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    Eve means Mother to ALL Living, so if you sin against any it is also as though you sinned against his mother, who paid blood life offering to bring them in the world, but the father and son take first two accounts of this, if you dont repent in time it will be you sinned against THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM HERSELF MOTHER TO ALL

    • 2 and a 1/2 times of Blasphemy

      All sins are accounted to be against the mothers, for they are the ones that died to bring you in, but by wisdom THE LORD has set the father in honor over the children, that is the whole of the house, the mother is behind the father covered the same as the children, now she is over the children but that is in the house the father covers, so it is as though she is with the children covered. 

      The Husband / Father does not bring his wife to war the same he does bring his children. And as Samuel told king Agag saying, "As you have made mother's childless on this Earth so to shall your mother be childless," and thne Saumuel hacked him to pieces. Well if you kill any man he has a mom that died in blood life offering to bring him in, so it is all sins are set against the heart, the mothers, but as stated the father is in honor over the children, so it is as thow man's whole life is like an arrow being shot at the heart of man's home, his wife, his children's mother, his children, and so the father takes the first, the son takes the second and if you haven't learned to repent you will be charged with going to kill the heart of GOD, of all life, as Eve means, Mother to all living. So then that if you persist and won't repent to guard the home of GOD, of all living, then you will be charged with blasheymy of The Holy Spirit. 

      You must then account as though you are Satan himself, born on the opposition of THE ONE FATHER who's HEART is diligently gaurded, and is not as a man that HE should repent. So then you must needs be reborn Satan, to join THE FATHER in his business to help gaurd HIS daughters, keeping command and doing HIS will that is THE ONLY GOOD GOD. Holiness is every daughter is THE DAUGHTER of THE KING THE ONE FATHER. 

      "Satan gets a time, a time, and a half of a time," this is the same as the warining of Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit the same. For the Father and the Son shall cover and forgive your first two afronts on blasphemy but if you persist it will not be forgiven. 

      BLASPHEME 1-FATHER,  2- SON,  2.1/2-But NOT MOTHER

      BLASPHEME FATHER is the first time that Satan gets. 

      Blaspheme of the Son is the second time that Satan gets. 

      Blaspheme if persisting is the half a time which is the last time Satan gets, this last time is only a half time, past that you have gone to far to be recovered as a son, and evil has taken root in you. 

      "MY SONS I shall gather from a far, and MY daughters I shall gather from the ends of the world."

      "Them that sin against I shall erase from MY book of Life." 

      "for the devil knows that his time is short.."



      THE SON CRUCIFIED IS LAST LANDMARK to HELL or you repent to GOD to stop lying cheating, and hold for truth the blessing of GOD to all sons equal, and make your way back to HEAVEN. 

      Jn 3:36
      He that believes ON THE SON has everlasting life & he that believes NOT on THE SON shall NOT SEE LIFE; but the wrath of GOD abides on him. 

      This is the marking point of damnation because if you are not convinced at the son, there is not another coming to repent, but the next wave shall be the wrath of GOD to erase you. And no one can win this war, only GOD's WILL will be accomplished. He is not a man that He should repent, and thank GOD HE is getting all our mothers home, keeping safe guard of them as HE THE MOST RIGHTEOUS, the only true right. 

      Imagine you are on the journey of your life, pilgrimage and you start as the seed of the serpent, for this is what it is, and as you journey, from being a lying boy wanting only your way, and not being the man you  are made to be, that is for the duty to guard the family liffe wife mother, and her right over her kids, and secure the women's liberty, so they are not oppressed in their nation, their homes, you must also secure the son's freedom, so they may choose to serve GOD. For inorder to do this they must be free first to choose to serve GOD. 

      As you are on this journey, you are being sent, prophets, you will learn of Moses, and Isaiah, your founders, Washingto and Jefferson, of your Saints Joan of Ark, Dr. Rev. King Jr. Crispus Attucks, Matthew, Mark, John, Peter, and these are all first as THE FATHER, as you grow they will  become more personal as you, as wife and husband, brother, the sons, so JESUS CHRIST, and if not convinced at him and his sacrifice loving you doing his duty, you will not get another.

      So it is said, if not at the son, then he that was to be your last salvation is now become your final damnation, for THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM has pleaded with you all she could to break your heart from your sins, using all wisdom, all knowledge, all things past present and future, but you would non of her, and the cries of her children, so the son is the final marker you will not make the full time of the third time, so it is also said, "that Satan gets a time, a time, and a half a time," and "he that believes not on the son is GOD damned and GOD's wrath abides on him." 

      In THE FATHERS house, you can insult anyone and it will be forgiven, but you will not insult your momma, any righteous father will do what needs to be done there, you will be killed, expelled, over finished. For what father would let his son go into life hating his mother, that is hate of life, not life, that is death. So if you can't learn to love your mother boy, you can't learn to love anyone. And the son dying for you, crucified for you in duty, to convince you, love the daughters, for they will be mothers, then you will not be convinced, and GOD knows, so repent. 

      Thus he is cut from the HOLY SPIRIT, WISDOM, all the daughters, each one life, each one a gate, a pearl, the city itself, Eve. 

      Those that love me love life, 
      Those that hate me love death. 

      Blasphemy The Father, 
      Blasphemy The Son, 
      But can NOT blasphemy the mother. 

    • The Pilgrimage of YOUR SOUL


      Coming into New Jerusalem 1), 2), 3), 

      3) The Tower is The Mother / Wife / Duaghter / where Agape love is, (Charity/GODLY) 

      2) The wall is the Son / husband / brother / where spousal love is,
      1) The Gate is the Father / elder / wise / where judgement is, 


      1) The Gate is the Father / elder / wise / where judgement is,
      You can blaspheme the Father and it will be forgiven, covered by THE FATHER, This is while you are under your mother a boy, the pale horse, all men are born coward liars, speaking but never standing for he is the gate, the guard,  



      2) The wall is the Son / husband / where philo/brotherly love is, so too is erotic love. 
      you can blaspheme the Son. and it can be forgiven, for he is the wall & will cover it. So the brothers can share a love here greater than that of man & a woman, and the reason is they togther as a band of brothers can die in charitable Agape love to cover the woman, but the man and woman do not band together to die as brothers on a wal, but are band together in love as one NOT as a wall but dwelling in different places, dying in different loves. The mother in Parental, and The husband at the gate in eros, 


      But you can NOT blaspheme the Mother, for she is the last vestige, of the home, city, the family. 

    • TO LOVE HER AS MOTHER is why mother chooses wife

      It is tradition that you are about your fathers business at puberty, aka Jesus at 12 in the temple, but still he listens to his mother and does submit under her. Because her rule is a week, that is 29.5 years, counted a lifetime, it is Saturns year, 7th planet 7 for her week. It is the last planet you can see in the sky with the naked eye. This is also why the male child is circumcised on the 8th day, no matter Sabbath or not. Because no matter what, you must come out of your mother, her rule is over, and now is your time to be a man. But because momma paid life blood she gets the male boy for a life time, thus 29.5 years, Saturns year, this is also why Saturn is associated with time, and death, and the woman. 

      Now it is when you are 30 years old, you as a son can choose to take your place and do your father's business, and follow him in his business, or you can take your inheritance and go your own way, be your own man. Think the protical son, he took his and went, the other son stayed under to be his father. 

      Now if you choose to stay and do your father's business, the tradition is that you and your father go and you get baptized by him, and he takes you to the city gates, and shouts!



      so from that day forward whenever you do business it is your father's business, everything he does will be to leave it for you, even if he dies and his wife, she is now your guard and you must die for her in guard, as though you were her father, her husband, and all her days you must never grieve her, you must be him in his place, for you bear his name, everything but sleep with her is your duty. This is for all his wives, not just your mother. As it reads, "when the father dies he is not grieved, for he has left a son after him, an ally for his allies and an avenger to his enemies." 

      So if you are off on a journey to make an alliance, and it is a month journey, all the men that receive you, will receive you as they did your father, and when you make an agreement, they will take it as though you are your father, cause now you are. So then if you say, in 6 months we meet here, and we war with this or that, then they take it not as some business partner but as literally you are the whole of the house for now you are, as though you are the father and you are. and that is the reaosn that you read and hear what you hear of Jesus Baptism, and why he did it at the ages he did. 

      Now sometimes fathers die, or pass, and or politics between wives, and the first love, wife, is the head chief in the house, she rules there and the husband rules at the gate before the house, at the door not in but before, she rules in the house he is over the house. So when you read of Abraham and Sarah, and Hagar, THE LORD says to Abraham "obey Sarah on this matter." because it is in the house, where she offers her blood, where her slaughter is, her life offering, what you are covering in honor to guard. So then you see Hagar is sent out, with her son Ishmael. 

      Now notice it is Hagar with her son Ishmael, but all males are to GOD, but Ishmael's week is not over, he is only 13 about the age Jesus is at the temple, but Jesus submits under his mom's rule. Now in Hagar's case, Ishmael had to be lifted up, that is why THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, or LORD's ANGEL, says to her, "Hagar, THE LORD as blessed the boy, lift him up." and that means, Hagar, momma, you need to see, you need a man, and he is fit, and he is ready, to go before you, so get behind him and tell him be the man son, aka lift him up, that means, SET HIM IN HONOR OVER THE HOUSE. 

      So Hagar does, and Ishmael is the man of the house do to circumstances of things, but GOD had a huge plan, for that sending out is brought Muhammed in after Isaac's maintenance was performed, that is Jesus Christ and his Apostles were thorugh setting the Gospel of Jesus down, and out. Then Muhammed would get told THE GOSPEL by Gabriel and would create another sect out of ABRAHAM of WHOM we are ALL SONS IN THE FAITH, Jew, Christian, and Muslim. 

      So as it goes Hagar would then find Ishmael a wife. but this is usually done by the mother about the age of 30, and you see Jesus after baptism attends the wedding, and turns the water into wine. Well this is where the sons only know the mother, as mom, and dont yet understand she dies for the son suffering in much labor pains and blood and sorrow worry and troubles to bring him in and up, and by the time the boy is thirty he should have learned the wife is wisdom, the mother is wisdom, that is water, and then as a man he learns that wisdom is blood life offering sorrow sacrifice. 

      Thus does Jesus at 30 get baptised, meaning he is not about his father's business but is his father's business, they are now one, his word is the father, and the father's word is his. They are now one in word, and deeds to all the world, but not the mother. NO NO, the mother stays to her husband, and the boy is always her boy even when she lifts him up. 

      So you see at the wedding the mom says, "they have no wine." Mother Mary is saying, son, they don't really understand it yet. And that is why Jesus turns back that is he was before her she lifted him up, he is covering her going before, aka Adam where are you, in the garden of Eden. And so Jesus says, " WOMAN what do i have to do with you, my hour has not yet come." that means, i am a man to my father, i am the business, it is to every woman, WOE MAN, it means men, though she is here, she is not accounted here, we are not to count her equal, because she is more value, she paid blood and the man in front is how and where he owes his blood, aka before the gates of the city, aka the blood on the door posts so death passes over your house. aka Adam where are, Adam what happened, aka THE LORD GOD put the man at the head of the garden and  COMMANDED THE MAN, then brought him his wife. 

      Now notice once it is woman what do i have to do with you my hour has not yet come, the next time you see her talk after this episode, isn't, you only really see her bury him, and the reason is he covered her the rest of the time. Was his father, in his place doing his father's duty but the father isn't there in body physical, like a father passed away, this is so you are always the father, that is why the father is invisible. So you always have to be him to his children, always every way. Thus cover them, keep them all to the very end loving them, even the judas, and loose not one he gave you. aka he gives good gifts and aka trust GOD not your own understanding, just do your duty sons, trust GOD.

      So then the mother Mary, says to the disciples, "YOU MEN DO EVERYTHING HE TELLS YOU." why? cause he is saying to his mom, what do i have to do with you, not like at twelve about his fatrher's business, but because he is his father's business thus he has to turn back to speak to her, he is before, coveirng, that is why she says to the disciples, THE MEN. "do all he tells you." thus then he turns water into blood. 

      That is why in ancient tradition and still today, the son is under the mother, until about thirty, and the mother finds the wife for him, and why this long, why she find the wife and okay it. Because she knows when he loves her, and she his mom knows when he is ready to lover his wife like a mother, if he marries to soon he will love her as a woman, as a wife, but NOT AS A MOTHER. and the wife is always in this office with GOD, a daughter of THE KING a wife to his sons, and A MOTHER TO ALL. 

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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