I am The Sent Servant, only way i can describe it.
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Here you shall see one of the rarest things ever, come to be multiple times, as THE LORD GOD has seen it fit that i should interpret much of what has been said and what is said, that is wisdom, to interpret, to find the secret meaning of parables, to tell of the way in which in THE LORD is going to hold in account those of the faith, and those who think to use HIS HOLY NAME as though it is a light mattter.
Using the faith by word of Jesus correct Paul & US
Paul does clearly state that that everything is permissable and let none judge, but then he curtails right back to appeasing the lesser, the weaker in faith. It should be, if you drink, eat meats, then you do it as to GOD, and not to the opinions of them that offended being weaker in faith. As Jesus Christ clearly states, they who judge you are the one's risen in satanic pride. That is every prison, every arrest, every time someone is fined, or imprisoned, or drugs confiscated of any kind, of personal choice, is is satanic, in pride, only to destroy, to bring into bondage, to do adulteries as some kind of justified adultery, as to steal kidnapping kids, as though there is some reason to take kids for drug use or choise. NO, they have only made these every things to judge you, so theey can come up with idol worhsip obedience as a cause to sacrifice you and your children too, casue as they think, your so stupid to obey the idols they made, that do exactly that.
Now it is that we either build up men in truth that obey GOD's COMMAND as Christ clearly states, and as Paul states in other places, Gal 5:1, Col 2:14-16, 1 Tim 4:2-6.
But to even begin to appease them that are weak in faith, is to say, let us follow the slow guy, for he knows not the VERY FIRST COMMAND OF GOD, and the second is like to the first. THE FIRST IS CHOOSE FREELY Gen 2:16. and this is also why Noah curses Hem, Satan's lowes servant, Gen 9:25. Jeus just puts you as rising in satanic pride to kill steal destroy, rob, bind, take kids, and enslave.
Then here is the one rebuke for Paul. At first i did wrestle with this, i though how can i rebuke one. I mean reproof, okay, but rebuke. THE LORD IN SPIRIT says, "Paul an Apostle, rebukes Peter, who was an eyewitness Apostle. So i thought it would be a nice mark to remind you, your sent, as you have now rebuked Paul who rebuked Peter."
So i just smashed my face and worhsipped THE LORD.
Mark 7:14-23 / Romans 14:14-23
Romans 14:
14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.unclean: Gr. common 15 But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.charitably: Gr. according to charity 16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of: 17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 18 For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. 19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. 20 For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. 21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. 22 Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Mark 7:14-23
14 And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand: 15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. 16 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.
17 And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable. 18 And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19 Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?
20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. The intro to Ben Sira added a sort of reproof
There is an intro, said to be added later on to the book of Wisdom of Ben Sira, aka Ecclesiasticus. This intro is quite beautiful, and has one the most common things i hear used about transliteration and translation from one language to another.
"Please forgive mek for I have struggled much in diligence to translate into your language that from my native tongue. But no matter the effort put in, there is just not the same verocity of power in the words in the law (Torah) as in that of Greek."
He is wrong, in the way it is said, for I can see the compounding of such things that should only be native ot the hebrewic torah writing style, but they actually come throug in English. and that is impossible to do, you would think.
For instance if a person knows spanish and you ask how to say something stupid that is easily said, and the translator says, I can not say that, it can't be said in Spanish, sorry. And you as a kid, think they are the dumb ones, or atleast my dumb ass did. I thought was a dummy, can't even say that, mexican is stupid. They would know though, that it was me that was stupid, and they the much wiser, as i would learn about the age of 31, and every day since. Some things are just not possible to translate as a transliteration form language to language. That is for man. But..
THE LORD is not a man, and is THE LORD GOD OF THE WORD. and thus knowing beginning to end, GOD always knew that English would be as it is where it is. Infact it is the most strategized plotted word of the acedemia to do spell binding witchcraft. they literally went to make many things like to that of the most negative cogitations, to bind men subconcsiously. Such as Him. See the word Hem, is the only son of Noah that never made the ark, coming right is cursed Satan's lowesst servant, and son of Caine. This is just one i am going to use, and you know how much HIM, is used in the egnlish language as to the males.
Now as to Ben Sira's point, rather as the intro writer's Jeuss Ben Sira, says, it is wrong. Either it is that he had not enough langurage dealings, which i find this very hard to believe for he is translating an entire book, and it covers vast areas of language, prayers, provers, ecclesia and order and mroe. Thus it can only be one thing, he lacked the heinsight of the language. That is the hebrew into Greek had yet to take it's form among them, The Septuagate is also translated in the Greek, around the same time within a 100 or 150 years. Ben Sira being translated around 300 BCE, Ben Sira also is the most famous rabbi from his time until about 200 years after Jesus Chirst resurrection. and Another side note, THE WISDOM OF BEN SIRA is THE MOST DIRECTLY QUOTED BOOK OF JESUS of CHRIST our MESSIAH as pertaining quoted in THE HOLY BIBLE. it is also called THE BOOK OF MORALITY, & THE BOOK OF CHURCH MORALITY, & THE BOOK OF CHURCH TEACHINGS. it is brilliant book so for me to even approach it, is crazy, but then again every time THE LORD reveals something like this, i am blown away.
Now the way that it should have been said, in a more reproof than rebuke, IT IS SAID WITH A DIFFERENT, not with same, what i mean, is there is a carrying over, but it comes in a different way. Or maybe is that i just read the whole of the tranlation too detailed. It is clear that Ben Sira has a favor for Hebrew, to other languages, and it is clear that he is wrong, for i have seen it both in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin, and in Modern American English, this force and power of the word come out in multiple verses, and or chapters, or books in a whole.
Most especially since i have learned the 4 laws of Divinity, 1Law of truth, THE LORD's LAW. 1the Law of the motehrs, the blood law. 1 the law of Mercy, if you come for mercy truly GOD shall be more merciful than just. it's like gravity, why THE LORD could not over power Jacob in the wrestling, he held for true blessing, mercy. and the fourth and final that opens up scriptures and the real like none other i have received outside these three, and the command, that is THE LAW OF THE PSALMS / SONGS.
The SONGS are a LAW unto THEMSELF. and this is not just the songs in the Tenakh, or Bible, but it is any law, of any age, of any time, they no matter how bad, how awful of tune or vile vulgarity of the word, are a law unto themselves.
The proof is in the putting, that is by the shear way THE LORD is able to show me, teach me, reveal to me, the whole of THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, as ONE, that is rightly dividing them all through time, it is clear to see, that force that impact does translate. GOD knew we would be here and what they would attempt in languages, and went far before them. Thank GOD, he is the best of all schemers.
So it's not a rebuke but a reproof, of sorts.
order to correct Holy Scriptures it must correct
That is they must first be a correcting voice of sorts to you. As there i not another more tangibly accessible avenue to the nations than that of THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. So though i correct them it is by the holy spirit in which i learned THE SCRIPTURES,. I did not do someoine's larning patttern, though i had many devotionals, and yearly bibles, though i neveer bought them with the intent to actually do them, i did do them, but i always have let THE HOLY SPIRIT dictate where and what i would read. And there was literally a tine when i prayed 3 times a day, which for me, became to repetivie, not a worship but a drill, and i have done enough drills in the army to know, that it is not beficial the momme
In order to correct Holy Scriptures, and i do mean, real correction, as in the sum of the matter, now really how it is said, as in transcribing, but in the essence of the teaching. So one day, In the year of our LORD 2018, or about, THE LORD came to me in Spirit or Word, i can not tell, Sometimes HE does that, where he is before my thoughts, but I am sure it is word, but I can not tell, because when your thoughts are being lead, and it is in reality with accuracy, and measurable results, during and after, with a finished product as i am about to show you, it is very difficult to tell you if it is voice or not.
I think it is covered from me at present, covenantally. What i mean is the word is the lord here, it goes before THE HOLY SPIRIT, to cover it hence when said down here, it is THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. But in heaven it isn't said like. The Feminine HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM is more like a RUACH. That is you don't really mention her, cause she is covered by THE FATHER, it is like being at a man's house, or walking up to him on the street, or while he is at table, and he has a woman with him. Is that his wife, his mom, his sister, his daughter, his aunty, his friend. so many questions. NONE OF THEM MATTER. All of it for the male to male respect is to not even talk to her, or acknowledge her unless she inniciates, or he does. If she, it is short and your back to him. If him, it is much mroe the casual. In heaven however your dealing with THE LORD GOD ONE FATHER, and it has never been said he is not about his business, and that is the covering of the daughters, and the only thing worth more than the pearl, that is the wife, your wife, is THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM HERSELF. So then you know by rule if all daughters are covered, every one of them, even to the ends of the world, how much more is that which none has found an end of end of Wisdom. As it reads, "The first man has not searched her out, or come close to it, neither shall the last man."
So what I am about to tell you, is something that has caused more burdens than that of good for me knowing so far, but that is a kind of ignorant ruling, for clearly if THE LORD has brought it to my attention then it must for the betterment.
Okay, so here it is. about that time stated, THE LORD says to me, "Raymond you are the wisest in the nation." i kind of chuckle, thinking to blow off this thought, not really realizing it is THE HOLY SPIRIT WISDOM, Herself. but it is a man's, aka THE WORD, of GOD THE FATHER Covering. I lol, and THE SPIRIT says, "Raymond you are the wisest in the nation. Open the book." and i did, and it went right to Ecclesiastes, and at the intro, THE SPIRIT says, "read.." so i read, Vanitus Vanitatus. Vanity of Vanities, all is but vanity." and THE SPIRIT says to me, "what is wrong with that?" I respond, THE LORD GOD is not vanity." THE HOLY SPIRIT says, "correct, it." and i said, "THE LORD GOD is not vanity, and neither are them that choose THE LORD GOD, For they being in him, are, and are forever." That is correct. Now turn the page, and it opens to a verse, "THE SPIRIT says, "Read the verse." I read it, "Money is the answer to all things." THE LORD says, "What is wrong with that?" It is not the answer to GOD, or to GODLY men, for they care not of money." (Proverbs, No gift shall apease him on the day of vengeance/Jealousy). then THE LORD says, "correct it." so i said, "Money is almost the answer to all things, except THE LORD in HIS righteousness, and them that choose being in THE LORD's Righteousness. These answer to a more divine price." Then THE LORD says, "Raymond what book did you just correct two verses out of and who wrote them books. See Raymond you are the most wise in all the nation."
it is Ecclesiastes, one of the world's most famous wisdom books. Technically it is the number one book of wisdom, if second only to that of Proverbs, both the same Author, Solomon. Who asked for judgment from THE LORD to judge such a great people as THE LORD's People. That is Solomon The Great Preacher, or as we known it in Ecclesiastes, The Preacher.
Now mind you that they have been discussing Solomon for a long time, and i have read much comentary on such things, but never seen anyone outright correct, that is REPROVE SOLOMON. It is only a reproof, for Solomon does come to the sum of GOD in the end of THE BOOK. the fact that i must say this should demonstrate how true every verse in THE HOLY SCRIPTURES IS, ARE.
if you can find anything in The Holy Scriptures that can be altered to be said better, please let me know. For i have only 4, these two of Solomon, and 1 for Paul, and 1 for Wisdom of Ben Sira. As i shall demonstrate proceeding. They are very rare, and very hard to catch.
If you find something that seems a discrepency, or you think is not said right, believe me when i say, as a three doctorate holder for biblical studies alone, that is 35,000 hours + reading the bible, reading books on the bible, hearing sermons, hymns, and anything of the like. and this in 13+ years of service. For you too find one, odds are 99% of the time, your wrong. The scriptures are right. And so if you find one, dig it out. Search it out. And resolve the answer.
For that is the purpose of THE HOLY SCRIPTURES to give you a fully understandable judgement in wisdom, aka, to know how THE ONLY WISE GOD JUDGES ACCOUNTS. aka you learn wisdom. This is by the truth, is the only way i have found. So i do as Jesus says, hold on to the truth, and then i found out i was doing James' wisdom giving liberally by THE LORD, but you must ask in faith without wavering, like a wave tossed about with every tempest of the wind. For a double minded man should think to receive nothing from THE LORD. thus truth. The same thing Jesus says, "all you need is your feet washed. The Rest (rest in his truth) will take care of itself." So you just stand in the truth. I crouch alot crying face down, calling out to GOD, more in spirit than in physical these days.
The #1 thing that women want most? ABSOLUTE FIDELITY !
The #1 thing that children want the most? TRUTH !
The #1 thing that men want the most? COURAGE !
The man wants COURAGE so that he may stand in the TRUTH to hold, ABSOLUTE FIDELITY !