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as demonstrated the difference between THE LORD & GOD, and how their is a dual nature of GOD, 

that is the image of GOD in dominion and power is two fold, the image of GOD is male and female this is the image of GOD as man. 

notice in the city, in the kingdom you are dealing with THE LORD and out of the city, the wilderness, the front you are dealing with GOD. 

GOD will not hear the female, he will only hear the male, thus for the cause of sanctification. she being sanctified is hedged in behind GOD and the male is opposed to that sanctification he is born under the serpent seed, opposed to GOD. 

thus does it read, “GOD is not a man that he should repent. and GOD would not that any man should perish, thus repent o man.”

Notice the difference in moving of the faith, there is THE LORD talking with Abraham, then there is the pressing, 

Now Abraham loved Ishmael, this is clear. 

Abraham loved Isaac this is clear, 

these two are the same seed, but not the same son. 

The one son will have to remain a different seed, for the lack of seed, 

the two women are the same seed, but not of the same sons, 

one is the seed of the man as the bondwoman’s, one is the seed of the woman as the word of THE LORD GOD. 

one is called a child of the bondwoman by GOD, here, and so forth before in The Garden of Eden by THE LORD GOD. “the seed of the serpent, and the seed of the woman.” 

Now all are a seed of the man, but the seed of the woman is by the word of GOD.

  • THE LORD is of the husband

    The reason it becomes difficult to see, is THE LORD is THE WORD, no matter if your dealing with THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM HERSELF, in the speaking to another, she always has the covering of THE FATHER, he is diligent about his business, so it is down here, THE WORD is in place of THE FATHER completely as the forward covering.

    Thus does it often become confusing to whom you are dealing personally, but here will see, the city in Gen 20 and THE LORD going to talk with Abraham on the matters of the family, to the wilderness with Hagar and the differnce betwen the male sons under the mothers for a time, they are called her sons, but then there is the sons under the father, by obeying the fathers, that is if the fathers are covenantal if they are not then you part, but here will see the Ismael of the bondwoman, is different to GOD than that of the reborn. we will see the woman is talked to by the angels


    THE LORD, is back with the city, in it, among it, dwelling their, as chief of operations, temple processes, female and child safety and sactifications, thus in this condition THE LORD is THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM, but you only know THE LORD because of THE WORD he is the covering. 

    Genesis 20:18 For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah Abraham's wife.

  • Genesis 21:8-11 WOMEN SAY & ABRAHAM FEELS

    Genesis 21:8 And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned.9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking.10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.11 And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son.Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.


    9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking.

    *she had born unto Abraham, 1* this is changed, from bearing unto Sarah to born unto Abraham.  2* It is marking deliberately the duality of the female, her swaying 180 dgrees. and this is key for Abraham is going to be told to " all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in *Isaac shall thy *seed be called. NOTE: this is the fall of man, "Because you adhered to your wife and not MY COMMAND." but the woman is the house, the inside, and is the chief of operations, thus the man is to adhere to her here, but on the command, the man is to hold, that is where she is not to be, and he is bound by command that is duty. You will note he is to hearken to her the same he did to take in Hagar to bear Ishmael. 


    10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

    *she said unto Abraham, "Cast out.."

    NOTE:   "the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son," that the son is the one that shall not be heir with Isaac, she does not negate the bondwoman, knowing that the femles all are bondwomen, that shall not go out the same as the man servant. Exo 21:7, and all the duaghters are sold to the meles, as they are commanded to offer their blood life before the city, before the house.


    11 And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son.

    NOTE: this is Abraham's son, but it is not the only son that he loves, because the boy is not old enough to do the command, which is the love of GOD, for all males.


     12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the *lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in *Isaac shall thy *seed be called.

  • Genesis 21:12-13

    Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the *lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in *Isaac shall thy *seed be called.13 And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.

    *God said unto Abraham / NOTE: "GOD Said" to the fathers of Nations, this is not a mistake in which Moses is writing it, it is meant to show you how GOD judges between the man and the woman, and the man and his house, that is the house is the wife's and then parimeter is the man's "The husband does not dwell in the same place as the wife, she in the house, he at the gates. "

    *Let it not be grievous, / NOTE: "grievious" has to do with the command of GOD, to disobey them, to transgress the command is greivious to your neighbors your brothers, ________"for GOD has commanded every man concerning his neighbor." WisBenSira 17:14 ______"This is THE LOVE OF GOD that we keep his commands for none of them are grievious," 1Jn5:3 ______"They no longer keep either their lives or their marriages pure,. but they either treacherously kill one another, or grieve one another by adultery," Wis Sol 14:24, ________This it seems to be an adulterous even almost, but the head wife, is the first, "the wife of your youth," and she is "the strong tower against death for her husband," so Abraham is duty bound to her, and her rule is in the house, see Prov 31, for in depth detail of these opterations, and see he is at the gate. So sending Hagar out is the only way Abraham is to keep the peace, Hagar is in tact with her son, where they would rob the mother of her child in these days, caiming some kind of idol ritual rights, over the first act of GOD & the blood of the mother. I have heard, of how primitive they are sending her out, but they sent her out with her child, which is the righteous way to do it, for she is covered by the boy, though only 12/13 Ishmael is at the age of which a boy can do anything, and survive anywhere. 

     *because of the *lad, / NOTE: The use of Lad is a slave, a servant, that is he is still counted under the serpent's seed, as to being born under the Zodiac, as dust worshipping dust, being told what to touch, taste, do, and pri-sons if they thought to be GOD free and obey HIS COMMAND. 

     *because of thy bondwoman; / NOTE: that is GOD is covering her, and the lad, but it is the lad GOD is dealing with, she is already covered, this is the same reason that Peter turns back to ask Jesus, "what of this disciple." that is the one who Jesus loved is Mary Magdalene. So GOD is telling Abraham to watfch his lane, the same Jesus told Peter. Now Abraham is not_____THE SAME REASON THOMAS calls Jeuss GOD, that is, "my LORD and my GOD." that is because they are yet to have THE HOLY SPIRIT BREATHED on them, ________Not into them as in The Garden of Eden, to Adam, (Not blown into Ayish / Eve because she is the life/light Adam is the dust covering),  because this is a proof that THE HOLY SPIRIT is MOTHER TO ALL, so it is not yet upon them, for they are not yet sunk, that is turn upside down, to go high, to heaven's bounds, where they are reborn to heaven, THE HOLY SPIRIT. . They are still in opposition to GOD, they are yet to be reborn, thus as Thomas sees THE FIRST BORN FROM THE DEAD, he is marking the point of THE SON RISING, as on Jacob, thus as told them, "you shall see the Angels of GOD ascending and descending on the Son of Man," as Jacob had seen at Bethel, and as wrestling the 

     two as one, as the same, and is putting the lad before the mother Hagar, for a covering, to send her out with the boy is to send her out with covering.  ___________________________________ ________________ Proof 1- Jesus at the temple was astounding them that Joseph & Mary obeyed.

    proof 2- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Wisdom Herself, the wife of THE FATHER, and THE MOTHER TO ALL. she is the second waters we are reborn unto, that is the waters upon waters, she is every where all things, so to go before her, seems strange, but it is like putting her at your right hand as King, as did Solomon his mother, she does go before, but still go before. Most especially if the father is gone in any way absent, that means as THE ONE LORD GOD FATHER you must in truth be him in his stead, counting all other fathers as i am afraid they are, "seeking their own." They are playing games and will deny the air in front of their face, squirming away as liars. 

    *all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; /  NOTE: it is not the same as the Adhere as told to Adam, becasue it is heart, the hearth, the home inside the house that GOD is speaking on, that is Sarah's domain, and when Adam is to Eve it is Adam to be the covering but he adds too, ie "Adheres'

    *Isaac shall thy *seed be called ./ NOTE: that is called, that is they will hear, read, listen to adhere to the voice, the comamnd, Moses, and Jeuss, if you don't believe one you don't believe any, and if you believe them, uou beleive that it began in with THE LORD GOD by word, thus the call. 


    Genesis 21:13 And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.

    *he son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, / NOTE: this is to Ishmael personally and to the fact of the seed born under the serpent first, for as they are accounted as the dust, and increase as such. 

    * because he is thy seed. / NOTE: because of his seed, is his, that child born to Abraham, not him born to the word of THE LORD GOD, but it is that Ishmael is said to be a faithful man of GOD so this too could be prophecy, if not here, then most assuredly at Muhammed. 

  • SON


    Son Original: בּן Transliteration: bên
    Phonetic: bane From H1129;  

    Definition:  including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, appointed to, arrow, one born, bough, branch, breed, child, colt, common, corn, daughter, of first, firstborn, foal, very fruitful, + postage,  in, + kid, lamb, man, meet, mighty, nephew, old, people, rebel, robber, servant born, soldier, son, spark, steward,  stranger,  surely, them of, tumultuous one, valiant whelp, worthy, young, youth.


    The definition of the bondwoman is the definition of the son, the son being under the bondwoman, the mother being over the sons,

    WOBS 3;3 "THE LORD has set the father in honor over the children and has confirmed the authority of the mothers over the sons. 

    son of the bondwoman BONDWOMAN  Original: אמה 
    Transliteration: 'âmâh  Phonetic: aw-maw'   

    Definition: Apparently a primitive word; a maidservant or female slave: - (hand-) bondmaid (-woman,) maid (-servant).

    NOTE: In all ancient languages the slave and the children were the same word, not knowing who would do the father's word to be a son heir, for sons are only by the word, children are all by the mother. The sons are like to the mother, save they are under their mother a slave, a servant, and she has authority over them confirmed of GOD in blood, she given the sons and no one else.


    Lad is what the boy is called by THE LORD to Abraham of his own son, becuase the boy is not yet of age ot do the word of his father, to be his business.

    Lad Original: נער  Transliteration: na‛ar 
    Phonetic: nah'-ar    Gen 21:11-12

    Definition: From H5287; (concretely) a boy (as active), from the age of infancy to adolescence; by implication a servant ; also (by interchange of sex), a girl (of similar latitude in age): - babe, boy, child, *damsel [from the margin], lad, *servant, young (man).


    NOTE: Thus you can see, when THE LORD is referring to the boys under the mothers they are servants, boys, addolessence, not yet about the covenant of men, that is the vow, the oath, the command, the bill of rights, the declaration, Isa 8:19-20.

    Thus you see the difference being the age of 12/13 with Ishmael, who is the same status as Jesus Christ at this age, and the 12 year old girl the same.

    Ishmeal at 12 , *servant,

    Jeuss at 12, *servant,

    The Damsel at 12, damsel




    will I make a nation,


    Original: גּי גּוי 

    Transliteration: gôy gôy 

    Phonetic: go'-ee 

    will I make a nation, nation Original: גּי גּוי 
    Transliteration: gôy gôy  Phonetic: go'-ee  Gen 21:13

    Definition: Apparently from the same root as H1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation ; hence a Gentile ; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts: - Gentile, heathen, nation, people.

  • SEED


    because he is thy seed. seed Original: זרע 
    Transliteration: zera‛  Phonetic: zeh'-rah   

    Definition: From H2232; seed ; figuratively fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity: -  X carnally, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.


    But through Isaac shall thy seed be called. 

    CALLED Original: קרא  Transliteration: qârâ' 
    Phonetic: kaw-raw'     

    Definition: A primitive root (rather identical with H7122  through the idea of accosting a person met); dresto call out to (that is, properly ads by name, but used in a wide variety of applications): -bewray [self], that are bidden, call (for, forth, self, upon), cry (unto), (be) famous, guest, invite, mention, (give) name, preach, (make) proclaim (-ation), pronounce, publish, read, renowned, say.


    NOTE: Then it is too the called, them that heard THE WORD of GOD & believed it, that is who Abraham's seed is, that is seed of Isaac. 


    the child,

    child Original: ילד  Transliteration: yeled 
    Phonetic: yeh'-led    Gen 21:14, 15, 16

    Definition: From H3205; something born, that is, a lad or offspring: -  boy, child, fruit, son, young man (one).


    NOTE: this child is regard to him being left for dead, as too one that has not a covering, that which is not covered, is like a sheep without a shepherd, now see, how in Gen 21:17 GOD is going to call him a lad, that is that he is covered, that is that GOD is covering all the orphans, this is why Jesus refers to the children as "lillies of the field, that are arrayed in more glory than Solomon in His Glory." now Solomon is known as "The Good Stuard," that is goodness, has to do with the daughters, "it is not good that man be alone, I shall make him a help meet." and "if you being evil know how to give good gifts how much more does your FATHER IN HEAVEN." Much the more, thus Solomon was a stuard to the women, the daughers, 700 wives and 400 concubines, means that he did seek the GOD's GLORY, for GOD doesn't share HIS GLORY with any, that means that all the daughters are thus covered by THE ONE FATHER, the 700 wives is that the women are a sabbath, and Solomon knew this, Solomon then was married to every daughter, as her LORD & GOD going before her. 400 Concubines, meant that by the women being all 4 corners of heaven, and going home, that he was bound to them all as though he had eaten them as a help meat, as though he had went in unto them, thus 700 wives, and 400 concubines, means Solomon understood the eternal covenant, was to the daughgters as though they are widowed, THE FATHER being invisible, they are without, and man is to be in THE FATHER's Stead. The reason the lillies are more Glory than Solomon in his GLORY, is because of this right here, with Hagar and the lad, that is that GOD is looking for them that worship in spirit and truth, and truth is the women are part of THE HOLY SPIRIT, each one a gate each one a pearl each one, a piece, each one total a feather, and thus GOD's heart is to protect and coer them, thus the children being under her, makes them even more gloriified, for it goes, if in proper order, THE FATHER, gives the daugher, she is covered then by the father, then her husband as father and husband, and then the mother, then the child, now if you tack on the husband is to THE LORD GOD by the word then the WORD aka THE CHRIST covers him, and he her, and her the kids, and as it is THE WORD is THE CHRIST has a head, which is GOD THE FATHER, so in full glory, THE ONE LORD GOD FATHER, THE CHRIST, THE FATHER, THE HUSBAND AS FATHER both these married to THE WORD bringing the women daughters blameless, and then she and then the kids, thus they are more Glorious than Solomon in his glory, now if you had faithful men all the way, then Solomon as king and soldiers and preists all cover the fathers and the husbands as fathers, and thus they are put into the covering, but none over rule the husband aka father of his wife and his children, thus from him on is but multiplication of GLORY, that is GOD's GLORY that all daughters, and all mothers, and all children shall go home on the highway, following the men in the straight way, "make straight way THE WAY OF THE LORD, make a HIGHWAY for your GOD."

    GOD is the one that goes before, the men in his stead, but we do it by THE LORD the word, that which come low for us. 

  • THE LORD GOD in different cogitations.

    Genesis 21:14 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.

    in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, / NOTE: he gives her the bread and water, that is he is acknowledging what THE LORD GOD does in The Garden of Eden, the same thing is done for the woman caught in Adutlery where Jesus goes low, and then sends her out just like the garden, "blood/childbirthing in much pains and sorrow, to her husband and he will have rule over her."that is the word going before chastising her at the same time, of THE LORD GOD. Abraham here is thus obeying GOD, and honoring his wife of his youth, but the point to his GOD, by being a bride is he made husband. Now the giving it to Hagar, is the meaning that every daughter is the bread from heaven, that you can "eat in the wilderness and still die," "..for his daintees are deceitful and if given to appetite put a knife to your thoat," "do you think marrying the daugther of the king is a light matter."  The water is that the women are each a piece of Holy Spirit wisdom, the water rained down from heaven to flood the world for selling his daughters, buying and reveiving them in gentile courtt divorces and custodies, aka root cutting. To change the image of GOD form male / female GOD makes man marriage, with dominion, into no dominion and cut from the land doing divorce and custody, calling GOD of their own vows anything but true, faithful, honorable, to be feared, and obeyed. Thus as Adam did Eve in teh garden so too they were doing to all the daughters of the nation, by doing ot one you do to all, she the daugher will be the wife mtoehr, and thus as you do her mother, it is worse and easier done to her. But women bein the weaker vessel the dvil on top of legal compressions easily shuts her up, and thus it is as it was, Adam where are you, or Jesus sauying "who are you looking for, i am he, let these go.. loosin gnot one that he received. 

    and gave it unto Hagar, NOTE:  and it's aaround her neck, is to be compared to that of John The Baptist, who wore camels hair, his the wellspriing, the woman is the help meet /meat, thus to believe her first report then she is already bearing these two things around her neck, her shoulders, that is her seed is the word of THE LORD GOD SAID she is a seed, no other way she can be, but ty the word, and she is given to the man, and he will have rule over her, is the bread that every man is to greet and interract with the daughters, that he is her husband and she is deying for it giving blood already, see you BONE OF BONE in Eden, the pillar covenants, now see you Lot's daugters, that never knew a man, and yet has husbands in the city, that is every male of age, that is becuase in the city she is giving blood and they owe it at the gates at the door post, and  see you also the Laban and Jacob covenant, that is the BONE of MY BONE pillars, they eat bread on, to the concern of the daughters and the children they bore. Now you see, the bread that fell from heaven in the wilderness, and they would gather 6 but not seven and every man given his portion but they were not satisfied with their portion and so they got quail which is a representation of meats, aka help meets, so rather than keep them as the bread of heaven a help meet as she is from THE LORD GOD then they make her a meet to be spoiled. 

    putting it on her shoulder,

    and the child, and sent her away: 


    putting it on her shoulder shoulder Original: שׁכם 
    Transliteration: shekem  Phonetic: shek-em'  Gen 21:14

    Definition: From H7925; the neck (between the shoulders) as the place of burdens; figuratively the spur of a hill: - back, consent, portion, shoulder.





    GOD, and the ANGEL OF GOD, 

    Genesis 21:15 And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.

    NOTE: This is the boy about the age of Puberty, the mother is spent usually on how or what to do with the boy, thus this is also called the age of manhood, aka young manhood, where the boy by what is usually ritually, that is by right of passage, such as the Barmitzvah, or a journey, or trial and or temptation of some kind (some Eskimos must go out into the ice and not come back until they find their guide, who will tell them where to hunt, where to fish, and where to shelter). It is also said traditionally that every male at the age of 12 years of age can survive anywhere in the world. 


    Genesis 21:16 And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bowshot: for she said, Let me not see the death of the child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and wept.

    NOTE: The set against him, that is the two compartments. 

  • Genesis 21:17 GOD dealing with The Woman

    Genesis 21:17 And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.

    God heard the voice of the lad; / NOTE: Why does GOD not hear the cry of Hagar, because she is not in the same place as Hagar, she is in the city, safely posistioned as offering blood going homes, feet never touched the dust, and he is the seed of the serpent in need of repenteance. Thus the boy crying GOD hears the boy being opposed to GOD. 

    the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, / NOTE: The Angel of GOD, called to Hagar out of Heaven, for the same reason that GOD is not acknowledging her crying but is acknowledging the boys, GOD can not be at conflict with the daughters, she will be broken off and brought in at wors, (please click to see "Battle of the Camels." to understand the daughter will not be said to have met the father or the righteous sons on the battle field).

    and said unto her / NOTE: the Angel of GOD speaks to her, says, said, that is not as commanded, not as though the wrath of THE LORD can be kindled at her, as though she is chastised already, shedding blood being sacrificed, is already a sacrifice approved.

    God hath heard the voice of the lad / NOTE: see in this theme tab "CHILD"  GOD hears the boy, because of death, the white horse, the unrepenting of GOD.  This frontline is also why Jesus only refers to him as GOD, almost all occasion, save for FATHER. What i mean is demonstrated at, the final giving up the ghost, Jeuss uses "MY FATHER every time since the olivet discourse, that is all the upper room garden and trials, but the last thing at the cross in one account, "MY GOD why have you forsaken ME." Thus you can see, that GOD is a dual nature in that which HE is THE LIFE COVERING, and the one that being at that covering is the one to kill you. GOD is the enacting will of the command, of the word, thus the females are always behind him, and the males are always ahead of him, to oppose, but when reborn we are opposed to the world as that covering inacting the command the will, and yet because the covenant from the beginning is "you shall die the death," we are under the same command we obey and are in the stead of, to die of, thus is said, "to die in THE LORD is to live forever." for the wrath is poured out upon all flesh and they shall all see it together, and thus you must drink that cup of which Jesus does in the garden, the only question is are you going to do it faithully reborn or running hiding under idols like Adam did, but it not worked for him it will not for you either. 

     the lad where he is. / NOTE: where he is, is his natural dispostion born under the seed of the serpent, not yet knowing the word of THE LORD GOD, he still being a liar, and coward, that is the pale horse with bow and arrow and crown, every liar is a king opposed to the king, not only to kill the Christ the true word of GOD but the freeodm that comes with for others. "the truth shall set you free indeed." Thus every liar is only destroying the freedom of others, a clear sign is GOD's first command is choose freely, so why all the idol drug laws, and restrictions, because they are all lying to you, and thus goes freedom. But if they, and they do, curse you toads, killing half of you, your roots, then you can't be to suprised they line up pri-sons to cook you in, easy bake ovens. fair owe the rich idol contentions.All men born on this side doing this, are thus heard by GOD, for GOD has his face agaisnt them. 



    NOTE: It will do you well to put to heart, that GOD is not talking to Hagar, GOD doesn't talk to any female, even if she is in the stead of the man as Deborah, or Joan of Ark, it is this way, so none are confused, that females are not accounted here, they can be in the man's stead, to do his posiiton, but it will not be said as such, for if she does, she must do it in the male duty and not calling the mothers, the duaghters, and it can not be confused that there is a confusion or mix, so if she does she surrenders her spot to claim it as female, as the male is not even allowed to pretend to do her job, but she can actually do ours. 



    The Female is not commanded by GOD directly but by her husband, in the stead of GOD, again back to the invisible ONE FATHER, so you are him in his stead. 

    proof 1- Adam is brought forth first and commanded, then naems animals then receives wife as of BONE OF MY BONE, in oath vow, to THE LORD GOD.

    proof 2- the pillars THE LORD bears up him self,

    proof 3- The Samson's mother is spoken to the man is commanded to se to the command,

    proof 4- Isaiah 40:1-3 it is the straight way for men to obey, keep the holy command,

    proof 5-Proverbs the call is too the sons of man, proof 6-THE LORD all males are to the covenant, that is the command, to cut off the tip of your penis to remind you death if you follow her and not THE COMMAND of GOD,

    proof 7- Jeuss is he be lifted shall draw all men unto Him, MEN MEN,

    proof 8- He lost not one save the son of perdition,

    proof 9- The sons THE LORD shall gather from afar but his daughters from the ends of the earth,

    proof 10- the right righteous hand of Psalm 45 the good matter, 

    proof 11- The righteous congregation Psalm 1, then her broken off brought in WOBS. 

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"Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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