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  • AD In This THE YEAR of Our LORD

    AD = Anno Domini, Annotation of Dominion. That is more clearly, "In The Year of Our LORD. I do a lot of these, and i will be moving many here. 

     You will be able to see my thoughts, my dealing, my revelations, as an American Christian Father Husband, Son, & Brother. As  THE LORD's Sent Servant. 

    • AD 2024 18th Friday Day (i wrote this yesterday).


      This is what it is like for The Man begotten of THE LORD GOD,


      it will make in heart, soul, mind, & will;


      MOTHER = ALL men, children HANDMAID THE LORD GOD by Eden’s Precedence; Gen 2:18


      GIRLS = first sent of THE LORD GOD handmaid, received the same, will be your mothers all of them by blood right Gen 3:16


      BOYS = man child, by right of THE MOTHER’s BLOOD does she Sanctify, Her being Sanctified The Children Must Needs be, for they are & of right ought to be for the sake of all homes; BLAMELESS Accounts UNTIL of AGE the Heavenly Mark SATURN’S ROTATION 8th Day = 29.5 years = 7 days = 30 years is the time GOD by Heaven CUTS YOU NOT from HER, never undoing the works HE HAS DONE IN HER, at worst you shall be a disease cut off as any good physician would HE shall do. TO SAVE THE BODY. This is to be a MAN / CHILD, by being the MAN UNDER 1 GOD HE IS CHILD TO HOLY SPIRIT MOTHER, when in reverse HE IS THE CHILD UNDER THE MOTHER TO BE A MAN COME OUT OF HER. at bests, he will repent to his oath his own right hand the words that his father’s set before him to find his way home, the ancient road, the pilgrimage, to flee from the city of destruction his mother’s earthly tabernacle, not her Heavenly, for being the Spirit He will as a Man fulfill the LAW of MOTHER’S BLOOD, the first LAW IS IMMUTABLE, that is by GOD THE TRUTH, HIS WORD HE SAID IN EDEN, down here it is that word come to life before our very eyes in the tabernacle of our first father’s flesh, the pig skins, made clean by an unabsorbable life blood offering, when destroyed a pillar of salt of THE CITY OF OUR GOD, The Ancient Jerusalem, GOD’s City of PEACE is The New City of Peace, New Jerusalem, for it is GOD’s CITY, thus it must needs be to the believer without waiver, the way HOME, the ETERNAL WORK, the Milky Way it’s self-stretched as a path of peace to all men that would honor life blood.



      Them that find peace without this, find it how, but by the conception of their own greedy pig nose with golden earrings they exchanged the hearing of the ear for it. This not to be debated, when something so clearly stressed, marked out in such a truly undeniable way, you must pay homage to its author or you must beset yourself to destroy its screaming existence.


      And here you find the murder of your mothers, the sailing of all them as cattle before Gentile court servants they make in child idol sacrifice the children the gold of the cup. That is that entity in which they put their cause to but never on, leaving them without understanding. I never heard anyone cry “MY BABY! MY BABY!” but the mothers. There is a reason for this, it is not some fallacy. If a man does it, they will simply put him in his place, keep you the better guard. It is his by righteousness of GOD.


      Then the man that would such a thing cry for his golden, in this day & age does do it without the gold in his hand, nor the child calve in which he is lack at all offices, at best he is dereliction of duty. That is executable when over the lives of his brother. Then it is so when over his wife & child to hell with GOD.


      HE BEING AN AUSTERE MASTER. will & by all rights of the mother's blood, do, calling you to the oath of which you have chosen to set your force against. See clear your works, you have cut your own mother off coming out from her, not out of her. You have missed The Father’s Business boys. You are in a war, a very great war, for the souls of Heaven. Boys do you hear of Heaven losing its own, soul. Then the man is losing a war against ignorance, just as Solomon says. The man is insane, leaving off his mother, from GOD. All his earthly standing position, how insects stand more than the man, that does not the right hand, his oath, to her guard. One brings in, mother your done, thank you war accomplished Isaiah 40:1-3. and the other gets them home sanctified in GOD, thus the man is the right hand, waiting at GOD’s established oath right hand, sworn in HIS HOLY NAME OF TRUTH ETERNAL COVENANT or it is against this, Isa 65:16. 



      Never, GOD FORBID! He did sons, he did. GOD DAMNED THE WOMAN IN HELL WITH LIFE BLOOD. Everywhere she turns is to life, never thus then turning in truth, she is not told repent for a reason boy. The Gates of HELL shall not prevail against the man with the truth of what he is to be first as a Son like the first forerunner of him that is set before us. That is U.S. us my brothers. 



      You may not agree, but you cannot ignore the death that has become forced upon you, the divorce. You are muscled out, your family is taken from you, what do you do? As it is in The Declaration of Independence, “We must as of right treat them accordingly as we would any people; at War Enemies, at Peace Friends.” Fight back, or die. Keep or let go moving on. What do you do boy? What do you do Man? What do you do American boy. 



      What do you do Christian American Man? Are you any of these, are you one of these, these things you should know, the Christian in order by precedence not of how you received it, but by the knowledge you come to as a man, that you are on soil, dirt, given to you by someone who took great care for you receive in duty. This is in blessing, with blessings, the staff, the AMMON of all the world, isa 65:16. If you are not here as a man, you are GOD DAMNED! & I do mean to HELL! This course he was already on, there was he could do to prevent this. He is without BLOOD. Thus, to have his mother’s blood, he must become as manly as his mother.

    • AD 2024, October, 18th Friday day`


                 This is not a mystery, this is a revelation given. This is not sealed up for some end time, this every GOD DAMNED TIME ALL THE GOD DAMNED TIME! She is the life blood, that is DAMNED = HEBREW. that is GOD damned her in Eden going home no matter what she says, or what he says, GOD has issued the judgment, it is sent, it is judged, it is never moved. Like the curse; As they did not judge aright, but in lustful games of secret rights, that iss never being right, they did not account for for the blameless souls, they did but falicy in return for the same, after receiving the truth.

                 They did to the truth what they did the to the curse, they thought it all of no reputation, holding mother’s words of a fashion, making a mockery of eternal heavenly things, they pressed themselves into no existence, pressing her, the more. All men know what right is, most will leave it off, only to be reminded, but only the righteous will then choose it, and they shall be counted as among them that let it go, they will be with their Christ, having dipped their hands in the hissop of the nations, the Oath, taking the daughter, the SOP, the standard operating procedure for all men, all over the earth, under the same pretences. it must occur to the man eventually, that there is something keeping him, that oath, the word, the good. & his excuse for not doing, it is with GOD as it were always will be, an adverse reaction, such as that is exactly what proves GOD. I  mean as you know. ONLY THE LORD GOD ALL MIGHTY can get the whole world to swear to him, while being at war with him. this is that heavy matter that damns all men, and i do mean GOD DAMNS all men, that would think to leave off, as though it is not so. but the man swore to it. He ssend the blood of the mothers, getting them to bleed.

      Did he not come in this world by it. Even Martians would have mothers, for Chist, sake, could any species ever be galactical without the mothers. No, they would be a as it were it ought to always be, self destructive not allowed to go anywhere, and none today have the feets ofr Noah’s world, the pre-Deluvian Generations, and none have that of The Great Tower of Babel, but shinks, like indian medicine would do the modern doctrine today. They both performing the same acts, save the medicine would not throw you in prison if you did not take his judgment of prescription or if you paid for another, or if you made one yoruself. Thus, the proclamation of the matter of their wisdom is their faully for they resist her in every avenue. Thus they are not straight, they are but serpentine. You cant tell where they are, for they are not there. How is it the wind, with all of it’s threat to kill you, murder you, destroy you,. obvertake you, has not even brought it to a face to face matter? then you see, they deny that which is, tbhey then remove themselves.

              If your cause is the greater, then let it be, GOD will defend the greater, the greater is GOD. thus any curse that use to work, that is any superstition, as a man, is but just that, old ladies wives tells. Their is a season for tells, then there is a season men carry about the tales of scorpions and dragons only to disapate as smoke, or wipes away as scales from the eyes. Come you to the pool of sent, like the waters at the wedding, have you a seat, and let indict you to the good matter of the heart, showing you the evil things your own right hand will teach you, and then i pray the righteous hand, yours i do solemnly pray but i hope even more for mine to me, for i love my family, and hope never to bring a strong right hand of oath upon them, for reasons, 1- the wife is why i took them.   2- the Love of mothers, my wife especially being one, and my mother being one, and thus my wife’s mother being one. 3- this teaches your daughters and your wives, and your mothers are one. These are 3 , THE THREE BEFORE THE GATES OF NEW JERUSALEM thus they were there the whole time, THEY ARE THERE BEFORE JERUSALEM, or what you would konw as BETHELAHM for she it the bread come down, that you as a child at the least drink, there for you did eat as a man. 

                When boyz murder their mothers coming in, you shoulld ask why he needs reborn. For this reason is the same reason that he shall be saved of GOD. for with GOD the truth is the choice of your lie, then you truly will only be lightly esteemed and this is by your opposition to the all mighty who is the only that is to all them that are opposed to his will. 

          They conceived in superstitious fashions, having no fashion of THE LORD GOD LIVING, THE LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL, they had no fashion of a man, but that of Marvel Comics. The Nation has become as it were so it is, & shall be, leavened, puffed up, think it knows when it only has visual sensory judgment. In a world that is going to burn away, that is rot, but being wrought in GOD with, or without you, it will be burned away. A higher truth you must come to of the women, is in the Holy Fire itself, her. She is your torch, your flame in the dark as it were. but the not keeping will become her death, that is you that she bore, you that are of her, if you be of her, for to be of her is to obey THE FIRST LAW OF GOD you received, THE TRUTH COME DOWN, THE WORD OF GOD put into flesh, to bleed before your eyes in belief. But they do move her natural state, of which GOD made her, into a doubting Thomas, when the whole summary of Thomas is that he has no heart, he is but stone flesh, dust, pig skins, for Chrsit is the Husband to the man, and thus does man pierce him on THE SIDE WITH NO HEART! and thus is she taken out of the side of THE HEART!      

    • AD 2024, 18th October, Friday day


      For she is the diligent matter to attend, by THE WORD of GOD. Think you another way to beat that designed to make you lose if you tend not to. GOD is GOD, you are not. GOD is GOD. And if you be for GOD, who shall be against you. GOD. That is who. But THIS TO TRY YOU. GOD IS GOD. When does GOD do as you would say WRONG, but never. Has it been said, that the trust in GOD has been frustrated, but never. has it been said that trusting in GOD went WRONG? but never. You are a foolish man in a world of foolish man, with no governor at the helm if you give up in any wise governance to that but THE LORD GOD who commands you to choose freely. I give a shit for the scheme. The larger, the more, the merrier for the faithful. If it rains down on me by HIS SUPREME RHEIN, then I shall receive in abundance, and if not, then I shall work for The Saint that does. I am of a greater conquest than you, I know by experience only. And Experience has shown but one truth; my LORD GOD wins. He it is that is the only GOD still here, from the ancient world, and in the ancient world, we see he claimed AMMON RAH, and then AMMON as though he cut away in a decision of surgery, a great disease but kept the body, with one hand. For HE SAYS, “I TOOK THE BY THE HAND ISRAEL & I LEAD THE OUT OF EGYPT INTO THE WILDERNESS FOR FORTY YEARS.” Now we know by experience, our only way to judge anything, that GOD is not inept as some would have you think, even to be so foolish as to make the Holy Spirit a worker of tongues that men cannot understand. In this foolishness of a mockery, shall you find experience of THE WORD OF THE LORD GOD, that HE IS NOT mocked. That their baby talk is but a disputation of proof that GOD is with the mothers, every one of them and makes but foolish proven liars out of man that is born of a woman being the serpent’s seed, & holding fast their in to infidel. The man must needs perish as his mother’s enemy, or he must die his mother’s enemy.



      Your moral courage, my brothers, is with the MOTHER OF MOTHERS, for she it is that tends the sons to know how to keep her, guard her. She it is that tells you as a wise mother does all her daughters, honey they are come to fucking destroy taking your babies and giving them to strangers while saying that he loves you and your the world to him, he will cry in the streets for your children giving them over, and leaving you to die as a whore being his wall of defense. Pay heed my daughter, the man of GOD is rare. He will have rule. For he will bear as a mother does on earth, to be a son of heaven. He will not leave off his father’s works in heaven for that of a world filled with them. He will not fall to the good gift but he will before it, for the good gift giver. He will maintain the charge, he will keep the command, he will burn away not as ash, but as wax, he will melt holding you up, and he will do it for every one of you to. Not by rivaling your husbands, but by putting them before you as a man. He will hold him to his charge and he will not swarm and well like winds & waves under you. he will not disrupt your life as a coward herding you to death obeying only that which is not gains for him alone to resist. This is not hard to know. Cowards herd, but men of GOD heard GOD, and they speak like him too. As told the cowardly kings, as told the kings who’s knees tremble, and who’s countenance changes like the moon, as was Belshazzar, but his mother told him, not to do these things, letting his countenance change, but like David to Solomon, if they play, David says, “Play you the man Solomon.” There is no greater prize than the world, and there is no honor in a lie that doesn’t require your life blood in paying for it. Thus, the truth by blood is immutable being of its origins in Eden, GOD’s word, HIS WILL down here on Earth. Man is at no closer in conquering THE TRUTH of GOD. It is not, he is not, in all his volition any closer in escaping death. Who told you this is a fool who knows not where he comes from. And if he does not tend to the matter you dealing with the same man, the same creature just slithering another path, one that is foreign to every nation & every people. For death comes, the bell tolls. And the bell is the toll, her. Thus, we have given the title Belshazzar. The man, the man king, the one who with his friends, drank the blood wine life of the vine of GOD, the children and their mothers, by screwing the brother’s out of their GOD given right to life, the wife. If Satan knows this, and any ready of Job, knows that the does, then the Christian, most especially today, & so you understand, the end time is always, now, not then, but it is then, it is just never tomorrow, it is now, for if you live for now you live not for tomorrow, but for now, you search scriptures, every day, thinking that you find life, or that you shall, but it is the Christ in front of you, that you have called down as your first father has thrown her down, so it must land on you, or it is not of Christ, you are not of his, you are not of him. “You do not obey GOD’s LAW, INDEED you cannot.” these are strong and heavy, meaning words, from the Apostle, the Great Minister, Paul. It is because you are not of it if you do not come to it, but them of it, come to it, so then it is again, “that salvation is closer to you than ever before it has been. I beg you elders, if you have not overcome the tongue of your own mouth, that is the heart.








      This is the show bread, the ancient of days, never is she called old, never is she described as growing old, because in the truth of the matter, she cannot. She is the fire, that parts the pieces in Abraham’s horror. When GOD makes covenant with Abraham, why is it you think that GOD swears to Abraham right here. Do you not know why GOD chose Avraham. It is because he believed as Avram. That he was a father of many, by the taking even just one of the daughters of the KING, THE ONE FATHER LORD GOD. Avram believed his oath, how he would do it, he knew not. But he knew the oath, was the staff of Moses, before there was a Moses. He knew he was the guard, and that is why THE INVISIBLE LORD GOD ONE FATHER gave the daughter to the man, & that this was a peace offering of kinds, that the king of the earth, was this great, that the stories were true. Abraham falters, here, where it is his greatest accomplishment like most Saints. Moses with his meekness, gentle nature, but austere, at the striking of the rock, that is the Christ, the foreshadow of the faithful son, to strike this is woe, unless it is commanded, and you only strike the woman once, after this you are to give her liberty to proceed, & in this matter you better know where, for asking your wife for sex is rape, she is so well guarded, you better believe this if you are going to make the pilgrimage, and love your wife like she loves you, with all of her life. This is your Heavenly Father’s


      in any fight you cannot expect a victory, so that which comes not to die for you will kill for not dying for, you shall die the coward death a thousand times, and the man you face that is right will wipe his ass with you brothers, this is not the apostles days, this is the modern, 2k years of saints, and to dismiss is one thing but to dismiss the whole of the matter of 6k years is something I dare no courage against the most courageous, GOD


    • Infantry AD 2024, October 18th Friday







      To not be so infant. IT COMES FROM, IT BECOMES. it is the belief, the BELIEVING, that makers it a tree, a fruit of its own kind, never leaving off it is the part of the body which will cut itself off to save the body. The Queen of The Battle herself, but not as red blood, because that is her color, she is not showy, she is not dressed for the occasion as the man, she is but vulnerable, the naked bloody red warrior, the reason for face paint, the reason the man must dress up to strike in the cult of man, the culture the origin of man, the woman. And this for all men, for you find no show but with men.


      Thus is the infantry blue, to show without showing. To tell the truth, without the lie. But yet it is concealed. Yes of course. Most of GOD’s works are covered, to lead you astray, to make you fall off does he allow the adder to strike at the horse & rider. Fallen from your high horse, you shall but shake it off, & this into the fires, of his own idols, and you shall proceed along your way as any Saint before you has ever done. Did it hurt did it sting? Wear a blue to remind your pussy ass you don’t have blood of a mother yet. Shake that shit off.


      Thus is the Royal Blue. This though is the sky. And the infantry though being very infantile, is a force to be reckoned with, for it is infants with blade, & today, with much firepower. And they are infantile, it is the part of infantry, of grunt to be so. He will not be a weapon without this disposition.


      The hope is the head of the infantry, whatever tree it be, be mature to the conscience of governing the whole of the infantile mind. For I find as an individual man, I do not seek, that is wishing to fight, but under command, it is not my good wanted will to fight any infantry on Earth. You are far too aggressive, and you are far too numerous if you even have the title for man as a myself, not being a giant, or having an infantry, I am a father I have women, mothers, and they have infants, but the infantry sadly would be better under her rule directly than by as it is, the man’s religious standing in faith before his GOD. or rather, his adulterous self of a serpent face down before his MAKER, his CREATOR, his contractual covenantal ONE FATHER LORD GOD, the very thing in his breath, in his being, in his port, in him at all levels, he cannot think to go without, but yet you find him always against.


      At least with a mother, I know what to expect, she will have loved me, as a boy, as a child, she will have given me life. & this means she can say, she do, but as one that has done, love, life, blood. She is finished by my LORD & GOD in EDEN. The same GOD I received in covenant the same GOD I received in hand, the same GOD I am swore to.


      He as it were, has me by the balls. What am I to tear away, and say, a god I cannot even cry to. as though it were all bail bonds and gifts to be traded, I could but trample my mother’s work, it is me I would trample. The self-implosion of GOD is morally beneficial to any that have providential insight. The course of an ocean is not determined by any one wave kids, no matter the size, she will but go no further than she is allotted, the rest will be on you holding your guard, it is duty. You are as dust boy, now become one with the truth, be you the sand on the sea shore, for that is truly your great glory not to be missed, but to picked up in pride.


      It is Avraham’s bosom that you are seeking to be part of, and it is by becoming what you are far before you become, it here. This is a strange mystery, but how long has sand been there. Is it not always but increasing, yay it is. And where is it going, nowhere, it is. Then you have heaven’s numbers, you have the infantile become infantile in the ancient way, the rebirth of a greater truth. that no matter no matter his work can get rid of but can only deny, and this is himself, and for what, another’s self, another’s gain, greed is greedy to self, the sin is sin to itself far too often for man to make a habit out of it. How foolish is one to think he gets by GOD when proven by his own ways that he is but avoiding the very thing he is getting over on it when being told by the thing he is getting over on, but cannot get over at all, never before, never ever. I find this a very righteous reason to kill all sinners on Earth, no woman or child is in that, for the woman is the child, she is the mother. Go now you, my son, & learn from the ant. Having no guide, and no ruler, she does but gather her fruits in its season. Note yours my son, is being invaded. you must needs keep the charge, man the briggans, it is GOD with you, and they are but avoiding GOD.


      Therefore wanderer, wonder no more, he that is with GOD is GOD. only thing that can face you is GOD, if it is under you, it will thus face you, as one that is getting over on you, if it is truly a rival to GOD and not under you, it will thus be at GOD’s higher station. This is the sum of all war accounts, where the battle is won, where it is fought and won. It is never lost, and it can never be lost, if it is GOD’s it will thus remain as GOD’s. There is no devil-claiming daughters, there is but the proving that they walk by them, don’t even fuck with. But they do stay under them, they stay in them. Then the disease is at foot, sin of men, men in her, manchild to the physician, and he is a good physician, and he will cut the disease from her. He will purge his house.


      This is so absolute that David does not touch, in no wise, his son that rapes his daughter. He is slain but a year later. Now David is a valiant man, he is a man of repentance, proven. he is one that goes out and comes in front of the people, and thus they are but lovers of his going and coming. He does not murder any daughters, on the way, he has learned to be a foot. thus in at the same time we learn David call her a heavy matter, or rather, David asks the servants of the king if they thought that the marrying of the king’s daughter is a heavy matter. They but didn’t answer, because it is David, it is GOD, your GOD & David’s, that shall have his answer. And anything you do tend to, is the same it always, a noisome trouble to you and your family, dishonor to your mother, who has performed her duty in the most admirable way possible, that is by GOD.


    • AD 2024, October, 18th

      Have you ever known an enemy to tell you that they shall love you more than your own nation does? That is to tell you they shall let you always have your mothers. They will keep them in the position of honor at all costs. Now you have seen nations promise as enemies to love you better, but this by lands, and by houses, and by water, and horses if your a so called honorable valiant man, that is what we would call a land owner, a lord a gentleman, but we need a gentle man to keep the true deeds to the land, the mothers. And GOD never moves here, this is the decider of all victories. Jerusalem is the untouched city of man, for it is GOD’s city, but she is sold, under sin, yes she is, halfway, she is under man, pronounced under man twice, she is confirmed under the sinner, under sin then, yes under sin but on the man, and when here the once sinning man is now the man, the dust, she is the life, the mother to all living.


      The mother is the mother, the power is with her, not her as to wield at the gate, unless the man does not get in front then the gate will render judgment to itself, thus the gate will render as a gate, and not a city gate, thus do all women, and rightly so, a gate should answer for a gate, a pearl should answer for a pearl, it is as beautiful is it not, so you would say but what? what you have already said if a man, that she is a pearl, that she is a gate, that she is heaven, and that you shall do all in this world as to keep as such. NOW you speak as a fool, in a group of bullies, but this means your pussy faggot, burning out lightning quick, may have to call thee a thunder not written down. For your not writing anything down but playing tempest worker bee when you are tempest working ticks, never satisfied like a horse leach, you suck her dry and keep looking as though you are to the labor as faithful as a beast. You are neither, faithful nor beast. LORD help you if he raises up the prophet from among your brothers that shall be as Moses is to every founding father ever since Moses brought the Revelation, the hidden works of GOD to the light. How many Nations have to come to our GOD since, as many that did before Moses, so you know, all of them? Save the ending world one government at Noah’s flood gone, and the tower of Babel after the flood, it has been and as of right ought to be as it were so it is, getting smaller every time, running in a backward twist flip from the throwing down of the daughter to dust, but her never hitting dust, not even being in flesh, will never hit the dust, but then it was unto hell, cut from GOD, but GOD DAMNED this from happening, making her the breath, the ole serpent knew, getting Adam to do the one thing that Adam could not do, throw her (down into hello), Thank GOD FOR JESUS, who will if you will not, thank GOD, GOD willed it. Comfort you and comfort you MY People, says THE LORD, to Isaiah, there is a reason, clearly lighted is the path by THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, “MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE A HIGH WAY FOR YOUR GOD. this is only after, TELL HER SHE COMES HOME. then it is here, that man finds, HOLINESS WITH THE LORD our GOD, THIS IS WHERE he is.


      The Father does the business of THE FATHER. then it is righteous, the covenant, and any man crying anything else, no matter what it is, knows not the father. then the man is not the father, he is the hireling. what is the boy going to stand to kick your ass. No, he is not going to ever show before you. He cannot, that would give him standing, that would make him of standing, that would make him not the wind, the power of the wind is just that, and how shall you fight the wind, you shall not, to conquer it, you must if under a roof wet the air. Aka, you must apply wisdom. You must needs be with GOD in the love of mothers. None can refuse this, not even the woman that asks for John The Baptist’s head. That is she is telling Herod who he is by telling Herod she knows who John is, that is THE HEAD. now the man that disbelieves here before the woman, has in essence, made themselves her enemy while treating her like the imbecile. He has done this himself, he has taken it there, and done it in front of her very face, as though she could never grasp his cunning nature. As though she is to be used, and cannot do anything about it. Like a woman caught in between two kings, and she has slept with the enemy, and to depart from him would be her death in such a cruel world. So he has but missed adventures. He is at a great superstition, for he thinks he cannot be seen, he has moved himself behind walls of deceits, which places him in the delusion of thinking he knows what others think when he cannot tell you in truth of what he thinks. I mean what GOD means, and John says clearly, “you are unlawful.” your a fairytale Peter Pan. Your walking by the whole truth of the matter as though it does not matter, but by the same means in which you play god king, are you not killed in the like manner. one of them goes one stays, the way in kings become kings shall always be as long as man has earth, that nations, that is GOD, and if a group will not do it, GOD shall raise one up of his own, from among the people to be king over them, do not excite yourselves, this may be all to that nation, but it is a light matter for your GOD. Many a time on Earth, has THE LORD lifted up one from the dust that no one thought of, and many a time has he made them ruler & judge over the people and this for a people that do not even know until it is too late for them with understanding, they refuse, they shall be met by the same, that is under one GOD.



    • AD 2024, October, 18th

      I once thought GOD not as GOD, but now I know, GOD is better in all beyond all always. Look you to America, see our Founders? But where is our king, to herald, our king priest, as a nation, our Moses, one thrown in the waters, the crucified before the gates, it is there. IN THE BLOOD. the first life taken for Liberty’s cause is where? 1st & King Street in Boston, by a man named Crispus Attucks, shot by English soldiers, check the number the King’s men that shot & killed their King the same the way they crucified their Christ. This is not a game, this is a world made and restrained, and blessed, and turns, and is established by its ALPHA & its OMEGA. the WORD, THE LOGOS.

      yes sir, it is not only there, it is at 1st & King Street, in every nation that ever was is or shall be, the father’s blood on the altar before momma’s if he can help it every time, and he can surely help it before her account, but not GOD’s, thus then it is to GOD, then it is the mother that bore Crispus Attucks, before Crispus Attucks dying on 1st & King Street, the only pronounced dead at the start of QRFL, Quick Reaction Force, medics and backup for the British troops, thus the American Population at Large, for it was still the British King’s land, until it was Crispus Attucks by TRUTH, by BLOOD paid for it, the same as his mother, thus the women are the true deeds, that without GOD shall remove all people, any people, as we Americans received our Land shall we lose it the same. If you are not a pilgrim to trust in GOD, those that have faith in GOD will by right take what you lost, thus not take, but given, but by the warning they will give you, it will be to you a taking, but in the truest of sense, it will be a RE-REWARD of GOD’s Benefit. Is GOD a fool like you? if you are a fool by choice, refusing the truth. Then if you knowing GOD received benefit against GOD, what will he do for the man, and it will be by man, no matter the men, the fewer as is it were and is, the fewer the greater the share, or the re-reward, and when The Christus tells you, I have not come to give you life as the world gives you life, but I have come to give it to you abundantly. Thus it is as it were, he is going to do as his father has done, for this is what it is to be a father and a son. and you can be no father, without the staff to pass your son. The lazy man shall labor to buy land not with his own money, he shall but build a tomb for other men to walk into. He will fall for dust, to buy dust, and the land will always be taken from them that do not their fathers.



      This is a marker, upon the human soul of all men. They shall be the man, holding the honor, alone, and then this with brothers, or they shall perish under their mothers playing as though they have already obtained to it. When I was a child, I played the man, so did Paul, and I did since I was a small boy, but to them I thought as the man, or the mommas, that is every female, for they were all but more mother than I was ever close to approaching fatherhood, these are two different operations, of great gulf proportions that no man can truly cross without GOD. It is a right of puberty, with GOD, that is at twelve you can be alone, staying the night, or three, that is the point of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST, that momma is the most perfect of GODLY WORKS, no matter what it is, one cannot only see this, when he is against GOD’s good gift the mothers, That is every daughter, of which I was chief, while playing I was not her enemy but her son, no her friend, no her brother, no her husband, no as good as her heavenly father here on earth for her. Now you know I am not boasting it is the persona in which I crafted my witchcraft to my woman, women, it really was, I was no monogamist, I was polygamist, I was adulterous. You must needs be in polygamy, if you are in any way an adulterer, any other telling is a god damned lie, beset against you on the way to GOD. Find this not strange, every man you know covering this truth up. If you are alone, you are right, you are righteous, you chose right. For the only reason you are alone, and you are right, is because of GOD. it would needs be, wrong if not with GOD. You can hit righter than some but not all, unless you are with GOD. this is the way that it is done with Luther, Joan of Ark, St. Katherine, King Arthur, King David, Nathan Hale, Jesus Christ, Peter, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Phillip, Bartyalamuel. Dr. King, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks, This is the way. Doubt you not.


      he that is the stranger, is the one with the stranger’s words. GOD never needed a man to sin. GOD never licenses for a man to sin. those who claim to make good happen while doing evil, that man’s damnation is just. For he has proclaimed it with his own lips. That he has found the righteous, and he goes against it any fashion. This is his, his nation, or so I thought, but I see as a man, only having that which GOD gives me. Knowing from GOD’s perspective all men are enemy to mother, no matter what he says or does until he is reborn come out of her as she did from her father and mother, to her husband, and lay his life down on Mount Moriah, it is nothing different, and it shall never be. Do not get torn away chasing winds, pondering the slanderous rumoring in murmurs that is sure to come upon the pebbles of Heaven’s Sea Shore. The Waves will come to and fro, like you are walking up and down, to & fro from within and upon the earth. To setter the air first in dominance, you are to love their women as GOD has commanded in options of death aside from. You will outdo him in all ways, no getting around it, and if he conspire to kill you in any premeditation, he is guilty of murder if it comes to be, he has forsaken the righteous. This is elected to be his, he must needs support holding up the arms of Moses with the staff or he will perish on the battle without GOD, yay, worse even still, against GOD. that is to be against, every one, that is his own mother.


    • AD 2024, October, 18th, Friday



      To have the man miss here is to exact in destruction all that would make him formidable as an opponent, That is he has surrendered manhood. He is not to the guard with GOD he is in vain. The type of man that shall cry lion in the streets, a lion in the streets then go back inside. He is the type of man that shall pay that lion, to take oath as a judge and cop, then fatten him up, with artillery even, and after sharpening claws and teeth, will then give him a scorpion's tail, and claws to hold its prey, while telling the offspring after him he is doing his best to all their future, when he is making but bill payments getting by. Chasing dust, made by dust, for dust. DUST TO DUST, is a never-changing matter my friends, here me my son, this is not changing> DUST TO DUST IS FOREVER going to be. If you do not find the mothers, that is yours, and you will find them all. you find your wife, for whatever reason, you will find your mother if you didn't. If you find your sister, you will find, your, if you find your daughter, at six or seven years old, you will find your mother. IT is there my brothers, I tell you, it is the gift, and to move from you will surrender all.


      I am sad to report from my duty station on earth in the American Nation in the year of our LORD 2024 they are murdering, raping, robbing, chaining, imprisoning, taking children, while falsely swearing in GOD’s HOLY NAME TO The Mothers. This DUST TO DUST, is exactly that. No men band, for such things as to kill the mothers. Thus, you man of GOD fear not. For even in death, you have bested more than 70,000. make it 7 the same, you have in truth, obtained, to more than you know. The sheer fact if they face you, while offending this, you have rooted their rooting of your nation. You have killed the devil’s whiles, and become the one thing that he was striving to take away, a generation, without GLORY of GOD. this is his best perfection and his best achievement since the fall, for he too shall serve THE LORD GOD ALONE.


      The men of a swell, are taken by the same. GOD breathes always, waits upon the ROCK OF FAITH until they do, for they do change, for GOD breathed.


      PAY YOU HEED HERE, BEFORE YOU PAY ANYWHERE! PA-Y! PA-Y! Because you are infantile, you are without your infant roots. Come back to the real world, Peter Pan. If he couldn’t fly, Tinker still had dust for him to worship & play like that is GOD, but he does this Wizard of Oz dumb ass MALE ONLY CHARACTERS, at worst the monkeys who think they fly on her broomstick, that get NO NAMES but numbered, counted, and that is not good unless it is one with GOD. Thus under heaven, YAHVEH ELOHIM IS SALVATION! thus JESUS. aka YASHUAH.

    • AD 2024 October 21






      if you can you can, 

      if you can’t you can, 

      but if you are to see with GOD the riddle of GOD has kept thee from seeing GOD

      is this a riddle worth finding out, 

      or shall we play in sport & never mind the mind of the lord, 

      parables are wearisome labor, 

      and writing books there is no end of it, 

      these shall consume you away in the dark rooms of little light, 

      then like the living scriptures themselves, wholly Holy shall it be as well, 

      then weary yourself in the labor of parables, 

      until you pour out like old wine in new wineskins, 

      the answer to the other parable, for the words are true, 

      you fill yourself up with strangers’ words as the old wine for they are old all the time, never minding your slavery, they field slave monitors, to keep you in the chasing of idols, by the bashful enchantments bewitching the unsuspecting into ignoring the truth, they teach the naive deceitful backbiting custom & expect not their own death to come by it’s fruits ripened. They are surrounded in the most cowardly of defenses, playing as though they will lash out at any moment, but being as powerless as the idol currents occurring, denying the very air in front of their faces, that can not be denied. They are a mass hysteria claiming to solve the delusions of mass hysteria while being it’s very culprit & disease of swelling in itself. 


      This is why they hit so miss together, in the group. There should be the missing of that which they swore to, almost every single one of them by THE LORD GOD, thus the bullseye must and as of a right, ought to be the target, the bullseye of the target, and this is exactly what we find in the Scriptures, as it makes the mother the only confirmed authority on Earth, aside from Jesus Christ, who is risen, and invisible by the same authority that confirms the mothers, that being GOD they all swore too, the holy scriptures, in which we are handed by the Patriarchs, Prophets, & Apostles, Saints, Seal, Founders, Fathers, Mothers, to us sons, than of right and as it were it will and ought to be, being as it is, and it is. & that is the killer of all without understanding, that whirlwind must be dealt with, and it will as it ought to be, bloody, bloody in establishing, bloody in keeping, bloody as we are going forward. and as men do love to play trying to mock who can not be mocked, they incur on themselves, the wrath of the mother of heaven, that is all, & hell has no fury like that of a woman scorned. and is that not why we hear, HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM, in the Proverbs, 

       Proverbs 1

      22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you..24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;   25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:  26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;  27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. 28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:  29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:  30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.  31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.  32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.


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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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