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Parables, Secrets, Teachings, & Meanings
  • Parables, Secrets, Teachings, & Meanings

    This is where I will interpret the Parables & Teachings of Wisdom from THE LORD GOD. If you disagree, please enlighten me, for i am not past rebuke, please teach me & teach others. But as all the sermons of GOD, let it convict if it convicts, and if not, then stand by faith, for the just shall live by faith.

    • The Right Hand not letting The Left Hand know

      The Truth is received with the left hand. it is the weak hand, the begger's hand. The LORD has not a left hand. He has two right hands really one, but the right hand THE WORD of GOD is is a second right hand always doing as sent to be done, and can not sin. Thus two right hands. And GOD doesn;t take it back, but gives it to another. 

      The Right hand is the strong hand, the sword hand, the saluting hand, why men salute, is to let you know that their right hand is empty of a weapon, and thus you shake with the right hand the same,

      thus it is, Left hand = LH Right hand = RH

      LH = receiving, beggiing thus jews receive the word of THE LORD GOD, 

      RH= Giviing, sword, writing, thus the Greeks give the word of GOD.

      aka a versible comparison of Old Testament to New Testament. Everything on the East side of Jerusalem is written right to left, and everything West of Jerusalem is written left to right. This is to prove the messiah, and that THE LORD GOD YAWEH IS AMMON IS THE GOD OF THE TRUTH THE WORD, Isa 65:16

      Thus to not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, you simply do the truth. this is also why you let your gift sweat in your hand, and you are warned to not help enemies of GOD, even at charity. As the old rabbi is said to have done, not leaving any money for his children saying when asked, "I know not if they will be enemies of THE LORD, and i won't help enemies of THE LORD, and the man that makes friends with THE LORD will never go hungry, for no righteous man has ever had to beg for bread, That is filling up with THE LORD's word he will always have enough. So then if my children become a friends of GOD, taken care of they will be, for THE LORD is the best friend, and no righteous man goes hungry, and so I give all my goods to charity leaving my children no money but the word of THE LORD, thus do i 


    • ....

    • The House of Israel & The Lost Sheep of Israel

      The Prophets, in the father's stead are in to the house of Israel, 


      Jesus Christ as the son is sent to THE LOST SHEEP of ISRAEL. 



    • A Secret Name to Samson's Father, a simple why ...

      A "Secret Name" to Samson's Father, who asks The Angel in the city, where as Jacob asks why, outside wrestling, before the city, before the Crucified Christ, going before without, why Jacob has no book written, he was a father at the head, the command, to go before. Why Christ came for the Lost Sheep of Israel only. The Sheep are not lost the shepherds were, thus Christ comes to cover them blameless, as Jacob was renamed, to Israel, for holding to the blessing unto the breaking, aka unto death, aka, "Come boldly to The Throne of Grace in "BOLD NEED OF MERCY"." 

            As Jacob does do, Isa 65:16, saying to The Angel, "I will not let Thee go until Thou Blesses me." Then it is what is your name, Jacob giving the Name he had been called his whole life, "Thief, Liar, Supplanter, "Jacob"." Not anymore said The Angel, " Now thou shalt be called Yisrael, for thou has found favor/power/wrestlings with GOD & with Man." 

           Jacob then asks The Angel's Name

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


    820 NW 6th St Apt 30 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County 73106USA

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