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    >>Daughters of KING 💌💖🎀🎁<<

    >> HOLIDAYS🎄<<



    The major seasons and holidays, are of the mother, a shadow to come for the man. 

    The mother is a perfect and blameless work, all done there is covered holy one perfect by the father.

    • 1, 7day wk 5 wk 2 wknd but really 6 on 1 off or 1


      7 is the number days for creation Biblically, and this is what those days are and used in Scriptures. 

      7 weekdays

      2 Majors, Sun & Moon the largest 2 of the 7 we see, for Weekend).

      5 Minors, 5 Planets all we can see naked eye, ,  for the weekdays x 5), 

      1st = Sunday, = Sun 

      2nd = Montday = Moon

      3rd = Tuesday = Mars  (first time good x2)

      4th = Wednesday = Mercury 

      5th = Thursday = Jupiter

      6th = Friday =  Venus 

      7th = Saturday = Saturn 


      5 loaves of Bread, and 2 fish= The Five days of the week, and the two weekends, the boy is about 12, in the way it's used, it's not infitile, but is a boy about the age to be about his father's business, weaned from his mother, and this boy is brought by Andrew, which his name means man, any man, so you have in succession, man and boy, or a father and son, and they go to Jesus As The Messiah Teacher, as he is teaching, and thus to the truth, and so if you have a man and his boy, or just a man and a boy go to the truth, choosing, teaching in truth, then they do this all the time don't they. Then five days a week, and two weekends, fishing, or working, hunting or traffic, these two in truth, can feed five thousand men, in how it goes, and thus they will by implication and drive not do less than these two, no father wants to give a son less than he has, all of it, so then you see the grass the mothers and chidlren sit on as though they are sheep, for they will eat on anything, that their husband father shepherd will let them eat, and thus they either become spoiled and all eat in town, going from the truth, which is why Jesus does not want to send them away, for that is the point of the boy to Andrew, that is a boy to a man, has been with GOD the whole time in truth, thus you have the two you need to feed the five thousand in just you in the truth, for the truth is that from GOD that GOD will make sure is not done away, it is GOD's fight there, and no one elses, and no matter what you think, it is has yet to be said that GOD has not upheld GOD, for the heavens are and you die. then you have GOD in the most two major capacities, pesonal and universal for you even know exist. So then in Matthew we have the grass added. That is because Matthew had a father that did this for him. the grass is the sheep, why their wives and kids sin on it, Matthew, had the nurturing his whole life, whether his father gave him to another man that taught him, or it was his father himself is not the point, the point is that from a child under the mother, you were watched out for, and kept by Jesus, the word, as LORD he was feeding the men, feeding your mom, that fed you. 

      Thus if you a man turn to Christ, you will see the word break from the 7 day week into the 12 zodiacs, gathering up, all honoring the fathers and mothers, not forsaking the fields they were raised up on, but keeping to have 12 baskets come back with left over broken pieces of bread, means that the men will take the women, and children home, from broken off pieces, but the sum is not a dminished one, but an increased sum, for it is lifted up, and remember it went out 7 and comes back 12, thus the right hand the five, the grace of GOD, that which men are bound to in duty. Thus the grace of GOD THE HA, the ABRAHAM.

       The boy to andrew, the man, so boy to man is the Abram, to Abraham. that is father, of his house, into the father that feeds five thousand men, and their wives and kids, on thei own pastures, or pasture, that is where the wife and kids get to be wife and kids. the meadows, the pastures, the brooks, the plains, aka the home.

      It is that man must stop eating mother's words, the world, in spoiled rottenness surrending their life to the idol obedience, hand written ordinances, Col 2:14-16, and as boy who has failed these things, breaking his world into 5 on two off, and all the off time is the most important things to the deceloping of character, the family, but making toys and towers out of his works does the weekend laking where the infamous legion in the pigs drowns. Thus the piggish man, the boy toying around. The fool, the greedy, the damned, the fallen adam, man as a coward lying slave but still plays god. The kind that take kids but can't smoke weed. The kind that rob widdows houses, but can't own a gun, thus they re-inforce their idol child sacrifice and evil schemes all the times they can, in a rush knowing the time is short. once that five pops up it's twelve time, and GOD doesnt loose. 12 is one, one feather, one HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD ONE GLORY ONE FAITH ONE WAY 

               The 6 days in which GOD made the heavens and the earth, are the same as why GOD rested on THE 7th day, and sanctified it, and it was all very good, and this seven days, is all one day, the night and the day are the first day, the mother is like the sun, and the man the moon, the moon is counted as dust compared to the sun, or as silver is to gold, as the flesh is to the heart. Thus the LORD GOD in the day he created the generations. thus then we have 7 days, or one day as though these would be a contradicion, but they are not. the birthing here is the lesser light that rules the night, and the greater light to rule the day. Here that is usually mothers, for the sons have to die for it to become the greater, for she was made, and he is offered, this seals every daughter as the mother, Mother, Daughter, Sister, & WIfe, always all four, for x4 CORNERS, or the 4 cardinal directions (birds feathers all girls). why David bows 3 times to Jonathan, 3 for the other mothers, David is I AM of his family, the cover, so his mother and wife don't bow, thus three, for David to them, and this is the love that David and Jonath shared greater than that of a man and woman, the love of mothers to their children, or rather told as the men being the wall, Johnathan honoring his father, and his friend, keeping that line that is straight, the wall, thus the fahters to sons, or brothers, or a boy to a man to Christ. It is the same that is the pitiful love of the fathers. As David is said to have told Joab, the father has more pitiful love than the mother. This is true, she has paid for it, died, and he is owed to die for it, for her, and the kids are her, and thus the death either falls on him to pass over or he kills the house himself. thus is his adulterous pig leave nature, until reborn. so when reborn you can see the love of brothren is but the love of the mothers, just the brothers dont let you into mother. No brother is the home, the home is the woman, and the brothers are the wall. Thus seven is a great number it is a Sabbath, done finished work of GOD Holy and perfect wholly, thus all women are sixes venus, counted, but they are the 7 the sabbath, as the light that men keep in darkest of places, of why they are in the darkest of places, thus from mother to wife, to mother of his children, and when he is in his war proper of protecting her, he has now a sister. he at the gate before it as guard, and his brtohers beside, and they are a wall. if it be broken down, thistles and thorns, then the towers are in danger, and the gate is taken by force and violence, and men press into it, until they have the revelation of John The Baptist, then it is not this way. But rather he sits at the right hand of GOD, or aka, he is at the table in the valley of death annointed with the oil, cup running over with blood red wine of aduleries and idol scrifices, of which are his families, and friends, and thus thes all wholly holy one, is the oil, the much olives make for little oil, but grapes much threshing and blood comes overfload and poured out.So then the lesser 



      On December 21 the three shortest days of the year begins, the sun does not move as usual 1 degree north or south from it's original rising/setting position. But rather appears to die, this for three days, and on the western sky there is a constellation called Crux, the cross, that the sun seems to die on, thus the sun dies for three days on the cross. and then is resurrected. 

      On December 25th the sun rises going south 1 degree bringing longer days, this is the resurretion. 

      Thus the sun travels about with 12 disciples this is the zodiac, the un-reborn, the men in the field that hydra eat up, dust to dust. 

      Thus is the light of the world born, travels about with 12 disciples, is crucified, died, and three days later is resurrected. 

      This is that Gospel told in Heaven before Christ came down to earht, as above so below. 

    • EASTER

      Jewish tradition has it as find the levin in the house, i prefer this too the Easter of finding the EGGS, the wisodm of the world, or a wife, or a friend is what the eggs mean, or wisdom of GOD. 

      The reason is becuase it is better to clean your house of iniquity then it is to seek other things, what good is it my friends, if you gain the whole world but loose your soul. Thus if you self examine you will not even be judged by you, and thus you will have found GOD working thorugh and in you, this is one of them, what will i get out of GOD, or what will GOD get out of me things. The Eggs are like going to get out of GOD, and the levin is what is GOD going to out of me. Sin is what he gets out, and you can only be with GOD doing this if true, now GOD can do it with out you. but the main problem is people think GOD owes this too them, and he does not. He is not inclined to save one if all go to hell. He is GOD and you are inclined to him, not the other way around, and ignorance will not be an excuse on judgement, for all one has to do is be true, not a hard studying wise guy, or an Indy Jones archeologist, but rather, just be true, this alone will bring its' own battes. that is the levin. and to teach kids to find it, get it out before pass over, is the but to trian men to get out sin by GOD before death, or it will not pass you over. 

      The eggs are not so much in the bad way, as it is a true method of teaching chidlren, to keep looking in the world, even in the simplest of spots, and in the most awkward, whatever it be, the egg is the sign of birth, of nest, and thus brings the family in to the matter. thus the grass is the sheep, that is shepherded, and shows the alpha leading and the mother tending. then there is the rabbit. he has too many myths to really get into, but the main two are one that gets in trouble, by his nature not by malicious intent, and the other for breeding.


      This is where all the families dress up to humble themselves, for when the winter hits, they will need be to neighborly, it is cold, and death, coming, Thus the humble humiliating costumes. 

      The main purpose is so the kids meet their neighbors, mom will be sending them over to barrow, in need, so they have a harvest meeting when there is abundance. 

      The mothers are usually in with chidlren, and send the other children to get what is needed. 

      This is the original cause of harvest halloween, the night is now overtaken the day, and it is dominately the coldest time of the year because celestially it is the shortest days of the year. the three shortest are at Christmas, 


    • Christmas Pagan 1/2

      THE SUN'S BIRTHDAY IS DECEMBER THE 25th, if you have a problem with this, TAKE IT UP WITH THE LORD your GOD, WHO DID THAT. 

      and yes, there is a relationship between the Pagan, and the Heathen, and the Gentile, and the Barbarian, and all the religions around the world. 


      But seeing that the 7 MAJOR HOLIDAYS, in all places all around THE WORLD, from Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Indian (American type), and all the tribal left around the world, even the Druids, Celts, and so on had them in line, and so too them in Africa Congo, and wildernesses, Australia Aborigines, and what ever else you could come up  with, IT IS ALWAYS THE SAME ALL AROUND THE WORLD, for GOD has done these things, NOT us. They are shown from HEAVEN FOR GOD SAKE.

      "Do not worship, or be amazed, astounded by the stars. For all the nations and people of the whole earth have them, but you have THE LORD your GOD, who is present and living."

      this is not a debate. 





      3 citations 

      UNTIL WE HAVE FACES. Grk Myth, &  C.S. Lewis did a version, heres the rough quote,  

      1- "dear sweet girl," said the Priest, "do you not know, that we only do in the temple that which is already done in the heavens. We but mimic THE GODS as Priests." Urial then asked, "How did she become a god?" The Priest said, "I suppose like every other GOD, by great trials, and great tribulations, where she with the help of THE GODS i am sure, performed Great Deeds, and thus became a GOD."   

      This is Uriel at Psyche's Temple talking to priest in THE GREEK MYTHOLOGY OF PSYCHE, (wife to Cupid, which is the story),  C.S. Lewis wrote a really version himself, and he is called by some, Defender of The Christian Faith of the 20th Century. 


      2- When Cortez, landed in Mexico he reported, back to the queen of Spain, "The Devil had positively taught to the Mexicans, the same things which GOD had taught to Christendom,"  


                 by    HAROLD BAILEY    Pg 350


       3- St. Augustine, "The ancient religion, has always been, from the beginning, and was never absent up until Jesus Christ entering into the flesh. It is only now that we call it Christendom." 

      Augustine (Saint type), is in line with Peter, and other apostles, and prophets, before and after. 

      Col 1:23b "....the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister."

    • Christmas Pagan 2/2

      Scripture Quotes

      Rom 10: 

      17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

       18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.


      NOTE WELL Col 1:23, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and THE GOSPEL OF GOD, that is given before crucifixion and resurrection, for Jesus Himself, tells John's Disciples ".....go and tell John, .....the poor receive THE GOSPEL." Thus if before the crucifixion & resurrection, and not just last supper, hours before upper room, garden prayer revelation, but made a time before for a reason, in order, even before The Mount of Transfiguration, (that is the point of which Jesus would be doing Moses, as every saint must ascend Mount Sinai, breaking of the heart, to receive the new law written on their hearts, (the same command, but not handed down in stone, BONE OF BONE, means mark it in stone forever). but the second set is carved out with your own hands and GOD writes the 10 command on your heart, like THE LORD did Moses in the second set, first set broken, the broken heart and contrite mind pleases THE LORD and THE LORD will not refuse it.


      Isaiah 40:28 

      Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.


      and Melchizedek meeting Abram with bread and wine, and  blessing Abram "the servant of THE MOST HIGH GOD, and bless THE MOST HIGH GOD,..." and do not forget that Melchizedek is a priest to THE MOST HIGH GOD. 





      Now i pray thee, hear my word, and stop trying to float it as though all the religions in the world are not tied to THE ONE LORD GOD MOST HIGH, for clearly they are, of one fashion, and some were of as like to fuel for the refining, and some like to dross removed through time as it purified. However you wish to look at it, David's Tabernacle is EVERY RELIGION THAT CAN SHOW UP, and you get a booth, but in the middle is THE ARK OF THE COVENANT. your are even permitted to play music, singing praise to your god, gods, and preach sermons, and tell of them to all the people even Israel. But with ThE ARK IN THE MIDDLE, of YAHVEH ELOHIM, the rest will just eventually fall to their face and their hands broken off, as Agon, did when the ark was in Philistine possession. for they were more man, than Israel who went out to battle without asking GOD Saying GOD is on our side. NO GOD is on GOD's SIDE, for HE alone is only wise, and only good, thus only love, truly.


            Now another reason that Agon, falls to his face, is the same reason no one swears to Baal, in Baal's name, or Horus, or whoever, but in all nations, as it has always been, it is THE OATH TO THE TRUE LORD GOD, aka AMMON, isa 65:16, now go you look and see, and it is the same AMMON the DEITY out of Egypt, that founded Egypt, as AMMON is the founder of all nations, OF ALL OATHS & VOWS, thus is the second reason, that no man can sell his soul, nor can he truly buy or sell anything without the truth, for all covenants, aka all dealings belong to HIM, and if you do anything of the like, that is dealings with another, even in business, amen, amen, to church, amen amen, to family, amen, amen, it is all AMEN IS AMMON. 


          It is where you lead the other person to believe you are in truth, that is what AMEN means, it is a commune of word, and it is more effectually effecting most severely to the core bone marrow, soul and spirit, the heart even by THE WORD, to the male A BLESSING AND OR A CURSE. for the blessing is a curse, if you don't move from the cursing you were blessed only to be cursed, and if you do move to the blessing, then you were cursed for your sakes, only to learn the value of the blessing. 


      To say pagans didn't do Christmas, the whole world has always been doing Christmas, of son kind, it is the dying of the fathers, and the birthing of the sons, the rebirth is Esters, when the days, are thus longer than the night hours, thus day is born at Christmas, for the sun starts moving back into gaining light for the day, and loosing time for the length of night. But does not over take night's time until easter. So think raising up a son, and then as you age, he is now stronger than you, the day has over the lesser light going out. Thus do you see what i am saying at John The Baptist. See John didn;t follow The Christ, as a man, his disciple, but why> because John had the very thing that makes them equal, THE FATHER, and not that John had more, but that John obtained to being at THE GATE, aka THE BUSINESS ITSELF. Thus is the sun born, overtakes theat going out, and all over the world, religions all of them, have the 7 main holiday themes. they are all celestia; markings, four major solar, and 3 minor lunars. The woman, is associated to the sun, the man is to the moon, the dust. Why June, is a female name only, it is the height of the overtaking of the sun. 

    • Crocodiles WISDOM of MOTHERS

      Crocodiles WISDOM of MOTHERS

      THEY Say that Crocodiles were of the GODS, they thought them to be able to predict the future, which is why they would eat their brains, and certain glands. The reason they thought this was because they would lay their eggs before the Nile flooded, and the water would go just as high to stop at the eggs. 
      Now when you account the Nile worship, and nestalge, when Pharaoh commanded to slay the male children born, that growing in the river would be kind of taboo. But now Moses' mother, sends him down the river, and see it was just what needs to be done, for the boy, that means, that the crocodiles could not predict the future, but it was where they decided to lay their eggs, so THE LORD GOD decided to stop the river. For THE MOTHERS are a piece of he HOLY SPIRIT WHOLLY each one a gate, each one a pearl.  Thus when Egypt's women chose to not kill the boys, THE LORD blessed them, and when the Israeli Jewish mothers, had no choice, THE LORD was with them, to bless then.  Thus the call is to you sons of man, and remember your mother's blood, as a law, about thy neck always. 

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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