn, for every reborn man is a THE LORD's FIRST BORN, and when you come back from this Earth into Heaven you shall be THE FIRST BORN from THE DEAD, for you are only going up to replace Adam, where he did fall from, and that invisible voice only came down to repair you, do you see? do you understand? cause Honestly, i am can only see through it darkly, but i know one day i shall see as though i am seen, and i shall know as though i am known, i shall know fully, and see fully, and it shall be more glorious than i or you have ever imagined, and more real also, i am finding out.
and this i am finding out by how righteous THE FATHER LORD GOD's ANSWERS TRULY ARE, it must needs be HIM, no one else can be that awe inspiring righteous but THE FATHER LORD GOD LIVING
Ezekiel 16:55
And your sisters, Sodom with her daughters & Samarai