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Muslim Commentary DIVORCE  Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 6 Kitab Al-Talaq
  • Muslim Commentary DIVORCE Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 6 Kitab Al-Talaq

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    from this book listed above on DIVORCE book 6

    I shall demonstrate that which THE LORD said to me, 

    "MY Servants do not put away and marry another." 

    And that The Muslims, like Christians (true Muslims & True Christians) keep the oath/vow as a duty unto death, find without fail Sanctity in marriage, believe only the hard hearted do such things, that the woman will always be blameless in the account by her husband, if not FATHER, and as Hebrews 13:4 states, 'Marriage is honorable amongst all and the bed undefileable, but adulterers and whoremongers GOD shall judge." 

    "...let no man tear asunder that which GOD unites." 


    • Book 6, Number 2170: / Tenakh & Bible

      Book 6, Number 2170:

      Tenakh & Bible 

      Narrated AbuHurayrah:


      The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Anyone who incites a woman against her husband or a slave against his master is not one of us.

      “You WIVES to your HUSBANDS.” even pharoah sent Sarai back. Gen 12

    • book 6 Number 2172 OT & NT

      Narrated Muharib:

               Jesus & Moses 

      The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to Him than divorce.

      “for the hardening of your hearts did Moses suffer you the bill of divorce.” 

      that is why it is called a bill of divorcce because it is still going to be paid.



      Book 6, Number 2173:

                            OT & NT  & ALL THE WORLD, 

      Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:


      The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Of all the lawful acts the most detestable to Allah is divorce.

      GOD has only peritted for the sake of the wife’s Liberty, so that it isn’t said we enslave our women, & it is not an issue to the man, who took the oath, for he knows to go bfore her, the husband & thee wife do not dwell at the same palce, she in the house, he before the door, she in the city, he before the gate. So the righteous man keeps the holy, and does not eat her word. Thus permitted, but abominable, but the man is to be before the daughters, so if they are as a couple to learn to be faithful through it all, who is it that is to lead  the way, as the stronger vessel, her or him? Him of course, which is why he reveives her not her him. Which is why THE FATHER ONE, gives the bride not the husband. 



      Book 6, Number 2180:

                      OT  &  NT 

      Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

                 THE WHOLE OF THE FAITH

      AbdurRahman ibn Ayman, the client of Urwah, asked Ibn Umar and AbuzZubayr was was listening: What do you think if a man divorces his wife while she is menstruating? He said: Abdullah ibn Umar divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the time of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him).So Umar asked the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) saying: Abdullah ibn Umar divorced his wife while she was menstruating. Abdullah said: He returned her to me and did not count it (the pronouncement) anything. He said: When she is purified, he may divorce her or keep her with him. Ibn Umar said: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) recited the Qur'anic verse: O Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce them in the beginning of their waiting period."

      The wife menstrating is technically, all her life, every female. Why you can not find a red heifer without a yoke. That is as is read in the OT “The MAIDservant shall NOT go out as the MANservant.” that is because she is chastised in heaven, by THE WORD OF THE LORD GOD. and if a female, can bear more children than her that bears children, then it is by the blood alone that the woman is bearing chidlren, that is word, then blood, then water wisdom of the word, that produces life. But she is still minstrating all her life, as she is the female, so all her life is her labor pains much so, and thus when she is purified is in heaven, her passing, as Isa 49:1-3 states she pays double for her sins, and warfare is accomplished, thus she goes home. Every daughrter is Eve, every Eve is before the day is born, that is birthing the lights, the sons, so not only wife to GOD, but mother also. So as Mary, so too all them, as it reads, “blessed are you Mary amongst all women..” wait a minute, how is it she is amongs ALL women, and how is it she is then BLESSED. by the truth blessed, she was judged in Heaven, as Leah says, “THE LORD HAS JUDGED ME.” before heer death? how? in THE GARDEN OF EDEN. 



      What do you think if a man divorces his wife while she is menstruating? 

      Abdullah said: He returned her to me and did not count it  anything. He said: When she is purified, he may divorce her or keep her with him. Ibn Umar said: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) recited the Qur'anic verse: O Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce them in the beginning of their waiting period."


      this is the same as i stated above, she is always menstrating, when she is purified it will be on her passing, WHEN THE LORD is finished with HIS CHASITISING HER, 

      There waiting period, isn’t as it seems, that is when she is waiting to see who her husband is. And technically, she is always in waiting, save meeting her husband, cause she is brought to him, then when she is brought to him the second time, aka the confirmation. See you Abraham’s horror, see the fire, is brought to Abrraham through the pieces, that means the sword before the garden is cutting trhough all the wrold, turning every which way, and when you pass away, if you believed then the same Abrahamic, which is by word of course, in faith to it, is done for you, ALLAH taking no sons, that wouldn’t be equal, but rather, the sons taking hold of his word, command, and oath, and thus they are begotten, and if you kept the charge, then you have the wife brought to you again. 

    • Book 6. Number 2181: OT & NT ALL THE FAITH

      Book 6, Number 2181:

               OT   &  NT 

      Narrated Imran ibn Husayn:


      Mutarrif ibn Abdullah reported:Imran ibn Husayn was asked about a person who divorces his wife, and then has intercourse with her, but he does not call any witness to her divorce nor to her restoration. He said: You divorced against the sunnah and took her back against the sunnah. Call someone to bear witness to her divorce, and to her return in marriage, and do not repeat it.

      Moses says to the gist of if you put away your wife she marry another, he divorce her, she comes back to you and marry, do not this sin to your LORD. 

      Moses means the same thing here, that is you can not divorce, and remarry, THO you may move, she may move the whole of the world move,  do not for one second think that THE LORD your GOD is moved, no not over time, not over circumstance, do not tear asunder that which GOD unites, or you will burn an ass not under ONE GOD. 



      Book 6, Number 2182:


      Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:


      Umar ibn Mu'tab reported: AbuHasan, a client of Banu Nawfal asked Ibn Abbas: A slave had a wife who was a slave-girl. He divorced her by two pronouncements. Afterwards both of them were freed. Is it permissible for him to ask her in marriage again? He said: Yes. This is a decision given by the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him).

      1- the slave girl is every girl, they are all MAIDSERVANTS, again why you can’t find a red heifer without a yoke, they all yoked by the word of THE LORD GOD, a chain, a maid to do thing, and she won’t go out as THE MAN SERVANTS, that is they must pick up their cross and follow Christ, aka THE TRUTH, seeing he is inviisible like his father, and thus nothing changes same GOD yesterday today and tomorrow. He only reveals what is, was, and is to come, to you as you go along. 

      2- GOD does it twiice it is confirmed by THE LORD GOD, that is that they got divorced twice, means before that, they were married twice, now GOD doesn’t marry twice here, persay, but you see the pun here, they were both free, to be free, you have to be TRUE, and if GOD does it twice it is established as Joseph says, Then you see, they were shown twice their blessing, BLESSING IS THE TRUTH, isaiah 65:16,, thus they were freed by THE TRUTH. 

      3- this is a decision by The Apostle of ALLAH, is another funny one, for it is Moses that brought the commands in stone, but the ten were there before Moses, (see then doing Sabbath before Mt Sinai). Now see also that every single sent servant of THE LORD keeps the marriage, no matter what it is, “you wives to your husband,” “behold you are unlawful having your brothers wife.” it is never what is the circumstance, never did he beat you, or did she cheat, it is to that which GOD made, have faith, keep it, repent to it, it is GOD, you knew he would test you, and what is it you thought he would test you with, not your wife, not the vow, oath, have you not heard, “dont sweart it is the invocation of the evil one.” that means, it is you going to rushed by the evil one, he moves you there, you pronounced, you killed yourself, he didn’t have to do much. Thus then it is Muhammed is The Apostle of GOD, but it is I am too, as every sent servant, we are to the marriage, never allowed to stray, for we hold THE NAME OF GOD HOLY, we hold the marriage in SANCTITY, we know that man can not defile it even if he wanted too, for it is kept in heaven, before the beginning was even so. That is BEGOTTEN. 



      Book 6, Number 2183:


      Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:


      The aforesaid tradition (No. 2182) has also been transmitted by Ali (ibn al-Mubarak) through a different chain of narrators to the same effect.



      This version adds: Ibn Abbas said: There remained one more pronouncement of divorce for you. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) took the same decision.

      It is the same reason that GOD alots for the divorce, to allow the cats to eat up the mice, that is the man is in a different location of dwelling than the wife, she in the house, in the city, he before the door the gates, thus then they are of a die forced, she is dying inside inside shedding blood, but it never associates her to death, for she is LIFE, EVE, MOTHER TO ALL LIFE, and she is dying both deaths going out, the giving of blood her whole life, and her death, thus never really left the life status, thsu it never associates her to death but by the man, or the father, husband, even Jezebel deaht is the same. “Go bury that cursed thing proper the daughter of a king.” and see she isn’t even given the curse in Eden, thus then you can see how it is with Adam, cursed for our sakes, but see with her covered, Adam where are you 1 covering, Adam what happened another covering, SHE iN MIDDLE what happened, then on the back end, THE SERPENT casue you did this curse, and to HER she doesn’t even get the option, she gets chastised, then it is to Adam, THE OPTION OF THE CURSE, so that cursed thing buried is sorts of a divorce, the man must go before dying for her that is the life, for all living things have a covering, and she is lfie, so her husband will have rule over her and she will be too him. 


    • Book 6, Number 21:84 OT & NT ALL THE FAITH

      Book 6, Number 2184:


      Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:


      The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The divorce of a slave-woman consists in saying it twice and her waiting period is two menstrual courses (qur') AbuAsim said: A similar tradition has been narrated to me by Muzahir and al-Qasim on the authority of Aisha from the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him), except that he said: And her waiting period ('iddah) is two courses.

      Whenever you purchase a slave, it is with your entire life, they are to be protected more than your own sons. They are not to be sent into battle, go learn of General Lee, of the confederate army, and see why HE IS THE GREAT AMERICAN HERO, and how he wouldn’t use slaves as soldiers. It is cause he knew the Holy Scriptures, slaves are purchased with your life. your children are not. they are purchased by the mother, you are as a male just in honor over them, that is you must put her with them to cover them all, that is to have that honor. 

      now when you divorce her twice, this is a confirmation of your own death. That is why it is two moons, the man is the moon, the sun is the woman, that is why you see the paintings with the sun behind the head of the saints, they cover their women, who are glorious gold withiin, Ps 45, that is Adam is dust she is life, he the moon, and she is the sun, thus then if he taking her marrying her, 1- she a slave so that is his life, x1 of satan, and then marry that is x2 the man then divorces, then marrys, that is a checker of x3 times, and see, “the devil knows his time is short,” and in antoher, “Satan gets a time, a time, and a half time.”that is blaspehme father, son, but not the holy spirit mother. 

      so then the second marriage, is past the x3, but you see GOD is confirming him, thsu she waits two moons, the one and two times, and the rest in the x 1/2 if he doesn’t learn that all duaghers are whollly HOLY ONE, the feather as one, then he will not weight in and death shall carry away off the earth. 

      I find it not strange, that is is the same things in Egypt, and Easter Island, and Mexico ever time was. 



      Book 6, Number 2185:


      Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:


      The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no divorce except in what you possess; there is no possession, there is no sale transaction till you possess. The narrator Ibn as-Sabbah added: There is no fulfilling a vow till you possess.

      This is correct, it is the same in THE AMERICAN DECLERATION OF INDEPENDENCE, “we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” I tell them often, until you die to your GOD in the coenant, (anything else would be to die to an unknown GOD, as Jesus said, “WE KNOW WHO WE SERVE.”) then you are not an american, for american is Israel, is Chrsirtian, is Muslim, is Jew. Thus they are all the same purchased with your lfie. 

      now the wife, you have to die for in guard of, if you do for the nation, pretty sure you get the nation, if the world, and everyone that ever was is or is to come, that needs a covering, that is need of help to find it, then you have, JESUS OUR CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, see, what he did there, that is why HE IS AMONG THE GREAT ONE, among men, and why he is CALLED ALL MIGHTY GOD, that is ALL MIGHTY GOD men, becaue he did it the way GOD would if GOD was a man, that is he did it as the word of GOD, which is our husband, thus we all too him anyways, that is how the word of GOD redeemed us all that will be saved. 

      sorry you may not know this, but Satan’s judgement is the only wihotut GOD speaking, because Satan said it, “if they be so great as you say, then why do they obey my word and not your command,” that is then Adam fell from the word command, and adam didnt cover his bride he promised he would, and then that word command came down to possess all of it again. as it always did, but rather, revealed to us in our timeline i guess you could say, cause the word was being slain from the foundation of the world, go see, “LET THERE BE…..” that is the word being slain for her, the light, the life, the fire spirit, and thus LIGHT, that is what we know as the word, but all living things have a covring, thus always dying for it, he always possess it. and the word can not sin, thus neighther could christ, Isa 55. Thus he is the command, the voice, that which we marry to, for THE FATHER marrys not any but THE HOLLY SPIRIT WISDOM. 

      Now pay attention here boys, for you must understand, YOUR WIFE IS YOUR WIFE, JESUSC CHIRST, nor the INVISIBLE LORD GOD ONE FATHER is to be her husband, and husband is to be father, that is why given, thus as Psalm 45 tates, “you wives to your husband, as LORD and GOD, for he is Lord and God to you wives.” 

      this is proven at Jezebel’s death, her blood lands on the beast, and the wall, that is unfaithful men to GOD not keeping their oath, covenant, vow, wife, truth, who wont give their blood but eat up like beast, being idol slaves, told what to do, playing men, or her blood lands on also the faithful man, the wall, the covering the stones cut out in New Jerusalem, before the gates of New Jerusalem hence why New jerusalem is squar cubed, right anged is the man, she is the pearl round, sphere, each one a pearl each one a gate. 



      Book 6, Number 2188:


      Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:


      Muhammad ibn Ubayd ibn AbuSalih who lived in Ayliya said: I went out with Adi ibn Adi al-Kindi till we came to Mecca. He sent me to Safiyyah daughter of Shaybah who remembered a tradition (that she had heard) from Aisha. She said: I heard Aisha say: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: There is no divorce or emancipation in case of constraint or duress (ghalaq).

      She would be right, for any divorce would be under these conditiions, thus you can not divorce. 

      Im under good thought, that like psalms mcuh of it is from the women, but they give it to the men, as their front position, so if Aisha said this, 1- it is still the prophet Muhammed, for they are one, not two, but two as one. and 2- it is very wise, and very rigtht on the body of wisdom HOLY SPIRIT. 

      No one swears to death joining family for life, (kids or not) and thinks to destroy it, not do it, atleast i hope no one does this. But most certainly dont, then it must be as Jesus says,”for the love of many shall grow cold.” yes but what of when their hearts melt at his approach. ??

    • the queen of the south,

      the queen of the south,

      will rise up on this generation, 

      and the generation of Ninnevie shall rise up on them the same, 

      that is house of fish, that is the fishermen, 

      that were repentant at Jonah's storm alone. 

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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