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    Can you name a physician? can you name one from 50- years ago? how about 100 years ago? Hmmm, is it one fallen head over another, only grasping at the passing. Come see Jesus and Luke, and them of Biblical statures, humble before GOD. 


    Average age life expantancy 70 years of age today, 

    2,800 years ago, it was 70 years of age. Psalm 90:10

    Then it is but a craft like all crafts, though a highly beloved one. 

    Every man loves a physician when ill, or in pains, and is a respected profession in all times and in all places. 



      truth is the medicine, but any saint on the pilgrimage shall learn that prayer is the truth, thus how you pray without ceasing, and thus is the bread of GOD, the only way to GOD and there is not another, the law of THE LORD the truth, the commands are true, then it is that truth is the best medicine, if it is you were looking for that best of medicines, but if you are looking for that true medicine, it is not just the truth you choose but it is THE WORD OF THE LORD GOD, as the father of modern medicine says on the matter of THE WORD of THE LORD GOD in Hebrew Scriptures, 'if this be true medicine, and it is true medicine, then what is it of ours?" Then the truest of best medicines is the command, the scriptures, the testimony, the oath, the vows, the eternal covenant, and the best medicine, which is accessible to all omni present equally always, the truth.


      Jesus is 2,000 years and running, and he is called THE GOOD PHYSICIAN to this day, still healing, still appearing in ER's around the world, and in sick beds of the dying, and is still healing and cleansing, and making well, even still raising them from the dead. 


      LUKE HE is almost 2,000 years, just after Jesus, and Luke is called THE BELOVED PHYSICIAN. Who having more accurate medical terms in just his Gospel than all of Hypocrates works put together. Hypocrates is the father of Modern Medicine, it is his oath that they take to be doctors. 


      Hypocratese is the father of modern medicine, and when speaking on the Hebrew Scriptures, The True Word of GOD, GOD's Wisdom he says:

      'If this is true medicine, and it is true medicine, then what is it of our's.

    • Mr. Carver NOT Doctor Carver

      George Washington Carver

      The peanut, 

      the senate supena by The U.S. Senate;

      Senate asks, "how did you do all that with the Peanut?" 

      Carver, "have you gentlemen heard of the Bible?" 

      Senate, "are you saying that the Bible told you what to do?" 

      Carver, "No Gentlemen, I am telling you I prayed asking The Author of The BIble what to do with the Peanut, and He told me." 

      the peanut allergy was a massive help in developing the peanut allergy, but not the man himself to do it. 



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    • ADDICTION 1/2




      After The Order of Melchizedek, we are for the city of Peace, GOD’s city of Peace, and this is done by keeping THE COMMAND OF THE LORD GOD and the covenant of These United States of America. TO CHOOSE FREE, for me and mine. Gen 2:16-17 is the First Amendment first sentence in reverse: No religion, aka no pay obey forced to pursue their happiness to your slavery, idolatrous religion of the pharaoh the idol rich, and NO prohibiting them that do choose freely for it is a religion to choose, who tells you what to choose. And government as your religion is to let servants rule the masters; this is not even seemly to a fool, and no delight shall be found therein. 
      Your fathers made the government to rule it. But you have fallen asleep and now pay them to rule over you. The son of the engineer does not owe it to his father to tend the train set, but he does owe the eternal covenant so that his sons are not forced to serve the train set. Truly, if I am the son of the engineer and do not win to maintain his idol invention, how much more is it that I do not serve it as a god? 



      That is addiction and the only true addiction there is. The love of themselves, their own opinion. They kill their wife with their opinion in adultery, die forced divorce, and become widowed selves. They kill the parents of their children in cursed toads of custody, making them orphans. They build PRI-SONS for what? In cast, they thought to choose freely, as GOD commands, and they swore to get you. 
      They do this all day long, just loving their opinions, never keeping sound doctrine, and never being able to answer a right. Thus, they pay others to answer for them in the most valuable of only self-answerable things. Wife, children, free choice. These are things all children dream of as children. They, in their opinion, labor the day in the sinful god damned opinions to kill everything. If all this stated is not addiction, there is no such thing. 



      For they play as though addiction shall take all from the person. As though by getting high, they have chosen to build you a prison, as though by shooting heroin in the arm, you shall take a baby from a mother. As though by loading a bowl, you shall pay men to come patrol and search and seize your property of you and your sons. But it is not that. No, sir, it is quite the opposite. 
      For they say you can not choose to get high, or drunk, or touch, or buy, or drive (on roads you already paid for), and they do this taking the freedom YOUR VERY OWN FATHERS PAID BLOOD TO SECURE, and THEY ALL SWORE TO GOD TO GET YOU. They take this free choice, leaving more evil than a so-called “addict” could ever do to you. 
    • ADDICTION 2/2


      It is truly the only thing that could be an addiction, an opinionated man with no covenant and command, no charge of duty. He loves his murderous opinion more than his GOD, his Christ and husbandman, the truth, his wife, his fathers and mothers, and his children, and even unto their children’s children, for 10,000 generations. That is, it would affect all of this if, only if, GOD didn’t intervene to stop their sin. THE LORD’s eyes, brighter than 10,000 sons, burn away what they could have done with their sins. However, if they were addicted to their own opinions, it would not matter. Thank GOD for being GOD. 

      If a man kills you to get high, that man will kill you for any gain, the same a cop will break his oath by robbing his people for outside bankers far away. He is of no difference, in truth. They are addicted to their opinions, not a drug, not a fix. Many men like drugs and drinking, but some will not like it to the point of robbing, stealing, or killing. So then that man, no matter how high or how drunk, is in THE COMMAND COVENANT OF THE LORD GOD LIVING and IS SOBER MINDED. 



      Noah was not in sin when he was drunk, naked, and passed out, and neither is that man who keeps the covenant. It is Hem that is in sin, as Noah states and Jesus Christ confirms, only them that would judge your free choice, commanded by THE LORD GOD, and is the covenant 1 Amendment 1st sentence. It is them that would destroy, doing harm and wrong to you, enslaving, binding hands, taking your wife, kids, your freedom. Playing as though you hurt them in some way, and that is why they must hurt you. (Gen 9:25, Mark 7:14-23).



      It is the serpent’s subtle, complex answer. It seems right, but it is the wrong answer. It is subtle, cunning, crafty, complex, and seems so right, but it is always wrong. It leaves off FREEDOM, TRUTH IS FREEDOM, and the truth is the only way to GOD. Thus, they hinder the path to life and bind down in idolatry. It is “Bashfulness” that makes an enemy out of everyone, anyone, for no cause. “I can’t believe you did that. I can’t believe you do that. Oh, I just can’t believe that. Oh, I have that word. Oh, I hate this and that.” 

      All of it is what they mean to say: “I am offended at your liberty, your freedom, and I want to rob you, so this is the excuse I use, for I do not keep the oath, or vow, or wife, or freedom, or command, but I will the idols that say to you, don’t do or else.” 

      Thus they are in sin, of child idol sacrifice with their opinions. (Wis of Sol Chapters 2, 14, Romans 1, 1 Tim 1, The Decl. The Bill of Rights).



      Keeping it, they love it. They love it so much they do not even when faced with it; they deny the air in front of their face that can not be denied. They did understand it when they swore to it, but now they grasp it not at all, and all is a murky, muddy water, not clear opinion, that always suits their gains and their opinions. Keeping no truth, they have no sound doctrine; thus, do they have any intent of quitting, refusing the idols, or firing them that betray their oath and duty? No intent to do right, but wrong they will all day eagerly, repeating again as Pharaoh from 5,000 years ago in the bronze age, “Get real, you need to pay your bills, your lazy, go back to work, and as for THE LORD WHO IS HE that I should obey HIM.” Exo 5. 



      Thus, it is not that they do not care; it is that they care to do wrong. They are gainsayers. So dumb games are gaining more, aka Sodom and Gomorrah. And as Sodom and Gomorrah rose up on Tyre and Sidon, so too shall Sodom and Gomorrah with Tyre and Sidon rise up on you. They get proven more and more in their ignorant, evil ways, refusing to do right, for they must deny more and more of the testimony given to them and you and them after you. The vine grows more potent, more stout, more pungent as time goes on. 
      They going about as though THE LORD GOD LIVING is not living, as though he is not for 6,000 recorded years of man been speaking or doing, as though man has saved himself being what they are, destroyers of all life, all that is true, right, faithful, good, love, life, what is of GOD. GOD has been speaking and doing, and our founding fathers knew it and gave it to us. That is Moses, and if you don’t believe him, that is our founders; you will not believe Jesus, or me, or your mother’s own blood, or your wife’s and daughters, that they are a gift from heaven, and that your duty is to secure them, and thus you will keep words like addiction to be an asshole to eat them up but not the true word of THE LORD GOD LIVING, you yourself swore to. 
    • SALT; in the hear, mind, & body.

      SALT; in the mind, behavioral...

      >> Signs You’re TOO LOW in Sodium <<

      - Please Don’t Ignore


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              THE LORD gives & takes away, HIS to do with as HE pleases, blessed be the name of THE LORD.


              Bear with me, make the rats, man, and the saltwater the women.

      If they do not want their wife, they will bury and break to get rid of her, but if the man is heartbroken, then he will be joyous as all heaven.

      I am connecting Salt to the women, '


                 "For if you being the salt of the world, and lose your flavor, then what good are you? you are not, but to be cast out and trampled under foot of man."


                    What else is trampled under the foot of man, the serpent's head? Thus the man is not reborn but stays, as one who would refuse the daughter of the king.


              As it reads, "If such a man lived 10, 100, or 1,000 years he would not find good in this world."



      SALT; In the Heart & Body...

      >> How Much SALT is Good for You? <<

      (How Much Salt is Bad for You?) 2024


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              The medicine of Salt they teach is a problem. 


              Section under the THEMES MEDICINE, I used your video as a link, so you may teach them,


               I know it seems like superstition & vague ties, but the whole point is that GOD is talking in THEMES that run through all of the history of man. From the very beginning, this cross bridges all languages, (simpler than thought for it is one language all languages come from, 'etymology' as most vowels mean nothing, and consonants very little in variation of sound origination & meaning).


                 My point is everything you teach on the matter here, that I can relate to, in the word, that is the THEMES of THE HOLY SPIRIT, the TEACHER, WISDOM ETERNAL HERSELF, WIFE OF GOD. Every daughter is part of the spirit by the blood life, chastised & going home. Everything I have taught for years on the matter does connect to your teachings if you could ever personify salt to mothers, and women, they never lose their flavor, they keep things preserved, they will kill the ground if they just lay there, they can mix into things and be filtered returning back to its original value, that is never diminished in Scriptures, the seas being split into two, that is the women, your side, and the side of the opposition on the other, but the men that don't keep them drowned, and them that believe GOD to make them one but split by husbandry, they are kept.


            This is also why Moses has an Egyptian mother and an Israeli Jewish mother. For the mothers, are mothers, and you must always bless them.


               Now se women penetrate into all walks of life, the whole of the body, of the world, and so to salt in the body.


            Now see you notice when you have it, and when you do not.


            When you have much it will be too much, but when you have little it will be enough, if not perfect. Like the women to the mana in the wilderness, that is the bread from heaven you can eat and die, teh help meat teh daughters, be content, she is a sabbath, so don't gather more on after resting in it, and the quail is too much, that if you get just a little too much, it is far too much. Like marriage, adultery, women, daughters, sisters, moms, old ladies, and the like.


               The too-sweet is like the honey, that is the men are to be like the bees, offering their lives for the defense of the colony, and should be family friends, and nation, for man. & See if you eat the honey of the honeycomb it is the sweetest of nectars, NEVER goes bad, like salt never going bad, and the honey, but too much honey and you vomit too much salt and you.


                   Well done the salt that you can not cast out, or you are no good to be saved, is the female, the wife, the women, the mother, the daughters. For there is 1 FATHER, and that means that all daughters are the daughters of THE KING, Ps 45:13-14 Thus it can not be bad for the heart, for the daughter is the heart, they all go home, and the father guards with diligence. and you are right about not enough salt making the blood sugar higher, for if you do not have all the daughters covered, you learned not his business, thus you are not a man according to GOD, for GOD makes man, momma makes boys, and THE MAN IS COMMANDED BY THE LORD GOD Gen 2:16 and then the wife is brought after Gen 2:20-21. and this is why Jesus Christ did not lose one the Father gave him, save the son of perdition, and the son of perdition is male.


                  Thus the Holiness is wholly each daughter, for each one is a pearl, each one is a gate, she is also the sea, for it is salted when made, showing all the daughters went home, well that & Noah offered up the sacrifice when he came out, that was the naturally dead animals, and the daughters from the flood, hence in the southern hemisphere you will find the Alter that rises to become the Milky Way, aka the mothers, guarding them are the way home, the narrow path, the straight way, Isa 40:1-3, All that to get here, that is THE LORD's Prophets need be Nazarine at heart, that is to say, opposite of Gentile, Thus you are correct sir, too little salt aka not covering the daughters will cause the blood sugar to rise aka cause the man to be Gentile, or cause the daughters to be sweet, so sweet they tend to adultery.


               Thank you, I have added a link to where I applied your lessons on the matter of salt & the women.


      More at


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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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