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    >>#1 Duty of A Husband to his Wife<<  




    from The day, Gen 2:4

    • Husbandry

      is introduced for there is a parting coming, there was only one GOD, and all the GODS were of one accord, before THE LORD found fault in even the heavens. 

      The truth, the word spoken is the "ALPHA & OMEGA" the beginning and the last, the word was spoken to bring all into being. Thus it has a beginning an end, as he says, "There is an end concerning me, 





      Jhn 17:6  

              I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.


            The name of the father is what is passed down to the sons, by his word, his command, his duties of moral fidelity to the family's eternal covenant, aka Israeli Covenant, which is Abraham's Covenant, which is Abram's which is Noah's which is Enoch which is Abel's which is THE ONE LORD GOD FATHER's in the giving of the daughters. Thus the man is to be a father before he is a husband, thus you see Abram marries Sarai, and her father becomes her father-in-law. Thus Abram becomes in the father's stead, to be the father first before the husband. Thus by the command is the father to the sons, by word.

                 Jesus Christ is about to make that distinguishment of the woman handmaid, aka the daughter of The King / Mother to all living & the man the dust to dust, covering & the duty there too as in the stead of the father.

                  THE BONE OF MY BONE when Adam receives the woman is the Name come down, for it is the same all over the Earth, fathers give the daughter in the marriage. Thus it is the link to receive the power to become The Sons of GOD. If not by The Daughter of the king, then you have a huge missing step on Jacob's Ladder to making it back home.

                   This is an Ancient Landmark set by the fathers before us that we can not remove, or we get totally lost. Thus here is you find in all unions of nations they come together to guard the daughter. All men are created equal but not so for the female. 

                   The account of NOT ACCOUNTING THE BLOOD LIFE is the total disregard for LIFE TOTALLY. This is the perfect way for THE 1 FATHER to set her in BLAMELESS ACCOUNT while dealing with the sons. & How does HE deal with the sons, the males,  GOD has set them opposed of GOD by lying in word to the woman, aka his daughter, HE IS KING. 

                  Thus GOD sends her to war, a baby war with blood life loss MOST ASSURED blood life birthing pains & sorrows increased & this to her husband. 
                  Now see you when a man does not go to his husband, holding the truth, he will turn to lie in adultery having an excuse not to go to war, with himself, with his brothers, with the whole of the world that is coming to move you from her. That is where you stay to the covering of her, keeping the oath that GOD has put you in by being the guide of your youth. 

                   So then like THE LORD taking Israel by the hand and leading them out of Egypt, THE LORD your GOD THE ONE FATHER guided you to your wife. And you see the same this done with the staff, and the oath vow is the staff, thus when you take her like to Moses you are lepers & not yet purified from your dross. You have forgotten that you were sick in sin NOT believing this you blame her, the same as Adam did his wife Eve. 

                 Thus the whole of the Name taught to his disciples is the business of THE FATHER, which is BEING FAITHFUL IN FAITH repenting to keep the charge, the oath, the command, and unto practicing in them as to preach & teach them. 

                 1st Thing man receives before wife COMMAND same reason that Adam has it cursed, for NOT obeying the command. Gen 2:16 & 3:17




      Jhn 17:7  

                Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.

                 Meaning they know what they have received is theirs. I can not say that Jeuss Christ didn't come to be the women's husband, but you men must understand that HE came to be your Husbandman. To lead you, as you are HIS Bride you are her husband going before her, as Christ / the truth does for you. "Truth is a faithful guide to get thee home."

                Jesus tells them, "...but to sit at my left hand & my right hand is up to My FATHER in Heaven to give." You receive with your left hand for it is the weaker beggar receiving hand, and the right hand is your strong hand, weapon hand, sword hand, why you shake & salute with it, to show you are not bear arms. So your wife, your mother, your kids, your siblings, aka your covenants or covenant. 

                 Thus Jesus teaches them how to gather with GOD, that is from the very beginning & in all things, for as it reads, "How can you gather with THE LORD if not from the beginning." And he is the ALPHA & OMEGA, thus all that is in the middle is up to you, but if you do not align to THE LORD GOD Alpha confessing your faults & GOD is righteous only wise providentially omni, then you shall line up with Omega, and thus will have endured, ending yourself from the beginning, for when THE LORD makes a beginning HE also makes an end. 

      Jhn 17:8  

              For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

           Jesus says, "ALL I did was KEEP THE COMMAND, they are ETERNAL LIFE." thus the words the command, that which only the male is given directly for the woman is covered by THE MAN according to THE LORD's ACCOUNT. She is told, spoken too softly, but THE MAN is COMMANDED. Thus they know a man is dust & is in jeopardy of losing his soul. Bringing us the first account, it is the same GOD from the beginning. 

      Jhn 17:9  

                I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

                   The reason he is not praying for the world, is because she is the world, the pearl gate, the daughter of the king, that peace olive branch from the eternal kingdom to man. Why would he pray when he is about to face GOD face to face, in contention with GOD, for her, aka us males, for he is in the husband role to the man, the woman is not here.

               Now you see that Jesus tells you to pray to bless them that curse you, for you shall be as your father in heaven, but now he is the father on earth. And the Father on earth is to cover them. And every man is to cover his house. This is the same reason that John The Baptist does not follow Jesus Christ in the flesh, but follows the truth from THE FATHER in heaven. 

             * This is the same reason that Jesus says the least in the kingdom is greater than John The Baptist, for John goes low as father to cover them, this can also be translated to Jesus' "Disciples will do greater things than these." 

      Jhn 17:10  

          And all mine are thine, and thine are mine, and I am glorified in them.

             The truth is Man receives everything from THE ONE LORD GOD LIVING, aka THE FATHER, by oath vow of the fathers before him, and the keeping is tending to this duty with brothers beside them. Now if you don't believe this, you are definitely in something wholly denying because you have sworn to THE LORD GOD 1 FATHER THE LORD GOD AMMON OF THE TRUTH.

            Thus then if you do believe, all is if you're a male in the keeping & prospering of by THE COMMAND. For anything else is cursed, and I don't know if it is for your sake when he does it again. For two with THE LORD is confirmed, with man it is not such a way, he will repeat many things that are not established.

              Thus he is sitting at THE RIGHT OF THE FATHER, just keeping all HE has received by the command of THE LORD GOD. 

      Jhn 17:11

             And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

            No more in the world is how most Christians live their life, not knowing The Hour, where Christ knew His hour, we are on that edge always, for not knowing the hour, it is every hour, and this is to do when in the truth, holding to the narrow path, the straight way, it is a crucifixion nailing down the man to pull him straight up& putting another in it's place. 


      Shahrazad Ali


      What she says; "Monagomy has failed for the white man in America..."  She is right, and she speaks of the past, and how no blackman has been known to be as to one wife. What she means to say, and she is aiming to hit, here in this interview, i am verywell versed in by THE LORD, as i learn every day, from THE MESSIAH, is the man covers the family, the wife. Brings her blameless. For as i teach she is right to say, about monogamy, "Polygamy is better than Monagomy most especially if their is adultery, for one says that every daughter of the king is good enough, and the other says a daughter is not good enough."

      She is speaking to the daughters of Het, as to the point of why it has failed, that is up to the men. Being of Gentile game playing natures, never picking up the cross, the covenant to sons, they pass down to the women the eating of adultery in fornication of idolatry. I mean they obey and honor court orders more than their husbands, and wife. Telling kids, sons to honor the outsiders more than their fathers & mothers does but shatter the order of GOD, creating nothing but ignorant slaves, with no identity, for their parents themselves do testify to erase them from the earth, leaving them nothing of roots but rudeness in cutting them from it. 

         She says; "Monogamy is hasn't worked for anyone & is only created for the Economics." She is right, it is a way for the rich to put the poor into spiritual adulteries, so that they call GOD wrong, and GOD is not wrong. Thus putting a cornerstone of adultery they do trip up their own offspring. If you can not learn that marriage and adultery re different then you can not learn the truth from the lie. Thus they will no time be able to tell the male from the female. 


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      If they can get you most certainly can. It is the wife the mother, the brothers and sisters, your kids, and your neighbors, and their kids, this the reason the man goes to war, this is the reaason that man is put a the head the east, to guard them that you have received, as Christ, and them faithful fathers that came before you, To keep all that you have received, to cover, to bring blameless, to die for is is the greatest honor. 


      video inspiration by; 

      by realwealthypot 

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      >> Talking women in Hell <<

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    • Solomon is worshipped

      Solomon is worshipped


      1 Chronicles 29:20

      New International Version

      20 Then David said to the whole assembly, “Praise the Lord your God.” So they all praised the Lord, the God of their fathers; they bowed down, prostrating themselves before the Lord and the king.

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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