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Saint Katherin of Alexandria

Saint Katherin of Alexandria

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Saint Katherine is with THE LORD'S ANGEL that appears to Joan of Ark, who put Charles on the throne of France as Prophesied by Joan, and this is the blood line of Louis that helped U.S. These United States win our Independence in The Revolutionary War. 


  • Saint Katherine Wisest in The Nation by GOD

    Saint Katherine was the daughter of a rich aristrocat, very well educated, and had it all. Then around 12 or so she learned of Jesus Christ, and his testimony and was converted, i dont actually know if she even seen a vision. For her arguments were that of wisdom of GOD. 

    by 14 years old she is so convinced and convicted in the faith, she walks into speaking with the king or emporer, or governor of her city state nation, none are too clear on her, I only know her to be real by Joan's testimony i know is real, and by her position of wisdom, that is most wise  in nation, in answer to all her nation as it reads, "find the one that fears GOD the most in the nation, now get them you count wise all them, and all your judges, and princes, and any other you take answer from, put them all together, the whole of them, and put the one that fears GOD most in the middle, and they will outweight them in word, in answer, in righteousness. Now take that of the nation you find to be of most values, gold, silvers, riches jewels, resources, put them all together and put the one that fears THE LORD most to it, and see, the one that fears THE LORD is worth more in value than all of it. For THE LORD himself, with thrust away all the nation together for this one, THE LORD can save or condemn in judgement by THIS ONE ALONE, how you treat them, how you adhere to their wisdom. A wise king will give more than half of his whole kingdom just for the counsel of such a one." 

    Now this is the office i hold, aka a position, but again don't be too impressed with the person, as i am a man of war, a father, a husband, and 42, Saint Katherine same exact position office, title what have you it is not labeled such by GOD, it is the one that fears him most, is closest to him, to hear him, to learn from him, answer like him, and GOD only loves them that are with wisdom. His favor and his friends only are them of Wisdom. thus by fear it is the beginning of the love of GOD. The perfection of a straight way is fear and wisdom, one GOD is that way. so don't be too impressed, for 14 year old girls can have this position, but she is on a list, rather it should be, I am on a list, of them, that are Job, John The Baptist, Ben Sira, and such, and i dont have any thing like to them, i learn my wisdom from them. But it is also written, as wine ages it does get better, so too the vine as wine, as the vineyard ages the vine and grapes, the roots there too, it gets better with time. so then it always gets better, and thus in revers man always gets worse. what he denied at Noah's day, 5k years later he still denying, the same with all that evidence, so not just Tyre Sidon, but also Sodom and Gamorrah, that is all them before them, and it gets heavier as we go, in wisodom righteousness of answer reveealed by GOD, and in ignorance rebellion proving man needs not proof of GOD he has that, no sign will convince him but rather he is rebellious and wicked, lying about that which he has recieved. If the man will deny his own wife, mother  to his kids, and his oath he took then he will deny his kids freedom and truth sacrifice them in ovens for pigish coward greed no matter what GOD shows him.

    So Katherine decides to tell the ruler he is being cruel and unfair, injustice, not caring for the widows the orphans and the poor, and mainly the poor Chrsitians they are persecuting. and she is one, and Christ is THE SON OF GOD, and thus wiser than them all. 

    Well he decides to try her wisdom and calls in all the nations wise men for a debate, and they come and they put her in the middle of the colloseum styled ampa theatre, and begin to go to mock her. 

    Spitting out statements, as questions, if so wise why is this that, or that this, and she answers in just the truth she has been given by GOD, and behold it is righteous, wise even, most wiser, so wise in fact that in four hours she converts more than half of them, such a large amount that the ruler calls it to stop, and decides to have her tied to a steak and giving 40 lashes, that is death sentence, 40 lashes and then murdered.for her it is tear her apart limb by limb by a machine, for tearing apart his wise men from him. 

    So she is tied to a steak and then lashed, up to 20 times. She takes the first twenty so well that the ruler is now impressed by her, even offers her marriage purposal, that she can be his queen, his bride and have all things in the world ever she wanted. She of course resoundly answers "never, I will stay faithful to my husband, my LORD CHRIST JESUS." 

    She is then given 20 more lasshes, and then a guard assigned to put her to the machine and tear her apart. as she touches the machine it falls apart. literally breaking. the guard knows nothing of mechanics, and is but a guard, and in that day, you are given guard you performed it however you wanted as long as the order is carried out, but if failed it is your life, and your families that shall be the ones that have the orders carried out on, hence the jailor took them home, in acts, for coming back, and this was alloud, as long as he still had them in possesion. If htey died you could be killed for it. But he immediately begins to cry. 

    Literally the grown man guard is crying because this 14 year old virgin girl, beaten 40 lashes, and he can't tear her apart from limb to limb. So while he is weeping, my wife, my kids, my life, she humbly touches the handle of his sword with like a patting effect. he looks at her, and she says, "you sir may be head me." and she kneels down, saying, "just please let me pray some beofre you do." and she closes her eyes, puts her hands together, and tilts her head forward for him to have a clear cut. 

    and he cuts her head off.  but we know that she is alive for you hear her today from heaven thorugh Joan of Ark, who put the line of France on the throne, to have Louis help us in the Revolutionary war, so that you may have the covenant of faith you do now, and i  know all these pieces specifically becasuse i am sent to tell you them. 

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"Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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