It is well said that Joseph made the cross that Christ hung from. Representing that step fathers, that is unlike Joseph, if their fathers are still alive, do nothing but curse them sons toads, fuck their mothers, changing their name, build them prisons and arm the men to the teeth incase they thought they were GOD made American FREE !
Them today and you kids tomlmorrow. Look and see, if your kids are taken without a jury of !2 making you less than a $20.oo value, that is for one, two are $10.oo value, three for $6,66 each, according to the oath of the judge, the lawyer, and the cops, that is with a conspiracy of schemes to take the sons from the righteous fathers, in this country today from the righteous mothers even, and how any one ever can render to take a kid from the mother is flabergasting, to any one with half witted truth.
now if a man can reason to do this, while swearing to GOD that his very own swear to GOD death vow is no good, then how could anyone ever take that man serious? He can not not one person, so then how do they do this? Why do they get away with it? well the same reason that the judge and cop and lawyer, and politician get away with their oath breaking to GOD does the step dad get away with such child kidnapping lying shit the same.
the step dad needs the justice to eat you up, they are cowards that will lie face to face in gang rape mentality to children, our country's sons, telling them that they are Christian, and they do this invoking the evil one. Against the commands of GOD. and in idolatry, saying cursed idols made by cursed men, and using the very vessel the legal systrem that killed Christ, Ptrophets, Apostles, and Christian Saints for over 2,000 years, have done nothing but use this to eat you up, and they brain wassshed you in magic enchanting schemes to make you sons think they are good.
Now in order for them to get rid of their no good wives as they say, that is the wives that went to death birthing kids, and they steal the kids from them that they the mother that GOD gave them and confirmed their authority in the flesh, by the blood, the pain, and this being the first divine act of GOD in the flesh to the kids, then they take these kids, in sick idol opinions, of which GOD EXPRESSLY STATES HE HATES.
so then these men are in coward god damned lies to work together in bands to spy out our liberties in christ, holding up idols saying their idol worship is greater than the truth from GOD, knowing they are in GOD damned lies, they steal our sons to beat into their minds and hearts, that the idol is good and they love your kid by cutting you out, putting you in prison.
now either the whole world is upside down, and jesus is a liar, or they are dishonoring the sons as they dishonor the fathers.
let us taste the fruits to find thre trees.
they slander your father, they swear falesly in GOD's HOLY TRUE NAME, they say with GOD and Christ, while directly openly disobeying THE COMMANDS & TEACHINGS OF GOD, and they dont do the one thing that would make that okay, that is confess their sins, a bout how they are in an idol lie, then they make yoru mother a swear to GOD whore invoking GOD's Name to tell a lie, for she isnt dead, and neither is your father, and they do this, saying together it is better you had came from that man, and not your father, (NOTE there are differences between the rich and the poor, the rich even if spouse is found in a kiddy fucking pimping ring do not Call GOD's IMAGE Gen 1:26-28 a lie and curse their kids toads and say it had been better you were from another stock, meaning they even if kid fuckers do better by keeping the word true the root to all life and they dont call GOD a lie or cut kids in half so they have nothing to stand, hence why the rich have dominions and tell you what to do, for you are more than likely poor stock no roots and think it a light matter to call GOD and Holy Scriptures a lie, the rich powerful do not ever do this, last time England done it, they learned for they received a parliment to share power with dominion as a consewequence, so the rich pay the poor to be whores and do this, and the thig is to do this unrepentantly to make the kids ignorant as shit to boot to do the same stupid shit, holding up idols to curse the kids a toad, to pay the rich to touch tastye and do, and this is rich aristocracy not all men are born frree. but you must pay the rich to make, to be chemists, of course that is why the rich get rich cause all the GOD damned bill dads pay your bills, beelzabub, and you need your bills.
and this is the crowd that crucifies christ, for they would rather wizard of peace and no GOD, who says you cant fuck the other men's wife, and the wives hate GOD cause they cant get in a zoom zoom or have cool toys at the expense of their spouses life, humiliation, death, and their child's, well everything, that parent they killl is the child's whole life.
now on top of all this treason, 7th amendment, and the all the rest, blasphemy sacrilege, lying, child idol human sacrifice you have, PRI-SONS prize for the sons for the step daddy cursiiing you god damned toads, and fucking your momma as a cheap god damned whore.
now in casse you thoubht you were american GOD made free with a bill of rights, whcih remember the 7th they made sure you dont get to kidnap you away, so the cops now dont care for it either, judges and lawysers the same, all serving evil god damned lies to make sure the very well equipped and trained men that force you to pay the rich will bring on you and your kids kids kids if you dont do what your lying god damned rich aristocracy say, much pain pays and prisons even kill you if you dont just obey without a warrant, they hate your bill of rights, they hate your ten commands, they hate yoru truth, they hate you, they hate life, they hate wisdom and love their evil god damned games, who wants to play, ignore all that evil fucking fruit, if your a momma kill your righteous spouser suck the dick of the men that will curse your kids toads and build prisons incase thery thought GOD made free.
Now in the same way that you kdis were taken so too you were in sin, now matter the judge the cops the lawyers, the governor the president, the family, the mothers the wife, it is up to us men that the calls goes out to then. so every man that doesnt bring his bride, of his youth and every woman he knows, and every younger, elder, brother, that isnt for the fight to be crucified, blaameless, you heard me, you bring them blaimeless, forgive them father they know not what they do, for this is a true account, they cant, or they would choose heaven every time no doubt. and one nation, with many houses, is the same house, one, and under one GOD, and i kjnow your brother fucks your wife he should die, yes, if we was in moses day, even today, but that doesnt help our sons, and we are one nation in covenant to each other, and brothers always fuck you bro, take it like a man, grow stronger and be more faithful than last you were brothers, and must all agree, we US all went to rule over the mother, our own kids or others, we were wrong, the only way out of this, no matter what you been told, is to answer a forgiving nation under GOD one to another.
if your brother is fucking your wife, raising your kids, they are to drop idol confes not GODLY TRUE married, but that is where they are, with your wife, CHrist by GOD's DECREE did comfirm you are justified in your sin then, and not one believer can argue, we can do eye for eye like moses but no blessing no curse for it but the curses in place, we must have charity forgiveness to take away, its built high, so every divorce custody thrown down and man confess, the other husband forgive, then blessing rain RHEINING FROM HEAVEN upon us again.
you must know this, it wsa all moved, to make the idol eat up all, if we dont slay we eat up kids for idol, if we do slay we save kids and they see the way to GOD, whether or not we go, they will see the way isnt paying slaving working for men, but the path the pilgrim abraham did, CHrist and the like, and this corporal flesh dies, so dont worry about them fucking your wife, Gomeris a queen sactified body untouched for Hosea.
so dont dress that which is maggot food fools, you are to fill up with the truth to be eternally true.
mercy forgivenenss for judges and cops all, for these things were alrady corrupt before they ever got to them yall, for us attending to that which fathers left behind in their lies, we knew we had to be reborn, so count this as blessing, you gave vow, you are married, you dont have to be with someone calling GOD a lie, or making idol life you got in Baal worship and shit to make idols to sacrifice your kids and spouse too.
we owe the truth to the children, it is their birth right, not ours, and every man know that is the dutry he owes all children on the earth from GOD MOST HIGH. so they can have a choice to serve GOD and instiead of that forced idol service, ewhatever done whatever taught wrong its all good with GOD, you must needs be reborn anyway and forget all this eorld but the invisible an the blood of ther moms.
if we dont secure the moms to their kids and the kids to their moms, all is lost anyways, no roots are death, and if we dont put fathers on the head to take this shit, get er done, and try to blame wives, elderly, young then again, root cause is gone, no root no life. ANd if you we dont get sons to man up for truth, then we have failed in making men, men take the shit, do shit, fuck boy shit, were fucking men, we know this all of us men do.
and for this eat it up, on me, all my family, weaker country men, and the elderly, on me, my fault, sir your daughter didnt whore around, i raped her, all them i ever been with. iF Shcehem at 13 can know to cover Diana like that, saying to all, she is not loose, her daddy didnt fail her, sh didnt let it go, i raped her, even to all them he knew, then ask dowry any price sir, to Jacob that did 7 years for Rachel then seven more, that boy say, to Jacob, name the price sir, anything you want i raped her, i love her, any price, that is aweesom.
if we as a men, cant get that,4,ooo years later, at our age, the bible and revolution and all of our fathers suffering to GOD has been no avail, and just as Sobom Gamorrah will raise up on Tyre SIdon, so too with Tyre SIdon and Sodom and Gamorrah raise up with all them before on us.
we all know this kills nations, we all knoew that truth saves them. it is us men that are to tend to the holy things, and not the moms, they have their name from GOD still, we have yet to get ours. I have mine, men, i would die for the man fucking my wife, because i know if i dont, i would literally be teaching my son breach a coveannt of GOD, same for judges and all, until GOD disanull your extremely killing country and going to hell, if unrepentant as well.
our fathers fought and died for this, we fucked up, so let us suffer the truth, exalt GOD, and get the children free, and save them by Chtris, THR TRUTH THE WAY THE LIFE THE ONLY WAY TO GO AND THERE IS NO OTHER !
truth no mattter here, HE came to justify the sinners in their sins, HE came to redeem you where you are. We are paddling on the edge of grace, and their is an ocean of it, with the tech our kids could blow this up learning from GOD, solve all the shit we by dogma and greed been keeping from them all. Remember the blood before yoiu, and remember the blood after you, and beside and your moms, and in this you not curse your fathers and you will bless your mothers, and you wont be that wicked god damned generation that rises up to loose all the nation cursing kids toads building priosns saying your slave labor lies are good virtue bitch they are not, and dont act like your better than another.
kids say shit, tell their slave asses to sit the fuck down, they dont shit, let alone about siin yet, and they will commiut the same shit, its sin, so dont be impressed we do it, were a nation, we dont forgive as a nation and come to the truth were already dead, and you will eat your kids for your greed in this flesh, for not repenting to truth to GOD. as THE LORD GOD LVIING told me to tell you and i have.
now as far as your wfe, your kids, its sin, brother, one house, truth, wait on GOD, or fuck off your not a nation then your in sin, forgiveness for truth, or we die divided, few nations make this, i hope we are one them few, not on my watch LORD let me not loose my kids freedom on my wathc, not my country lost on my watch, my brothers the same, do with us men as YOU WILL LORD just save our women and children, please. LORD GOD IN CHRIST NAME.
remember that our founders were diviided when they hit this test, having alot less proof of GOD's HOLY RIGHTEOUSNESS FAITHFUL JUDGEMENT than we do today, a lot less to stand on and in, so you fail truth first grade, then to hell with you men for sure it shall be.