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âSame as the famous Psychologist trained the dogs, giving them steak to eat, but ringing the bell before every meal. They would then learn to salivate at the sound of the bell. Now when Pavlov would take away the steak, and just be going for a walk, they would ring a bell far away, and even playing and distracted, the dog would have a reaction of salivation, without full cognitive focus on the steaks, or even at all, the physical subconscious effect still had the dogs salivating. Thus Paclovâs bell.
This is what they do to the children they cut from their parents in conspiracy. Once they have caused the division, most likely by lying betrayals in gentile courts where they donât do their oath and give you a jury of twelve according to the 7th amendment. If you think your kids less than $20.oo value you need not worry, for the seventh is only for the jury of 12 right to be preserved in cases exceeding the $20,oo limit. Once they have the kid cut away, and without standing, no roots, in very strange straights, for the kids is part of the world to the parent, but to the kids, the parent is the whole of their world. This is going to be key in the brainwashing conditioning of accepting the most ignorant of things. As already demonstrated, like how they have what seems to be a natural tendency to defend the adulterous family but not that of the natural, that of which they themselves are to be, and that which they themselves are from.
When they are divided from the righteous cornerstone parent that was most nurturing and faithfully true (again any divorce custody they cut the parent out and away, is only because of the truth and nurturing of that parent. Show me the stone the builders refused and i shall show you the chief cornerstone). When they are divided the kid is treated as the dog in Pavlovâs experiment, and the parent cut away as the bell, and parent as the bell, and the conflicts, drama, awkwardness, anything of sorrow or irritation will be and is applied like the steak dinner. So that whenever the phone rings and it is their parent they cut away, they begin to add steaks, but crappy ones. They do anything to annoy and antagonize the parent so that every word and conversation with the child is off, awkward, and it is to make all of it seem better if the parent would just stop contacting the son. They do this in such precision it is frightening their determination in unison to answer so roughly, cruelly, sinfully, and most importantly IGNORANTLY to the child.
ââAnd the shear fact that they answer so wrongly, the shear fact they answer so wrongly in unison is the bullseye, but backward. How can you hit a bullseye if you turn about face to the target bullseye, and shoot the opposite of the target bullseye, for that is how far off they are hitting the mark of righteousness, truth, and just common sense, and common decency. and this is random, this is the parent natural, in betraying adulteries, gets the kid awarded them in the courts, and thee other parent is boxed out in any or all legalities of any kind. As though the parent that raised the kid they love so much is incorrect, is some how now in need of their idol defense to save the kids. If the kids are so great and they love them so much, then it is only by the parents that were raising them. That is a 50/50 at the least. So if you love the kids so much, why would you torture the kids by removing their parent that was perfect for the job the whole life of the child, and would not be that the infantile threat of raising the kid is passed, and they are now in much less dangerous waters. You see it is ignorant to say that you love something and then uproot it, and cut it from what made them who they are. They either love the kids and want them to thrive in life, with their parents with roots, or they hate the kids and want to cut them from their roots to make them sorrow in grief and confusion, while burning their hearts and minds in idol ignorant answers, to the most basic of truths. Such as âwhy canât i see daddy/mommy.â they will answer with no answer at all, making NO SENSE AT ALL. for this is part of the conditioning.
âIf you take any married couple not in divorce yet, but first marriage and take them with kids, and ask the kids, could you ever be cut from one your parents. It is a unanimous answer, never, i love them they are as one. For this is not only good for the kids as a kids, but as parents also. That is what they are going to destroy, the parent, the kids, and the kids as powerless parents, with no wisdom of their supremacy by THE LORD GOD, by Nature, by NATURAL DIVINE LAW. Simply put, GOD and BLOOD boys, GOD and BLOOD. for the man, really this GOD and word, guarding the word. For if a man have a woman that has sex outside the marriage, those kids are all her husbands kids, and any adulterous man would be foolish to step into the realm of being righteously killed by the husband to claim rights to the kids. No the woman bleeds blood by the word of GOD chastised in Eden before going out, and the man is to hold the holy word, and keep the covenant, thus the word is over the blood, by precedence of law, of THE LORD GOD, the word is Lord. If you doubt, check Hoseaâs record with his wife, most are pretty sure all in adulterous affairs, but Hosea takes them straight on as his children, for he is the father, and the father is to bring the entire household blameless before GOD and man. and thus the man is to cover her as Hosea does Gomer, and as Christ does us men, we being his bride. And thus the man to cover his wife, in or out of adultery. You are the man, and there is only one father, even for the Christ. That is every man is to be the one father, for his household, that which he received and only him as the father, and thus the highest office on earth, for all nations, all offices of men are but secondary, made after and by the man that is made and commanded and elected by GOD.
If you ask any parent that is not in divorce, but married, and with kids, or without. Ask them, can you cut away another parent? and you will come across unanimous, without any fault, no you can not. They are both the parents. They will say the common sense of truth, that truth all can see. Like, look at our kids, meet them, see we both are partakers of that, we are both the stuarts of that. Thus then when in the divorce custody of one parent being cut out and away, they are taking the kids to sacrifice them in secret rights, of lies, schemes.
1)âfirst confuse their world, getting them to lie. take part in lies. to cause the division wave against them and their natural parent they are going to cut away.
2) âsecond they are then get anxiety factors from the lies, and the sneaking around. this will by implication make the kids more afraid and stranger to the parent they are marking for refusing. so the kid has no safety fall truth in their life. That is they must remove the entire pot to make the rootless. turn a living tree into a tumbleweed so the rich fair owe pharaohs can rule them easier in idol decrees.
3) âthird they will then do the blind side of court proceedings. The spouse will play protective orders, these are bullshit and only used as a stress on the parent, so they become more and more paranoid when interacting with the child. Their objective is to get supervised visitation at the least. That is the objective because this will get the kids to disobey the command of GOD, THE FIRST PROMISE FROM GOD TO THE KIDS IN THE COMMAND, to honor obey their father and mother, so that they may live long in the land, and it may go well with them in it. This is the promise for sons to inherit the land from their fathers. This command is so important that it is the difference between having a lamp at their feet to guide them in life or having their lamp put out. For any that honors and obeys NOT his father, his lamp shall surely be put out. Thus anything they can do to get the child to disobey or dishonor the parent commanded by GOD is their objective here. anything that is against life, truth, blood, family, common sense, and righteous to do, that is anything of TRUE GOD, they are looking to offend, to destroy, to ruin in the kids, so they think that they just donât believe in GOD and it is normal to think adultery is normal, thus they are stuck in a bastard state of ignorance and idol sacrifice, and can not even find sanctity in marriage.
4) run the pavlov bell every time they interact with their parent they cut away, by stressing the parent, like supervised visitation, or just not calling to check up on, or run late, or serve papers at meet up, anything but the easy natural course of life. As The Declaration of Independence clearly states, âcut of the correspondence between kindredâ..... âThey fatigue our people into complianceâ..... and "He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures." This branching not only of the parent to give up the fight for their kids, but the kids to give up on the family, on truth, on all things that are counted as sanctified, holy, and wholesome, that being all things of GOD, before the kids are even parents.
5) in Egypt is it is marked that the people could not believe in GOD, even in the midst of the plagues, the great and terrible miracles being worked before their faces, because of the enchantments. Those enchantments are the forcing of the course of the river, the die forced divorce, the cursing kids toads to make them walking croaked, rip pits. These are the destruction of GOD by the destruction and total effort in cohesive preplanned answers of cruelty only to sport ignorance in the children, that is too enchant them by their idol false god worship of what they would call playing games. It is of course in revel pride and play they rise up to kill their very own spouse, cutting them from the very kids they are plan to feed lies, and leave for ignorant and dead. Thus they only stealing the kids to kill them, what could only be hoped for suicides and planned cursing failures, to make the children an enemy of GOD before they even know of GOD and their national covenant fought for, bled for, died for, kept for the very kids they are working in hard labors to keep from.
6) once the gap is cause, the lamp is snuffed out, and the child is in utter darkness. A child of the adulterous woman, and any children that she has will be killed. They will not live, they will not thrive. For the sons will be pit against the fathers, thinking they should have say to their mother over their father, or to their father, and any other role than absolute submission in this area is just plain rebellious ignorance, for the son shall be a husband and a father in the same stead. Thus it is planned ignorance and curse done by the adulterers and their servant gentile idol making to sacrifice the kids and parent too, but it is still ignorance the more. As one person put in Rome, âthey serve a secret empire to destroy the empire.â and they do this one family at a time.
When the gap is made, it is just hold up the lie, the divorce, the remarriage, the custody, as a totem of pride showing their idol sacrifice, so they have demonstrated more fidelity to the lie and betrayal than that of faithfulness and truth from GOD. they are serve the lord of ignorance, and thus love every idol ignorant answer. the more stupid cruel, against the laws of Nature and Natureâs Divine GOD truth and laws, and commands, the more they feel they win and have been successful. They do these answers in the most calm and subtle and cunning enchanting sophisticated ways, so they seem believable.
âââwe have to take your kids, cause it is best for them right now.â âa jury are you crazy, do you need to see a psychiatrist.â âmom why are you crying we are only taking your child you died for bringing in, that GOD gave you, and giving it to the man that only swore falsely and served idols in a lie, to steal your kids, and replace with a woman who cares not for the truth, your blood, or the kids. so itâs good, that we replace with you with another stranger, so donât cry, or we will put you in the psychiatrist hospital.â
âThus all of their entire works, are only to steal kill and destroy the truth, the righteous, and the sons they would bear. To destroy the American way of life, and bring into captivity all the American Public, that has not the money wealth to be accounted aristocracy. They are in simplicity, destroying every truth, freedom, and trying to put this nation back into the bronze age of pharaohâs Egypt slavery and idolatry. Literally word for word, Exodus 5 is the only thing they get to the kids that they steal away. âpay your bills, you need to pay your bills. if you donât pay your bills, you get beat, take your stuff and you will pay more, since you were too lazy to pay the first time. So obey and pay your bills.â what pharaoh says to Israel. Thus robbing the poor for being poor, fucking their sons in literally child idol sacrifice.
âIn some cases they make the destruction of the father and the son so obvious they have the boys give away their moms at the wedding. While the father is fighting in righteousness of his parental right as a father, and as a husband. That all they are doing is conspiracy and lies, and the most of ignorant things the world has ever known. For any man thinking he is doing the sons any kind of righteous deed, you are a fool, a liar, who has deceived not only the boys, and your click, but also your self. It would better to shoot the father point blank in the head, or just kill in any wise, than it would be for you to fuck the wife, and the boy take witness of the adultery. One you will save the boy the humiliating beating down of the shaming of the father, for as to the father so too the sons. you would also be saving THE NAME OF THE LORD, keeping sanctity in marriage, and thus putting power in the faith, if the boy should choose to serve THE LORD, it will not be empty blasphemous lies of faith, and name of GOD, who is living, and shall tend to all that of which is used, the truth, the covenant, the name, and the very personal oath and vow of the husband father in right truth, and the wife herself, and any that would think to so obvious tear asunder that which GOD unites. Need I remind you, that when Bethsheba is read, it is as Davidâs wife who is Uriahâs wife. and the same for Abigail who is Davidâs wife who is Nabalâs wife, and there is no adultery there, but he passed on. Now see how Pharaoh sends Sarai back to Abram for it is his wife. And see how David kills Uriah rather than shame him, and Bethsheba. Now see how the pharaoh in Abramâs account would clearly have killed Abram, as David did Uriah, but because living and it would have left pharaohâs name and house cut off, so he had to send her back, or kill Abram and stay in the charge of adultery. Pharaoh at this time is the most powerful man on earth if you were to account as men do.
Why Infidelity Has Become The Norm đđđ
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