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>> Curse Words 📜<<
FIRST OFF CURSE WORD as in the 4 letter average word used amongst all American households, is not a curse word. If it was, then please tell U.S. all where that list is that they hold so dear, so near and dear for the all to be honorable gentlemen, even men of GOD? That is cuase there is no list, and yet they hold this pretended will worship as righteous but NOT the command of GOD.
A CURSE WORD = always a lie, literally and figuratively any thing a person says with deceiet as an intent is a curse word, for the blessing, that is the opposite of hte curse, the blessing is always by THE TRUTH. Isa 65:16
so then a cursed toad, is a custody, this is as you guessed it a curse word. For the child has parents, most likely, and for anyone to take the chiuld into custody, is to cut their roots, is to cut them in half, is to remove the shepherd only so to expose the sheep. you will do well to not that this the old skins filled with new wine to make them burst, so they hold nothing anymore. that is if your parents do not honor your roots what is a kid going to think of them. One onlly need look to the sons in a man's house with a strange name, and he is the only one to have it, they have as the wisdom state, uprooted, cut the roots, and now the boy wilters, having no place but is at the table of the so called step daddy, as soon as a brother comes in of more degree it is for the boy to go low, and give place. Thus as the boy ages and then he is to give away his name to his wife, what honor shall be in the name, and the name is the man, the man is the name and thus the father is the osn, and the son the father, and the only way to be a son is by the word form the father to the son,and then yuo can see where the boys are filled and then taken and filled with neew wine, thus do they burst, as Jeses told you, "how you honor the father, you honor the son," and thus to shit on the fathers's fucking their wife, you have the same fuck the sons going forth by the adulterers the same, that is the prisons paid permisisons, and if they are promoting to dishonor the fatrher, husband, before the boys very face to his father, what is it they shall hold in honor of the son's position as husband and father to his family. there is none that is the point to burn the osns in the idol fires of Malach by sabatoging in any possible way the father husband, to make the adutlerer lying to the boy to crucify him and his fatrher i the idolatry treason, blasphemy, sacrilege, child idol sacrfice, falseley swearing, invoking the evil one, and al lthe manner of father and mother slayiers look good to the boys taken in adultery. For the children are usuallyy resisitent understnding that adultery can not be righr, the divorce can not be justified, and it can not be, most especially when there is children involved.
It is either kill the father, and take the wife, or curse the sons toads, and thus they do both. The removal of any father from his family is murder to all thee family, the wife and all the children and any one in the man's house when he is killed, bound, and or forced remove, for a flock without a shepherd is dead.
Anyone goes to move into the family, while the husband that is the father is still alive, is the same as killing the children the same. That is for the man's pleasure, and there is not a righteous step daddy in the world, excepet for the one that the husband farther is dead. I don't care, and neighther does GOD care, nor Christ, for i learned it from them, for i was like to a step daddy, and almost wento to be one, but it doesn't matter, not in the account of man. PERIOD.
Anyone thinks to side step this, divert this, come and let us reason together, and i assure you will walk out head down, and saying one thing, you are right preacher, and i will say, not i am righeous right choice, for i was as you, and under trhe same ignorance of my sins, and no matter how great the man looks, how much his firends think him a good man, or he is a good man, it will not matter, for GOD's JUDGMEENT is THE LAW< and it is inexerable. it cannot be broken it will not be broken.
If yoyu consider what marriage is, for real, really consider it. It is a heavenly thing and not that of the earth. It is divine in all it's nature, there are two offices, these are not the same.
Now if you but consider Heaven, and thinkijg of taking adultery to heacen as a male your fucking balls nutz boyz, and every man konws why. your in heaven and WHO IS THE INFALLIBLE MAKER OF THE WORLDS, AND MUCH MORE THE GUARD OF HEAVEN.
Shall you enter saying how he was wrong in giving the duaghter the first time? and how you have a better plaan.
Now consider this one even more, your sons of your wife you forsake is there in heacen, and he asks, what of mother? and you say, nah, i found one more suited to me, than your mother,. NO you are not in heaven you are in hell. Even polygimasts know not to conceive such madness.
Which brings me to the final mocking they go to mock the faithful in the faith with, but GOD is not mocke,d that is, They do adultery, but not polygamy whcih GOD has ordained, and the reason is, so that they get the sons so cursedly false swearinng here on earht with theri games and spells and fun play idol falsse god worhsip that the sons think it is actually bettrer to throw a daughter, even their own vow, their won oath, to THE ONE LORD GOD FATHER AMMON, and then take another of his daughters, saying this daughter is better than that one, and this one is worthy and that is not, and i assure you as your fathers before you in all times in all nations past has told you warnred you and commanded uyou, EVERY DAUGHTER IS GOOD ENOUGH, period, it is the man's duty to go before and that man should have never liffted his hand and taken her as his wife, aas a vow, as his daughter, because when you swear in GOD's name your in his stead, you called him down, thus you have to be.
Now it was told yuou that Polygamy is bad, but it is not as bad as monogamy when you ahve adultery, and it ssems only nations that do monogamy have adultery, and then it is that is where Satan is getting men to tempt GOD, now GOD is not tempted with evil, you thorwing yourself down from the towers of false swearing prides you made and told, some how justifying the killing of your own ride or die, and the cursing of your kids toads, but GOD IS MOST ASSUREDLY TEMPTED at THE MEN THROWING DOWN HIS DAUGHTERS. thus self is you, your spouse,
and just liek Adam going to throw down Eve and blame her, it is Adam that is thrown down, she is so secured in Heaen it is said, she has NO FEET, to even touch the earth, she has NO HANDS to sin with to work iniquity, and she HAS NO HEAD for her mouth to swear falsely with, thus that leaves only us men to keep and tend these thing bearing as a cross, offering our blood on MOUNT MORIAH. and not without blood.
ALL OF this is a curse, word. once you add in leasing, briberies of business deals, kickbacks, judicial and legal compressions, funnelling all the chiildrne into the wizard of oz idolatry gold paid road of university, it is the idol religion again not the same but it is always shallow, no depth, though it is vast, it shallow.
These are cursings curse words, for all these words lead to throwing down of the daughers, and the buying and selling and trading them giving and receiving of them in mariage, the drining and eating of meats is the same thing, she is the wine all them are drunken off of, they think to actually swear falsely before ALL MIGHTY GOD THE GOD OF THE TRUTH, and some be found guiltless, HE IS THE MOST HIGH HE IS A CONSUMING FIRE.
BASHFULNESS makes an enemy out of every one for no cause. When they say that they can not believe what you have done, or they have done, what you have siad, or what they have said, they are not gethering they are scattering.
Is is that someone using a word such as "nigga," "fuck," or "shit," or whatever their salt happens to be, that in the using of this word it becomes so offense that the hearer can no longer stand to hear them say another word. Now check and see, is that person of adutlery? is that person of divorce, of a custody, cursing own kids, and own spouse, and denying the very air in front of their face? Then how is it that they are so offended by the cultural salt of an individual made by GOD speaking as they do, and that is in words that they understand, easily understand, but they are not offended by the lie, the false swering, the breaking of the commands of GOD, the deceits, the kidnappings, the thefts, the pri-sons, the child idol sacrifkce.
if you are not offended at the word as a lie, you are not offended by any word, i don't care what it is. Only a naughty ear gives heed to a lying tongue. And that lying tongue is where everyone should be offended.
IT IS NEVER HOW IT IS SAID, BUT IT IS WHAT IS SAID, WHETHER TRUE OR A LIE. and how many people do you have looking for this today. But how many are offended by other's words. Thus they are taught to not tell the truth, to play games gain saying and this is in summary killing of the truth, true word, crucifixion of the sons, so that the building up enchantment and bewitching of iolatrous servitude is put in place of the true word. So that all positions are bought by rich aristocraccy and the poor are excluded so they can ve answered to ignorantly, and cruelly, and no matter how extreme or ignorant or evil the order is by the idol system men do obey it, not reasoning to the true word.
Thus if you read section before this "CURSING IN PRACTICE," the filling the boys with new wine in their old skins bursts them that they hold nothing anymore, but the idols that are to be worked for, paid for, and you are to need your bills, pay your bills, keep your house and car men made with hands, but you are in no wise duty bound to THE TRUE WORD, THE OATH, THE VOW, THE COVENANT, which si the ursurpatin of THE TRUE WORD.
Thus by bashfulness in the enchanting / bewitching do they set up for the idol saving false gods, like drug laws, gun laws, insurance laws, and all these are agiasnt man's GOD given freedom by GOD the first two commands, BE FREE, Gen 2:16 and second like to the same as the first, don't make idols taking freedom playing your the safety to them, for it is only to rob them. Gen 2:16 which is the idol religion that you are not to establish and everyone is sworn to GOD to uphold, aka THE 1ST AMENDMENT THE FIRST SENTENCE.
Then you can see how bashful has been used by liars to infiltrate and come up around the backside as satan's lowest servant, only to bind your hands with idols, to fuck your kids, play with your wife.
For why should any man's FREE CHOICE be judged by another's. And if it is that other surrenders himself to other's to let them tell him what to choose, touch, taste, or do, then why is it that man or person is telling you what to choose, HE THAT CAN NOT RULE HIMSELF SHOULD NEVER THINK TO RULE OVER ANOTHER.
Yet we find in drove exactly that, men giving up their rule, and then telling others they must do the same. if you choose to obey the idols of men, and NOT GOD to freedom for you and yours, that is your choice, but why should you make the choice for any other person ever? again, GOD commands to be free, Gen 2:16, to choose freely, is you have found greater than GOD, and so great they force others to obey these false idols as gods that are no gods at all.
If my dog shits on your paper, it is not to be obeyed, and my DOG does shit all over papers, and rather thean wipe your ass with these things you would build prisons slay fathers and mothers, and tell your children in a lie, that you are righeous cause you don't do a drug, drink, or use vulgar words.
Yes they are using bashfulness, pretended offenses only to eat out the substance of antother, to fatigue them and bring our people into submission by such idol constrates, they call peace, but it is not peace, it is tyranny, it is slavery, child idol sacrifice. Peace is only by the ten commands, go read them and see, they are a not doing, a keeping, and thus you see why they avoid them all together.
GOD of THE WORD your word
Wisdom of Solomon 10:21
because wisdom opened the mouth of the mute,
and made the tongues of babes to speak clearly.
Exodus 4:10-
10 And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.✻ ✻
11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?
12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.
13 And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send.✻
14 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.
15 And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do.
16 And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God.
17 And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs.
After The Order of Melchizedek, we are for the city of Peace, GOD’s city of Peace, and this is done by keeping THE COMMAND OF THE LORD GOD and the covenant of These United States of America. TO CHOOSE FREE, for me and mine. Gen 2:16-17 is the First Amendment first sentence in reverse: No religion, aka no pay obey forced to pursue their happiness to your slavery, idolatrous religion of the pharaoh the idol rich, and NO prohibiting them that do choose freely for it is a religion to choose, who tells you what to choose. And government as your religion is to let servants rule the masters; this is not even seemly to a fool, and no delight shall be found therein. Your fathers made the government to rule it. But you have fallen asleep and now pay them to rule over you. The son of the engineer does not owe it to his father to tend the train set, but he does owe the eternal covenant so that his sons are not forced to serve the train set. Truly, if I am the son of the engineer and do not win to maintain his idol invention, how much more is it that I do not serve it as a god? THIS ADDICTION BY ASSHOLE A PRETEND A DICK
That is addiction and the only true addiction there is. The love of themselves, their own opinion. They kill their wife with their opinion in adultery, die forced divorce, and become widowed selves. They kill the parents of their children in cursed toads of custody, making them orphans. They build PRI-SONS for what? In cast, they thought to choose freely, as GOD commands, and they swore to get you. They do this all day long, just loving their opinions, never keeping sound doctrine, and never being able to answer a right. Thus, they pay others to answer for them in the most valuable of only self-answerable things. Wife, children, free choice. These are things all children dream of as children. They, in their opinion, labor the day in the sinful god damned opinions to kill everything. If all this stated is not addiction, there is no such thing. THE HEROIN ADDICT IS THE HERO IN IT… AGAIN
For they play as though addiction shall take all from the person. As though by getting high, they have chosen to build you a prison, as though by shooting heroin in the arm, you shall take a baby from a mother. As though by loading a bowl, you shall pay men to come patrol and search and seize your property of you and your sons. But it is not that. No, sir, it is quite the opposite. For they say you can not choose to get high, or drunk, or touch, or buy, or drive (on roads you already paid for), and they do this taking the freedom YOUR VERY OWN FATHERS PAID BLOOD TO SECURE, and THEY ALL SWORE TO GOD TO GET YOU. They take this free choice, leaving more evil than a so-called “addict” could ever do to you. ADDICTION 2/2
It is truly the only thing that could be an addiction, an opinionated man with no covenant and command, no charge of duty. He loves his murderous opinion more than his GOD, his Christ and husbandman, the truth, his wife, his fathers and mothers, and his children, and even unto their children’s children, for 10,000 generations. That is, it would affect all of this if, only if, GOD didn’t intervene to stop their sin. THE LORD’s eyes, brighter than 10,000 sons, burn away what they could have done with their sins. However, if they were addicted to their own opinions, it would not matter. Thank GOD for being GOD. If a man kills you to get high, that man will kill you for any gain, the same a cop will break his oath by robbing his people for outside bankers far away. He is of no difference, in truth. They are addicted to their opinions, not a drug, not a fix. Many men like drugs and drinking, but some will not like it to the point of robbing, stealing, or killing. So then that man, no matter how high or how drunk, is in THE COMMAND COVENANT OF THE LORD GOD LIVING and IS SOBER MINDED.
Noah was not in sin when he was drunk, naked, and passed out, and neither is that man who keeps the covenant. It is Hem that is in sin, as Noah states and Jesus Christ confirms, only them that would judge your free choice, commanded by THE LORD GOD, and is the covenant 1 Amendment 1st sentence. It is them that would destroy, doing harm and wrong to you, enslaving, binding hands, taking your wife, kids, your freedom. Playing as though you hurt them in some way, and that is why they must hurt you. (Gen 9:25, Mark 7:14-23). BASH THEM DOWN WITH GOD’S COMMAND NOT YOUR OPINIONS
It is the serpent’s subtle, complex answer. It seems right, but it is the wrong answer. It is subtle, cunning, crafty, complex, and seems so right, but it is always wrong. It leaves off FREEDOM, TRUTH IS FREEDOM, and the truth is the only way to GOD. Thus, they hinder the path to life and bind down in idolatry. It is “Bashfulness” that makes an enemy out of everyone, anyone, for no cause. “I can’t believe you did that. I can’t believe you do that. Oh, I just can’t believe that. Oh, I have that word. Oh, I hate this and that.” All of it is what they mean to say: “I am offended at your liberty, your freedom, and I want to rob you, so this is the excuse I use, for I do not keep the oath, or vow, or wife, or freedom, or command, but I will the idols that say to you, don’t do or else.”
Thus they are in sin, of child idol sacrifice with their opinions. (Wis of Sol Chapters 2, 14, Romans 1, 1 Tim 1, The Decl. The Bill of Rights).
Keeping it, they love it. They love it so much they do not even when faced with it; they deny the air in front of their face that can not be denied. They did understand it when they swore to it, but now they grasp it not at all, and all is a murky, muddy water, not clear opinion, that always suits their gains and their opinions. Keeping no truth, they have no sound doctrine; thus, do they have any intent of quitting, refusing the idols, or firing them that betray their oath and duty? No intent to do right, but wrong they will all day eagerly, repeating again as Pharaoh from 5,000 years ago in the bronze age, “Get real, you need to pay your bills, your lazy, go back to work, and as for THE LORD WHO IS HE that I should obey HIM.” Exo 5. 6,000 YEARS OF MAN’S SUFFERING BLOOD TO STRIVE UPWORD
Thus, it is not that they do not care; it is that they care to do wrong. They are gainsayers. So dumb games are gaining more, aka Sodom and Gomorrah. And as Sodom and Gomorrah rose up on Tyre and Sidon, so too shall Sodom and Gomorrah with Tyre and Sidon rise up on you. They get proven more and more in their ignorant, evil ways, refusing to do right, for they must deny more and more of the testimony given to them and you and them after you. The vine grows more potent, more stout, more pungent as time goes on. They going about as though THE LORD GOD LIVING is not living, as though he is not for 6,000 recorded years of man been speaking or doing, as though man has saved himself being what they are, destroyers of all life, all that is true, right, faithful, good, love, life, what is of GOD. GOD has been speaking and doing, and our founding fathers knew it and gave it to us. That is Moses, and if you don’t believe him, that is our founders; you will not believe Jesus, or me, or your mother’s own blood, or your wife’s and daughters, that they are a gift from heaven, and that your duty is to secure them, and thus you will keep words like addiction to be an asshole to eat them up but not the true word of THE LORD GOD LIVING, you yourself swore to. THE FALSE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF MEN
This man like the rest of the liars, always boasting about what is not real, or as quoted by the Bible, "Pretended will worship having a likeness of GOD bt denying the power thereof.:"
>> Came from being on the street to a child of God 🙏🏾 #godisgood #god #faith #motivation <<
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What you mean, is you gave up your salts,
Moses says THE LORD, what do you say?
is it that you should teach curse words that are NO WHERE LISTED IN The whole of Holy Scriptures as you have used them.
A curse word, a cuss word, is a CUSTODY, cursed toad, or DIVORCE die force, a falsity, a lie, a deception, see THE BLESSING IS THE TRUTH, Isa 65:16,
That is how Jacob become Israel i know these things, i am a teacher of Israel, i am a man of the word. I am with THE LORD GOD of my fathers.
And the covenant they passed down to us IS FREE SPEECH, because THE LORD gives people their words, putting them in their mouth, how you have constructed a list to make your own righteousness, is not righteousness, it is sin.
You did not become a better person giving up your salt, you gave up your salt for the world, so you can play a better person than one that keeps their words.
As Christ warned, a man that gives up his salt is no good to be saved, but to trampled under foot by men. WHY BY MEN under foot, cause he is serpentine, giving up his salts, that THE LORD gave him through his mothers, & his elders, and his peers, and if you didn't find the words GOD gave you were good enough, BY WHAT LIST, BY WHAT STANDARD HAVE YOU MADE YOUR LIST?
And here you get into idolatry, for any self prescribed worship of THE LORD GOD THE TRUE GOD, is idolatry, witchcraft, & rebeliion.
Man alone is commanded, and man is alone receives the daughter, from the father, the Bill of Rights is part of that father's duty.
So tell us, are our fathers wrong for teaching us to keep free speech unto death, because that is key in serving THE TRUE GOD, or should we exclude every ghetto boy coming out Nazareth, for as it is said, "DOES ANYTHING GOOD COME OUT OF NAZARETH." That is the ghetto, nigga, & every other word they have, that you are playing they are wrong for saying.
But you say screw them boys, they should mind their mouth cause you that came to GOD are a better person opposing GOD?
you are a snake, or a fool, in which case i have set you right with the covenant of THE LORD your GOD, it is up to you if you eat the meats, tho it seems you seem to be about much milk, bringing momma's approval to the table.
She is hand maid of THE LORD GOD the good gift, Gen 2:18 & Matt 7:11,
She goes home, that means, GOD damned, on that side of heaven, men are born liars, and the way to improve yourself by GOD's standard as a man, is the command, for it reads.
Get the cursed part here, for there is no such thing as a curse word in the bible, or in the teaching of THE LORD GOD's doctrine, save for that of a lie, a deception like when Hem judges Noah for being drunk naked passed out, and is cursed Satan's lowest servant, see Christ agree but Hem is not the lowest servant since Jesus for he goes the lowest, thus to judge is Satanic Pride at Jesus, Gen 9:35 & Mark 7:14-23
The reason that it's Satan's lowest servant at Naoh, is because it is THE FIRST COMMAND TO CHOOSE FREELY Gen 2:16
So please on this sinful ignorance please stop betraying & robbing your children the covenant you men owe them, stop your hiding under the women, playing like you improved by giving up your roots. How many you must lose giving that speech about how your better, cause you DIDN'T BRIDLE YOUR TONGUE. For the bridle of the tongue no man can do, and when you do it, it is surrender to the truth you choose.
See all men are born liars for they are all born under the serpent's seed needing reborn & she is the daughter of the king THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD GOD Gen 2:18 & Matt 7:11
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