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                 The Theme's Narrative has been passed down through the generations and may be as ancient as Cinderella. These two stories are similar to the tale of Christ; they spread like vines across the globe, narrated in countless variations. Nonetheless, the essence remains unchanged: “The Daughters shall NOT be diminished” and "The Handmaids shall NOT go out the same as the Man Servants.”

                 This teaching conveys a truth nurtured by a HIGHER ENTITY throughout the Earth, that is GOD, via THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Frog & or Toad telling is always male-oriented, that being of reptile, cold-blooded. This is a mark of the serpent's seed, & the contrast she being the life blood, the warm fire, that melts men down holding that very much Holy Flame. 

                I warn you, men, as i often do if you find it in The Bible (Holy Scriptures & Mother Goose (Fairy Tales, Children's Stories, Mother before the devil presses on her, (I mean here to ask a young couple about divorcing or custody, they will in a front unified form of a wall find you all togetheAdd an Info Sectionr repulsive not even conceivable, but ask them in 15 years, & you will see two different creatures, one unpressed, one pressed, and I do not mean by Mother Goose to say "Old Lady Wives Tales" those are men hiding under women to spread gossip, rumors, & fears, about anything but the duty they more than likely publically swore to uphold), 


      a star;

                in the sense of blazing A ROUND 








      Probably from the same as 


      in the sense of rolling)


      She is the Scroll Rolled up, He is the book, folded up. This is also tied to her being the first messenger, as they don't believe, you must understand, that she is THE HOLY SPIRIT already with you, but will be sent to you the same. that is until you come to the truth, you can not believe that your mother is a gift given by THE LORD GOD, The Handmaid of The LORD GOD, Gen 2:18. Mat 7:11. Thus by THE WORD of THE LORD GOD does he come to that which he already was, only now he has the broken heart to care, THE NEW LAW, IS THE OLD LAW. 



      in the sense of blazing);


      a star;

      (as round or as shining); figuratively a prince:









      Genesis 1:16_________________

      And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.


      King James Version with Strong's numbers

      And GodH430 





      the greaterH1419 


      to ruleH4475 

      the dayH3117, 

      and the lesserH6996 


      to ruleH4475 

      the nightH3915:

      he made the starsH3556 


    • THE PRINCE as to The Frog / The Toad

      THE PRINCE as to The Frog / The Toad 

      a star;

                in the sense of blazing A ROUND 

                As round or as shining, figuratively a prince: The reason is the daughters are a heavenly gift, the pearl, the gate. A circle being wholly complete, as one, the chariot of the LORD, the daughters, is what you need to make heaven's kingdom. This proves what I have been saying about them cutting the roots of the sons in adulterous divorce decrees to curse them toads and custody. For the frogs, having no princess to kiss them makes them helpless little frogs only to croak, to rip pit. The reason it is on the man as the toad is THE LORD GOD has never, nor shall ever move. In all the world, the daughter is never called the daughter of Belial, the fallen never claim any opposed to that which THE LORD GOD has set forth. I mean, none have said, “We didn’t bow down to Jesus, as Legion.” none have said, “GOD is a liar.” not one. no, not one. The reason for this is the fallen have tasted but a piece, a little bit of his wrath, & they do not want anymore.” So then you can see why the toad is to the male; whoever is keeping the record is both keeping her as a holy work wholly & is keeping the man as the low creature animal, like the seed of the serpent, and she is the seed of life. Thus, you can see, over thousands of years, that man has kept a record, something must be tending to this, keeping it this way, that is getting rid of the error, and keeping the holy truth. I do mean GOD, for no other could do this. It must need to be a higher entity at this business for the current generations upon the earth are not so clear on this matter, (as they being born serpent’s seed must dig it out faithfully & find it, for it is the GLORY of GOD to conceal a matter, & the Honor of Kings to search it out.” But here on the frog/toad matter, we find consistency over the whole of the earth, and the shear fact it has been maintained proves THE LORD GOD’s invisible hands at work when none can see, by the bread crumbs that are left to make it back home to heaven. That is the man is the frog/toad, the man is the only one associated with not being himself, his naturally made law of GOD, aka Alpha Male at the front to die for it. Here you will find men of GOD that kill man woman & child as meek men, that receive the kingdom of Heaven, for their meakness is she is holy and in rule of authority over her sons, that GOD made & confirmed. how then do they kill man woman & child, for the same reason they would die for them, at GOD's command, & that is the only type GOD commands to kill such, (this is done for the sending home, the prevention of further harms, heartbreaks, & atrocities. It usually has to do with the city killing the true father and husbandman, and they do this unrepentantly, so GOD has a GODLY to come to take them home, for the sake of themself & others. See you the walls of Jericho, for seven days not one man had come out to defend the city, and thus they calling the daughters whores, using them as a wall, are exactly & precisely what i mean. Sometimes, they don't have to send the families to heaven, but sometimes they do, i am not sure where this judgment lies yes, but i do know that there is a lot to weight in such an account that man can not take such a work upon himself, but must only by the command of THE LORD GOD. & For GOD to send home out from here, the Mother  & Children, 1 of 2 or 2 things must be at that time, 1 the man they killed was one heaven's of a man, & is to not lose any time of growing with his family, this is to gather the lost sheep of Israel in a fast & expedient way. The other is the things that will befall them if they are left here, such as heartbreaks, feuds, & so forth, such as slavery, slanders, and uncovering evils. Or both of these are in the account being weighted by THE LORD GOD. 






      The Exodus account is very clear, that the river turned red is the adultery. That is the Natural Course of the river is forced as the men drink up the blood of the mothers. The same thing is in Daniel with king Belthashazzar, who gets the golden vessels out of the basement, aka the heart of the house, the heart of man, the heart of the Earth, & thus also rains from above, for the heart of heaven is the same. The reason that lamb's blood goes on the door post, as to kill the passover, that is man's blood, the answer to "Adam where are you." For THE LORD was looking for such to worship him, thus we have Jesus Christ meet them head on asking who they are looking & then after him saying I AM HE, they falling straigh way backward he answers again, I AM let these go, which means that he did not blame them, but covered them with his life blood offered before them. Thus then the adultery is where they turn the Nile read, denying all that they know, & this gets an adulterous GOD to the children who will find no worth in their wives as a good gift from heaven, Gen 2:18 & Matt 7:11. This leaves the children with no mother thus no wife thus no sisters or daughters as the good gift daughter of the king hand maid of THE LORD. which means they will not care for their family as to die for them, that is as the daughters do for them offering their life blood. Isa 40:1-3

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


    820 NW 6th St Apt 30 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County 73106USA

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