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THE ROOTS TO ALL SOUNDS, TO ALL THINGS YOU COMMUNICATE IN WHAT SEEM TO BE VERY DIVERSE WAYS, is but simple to understand, if you talk with him that caused the division, making the unknown to be of ancient times and holding long into futures.



    It is clear to see, that not only do all things, sounds symbols originate with GOD, but they are also always a salute to GOD, to HIS FIRE OF LIFE EVER EXISTENT ONE THE SHEPHERDS AS A FATHER FAITHFUL TO THE MOTHER BRINGING IN THE SONS, and there was a not anything said or communicated without paying homage, saluting, praising and thanking, by all and to all, and if not, then it is not. 


    Simple Origins, ONE GOD 1 Letter Sound

    A = a Cone, Mountain, Primal Cause, 
    B = The Feeder, house, son, Beth, boy, 
    C = The Crescent Moon, The Great Mother, The Sea, 
    D The Brilliant, 
    E = the letter of Apollo or The Ssun, as at Delphi, 
    F = Fire of Life, Fire, Life, 
    G = The Self-Existent 
    H = The Pillars, The Aged & Immutable Gateway or Door, 
    I = THE HOLY ONE,  the pole, the axis of the universe, 
    J = Yah, Jah,  (Ch, Sh, Ia)
    K = "ark" akh, kah, arche, king, merchant, 
    L = GOD or Power, 

    M =    anguliar*Mountain Peaks,   cursive*Water,

           undulation*Water* Serpent, 

    N = Nun, Men, Serpent, Mon, 
    O = Sun Disk, The Perfect One, The Pearl The Pricce, 
    P = a Shepherd's Crook, 
    Q = The Mother, Qeen, Mark, Mac, Make
    R = Sheperd's Crook 

    S =  a Twisted Serpent 

    T= a Hammer, Twin Axes, 
    U = Jupiter's Chain 
    V =  Twin Rays, 
    W = Gemini, The Twins, 
    X = Cross of Lux
    Y = Three in one, The Great Unit, 
    Z= zigzag, of a lightning flash, 


    combinations or complexities

    • P    or    B

    OP = Hoop / Eye, hoop, optics, of,

    PA =  Father,  as in Pa,  Paster,  Parent

    • T / OD         D / OB

    OT = Hot

    DI = Brilliant,  as in Diana,  diamon, dyu / DYAUS

    • CH,      J,       Sh,

    AJ =  Aged, as in age,                        Yah      Iah        Ya

    JA IA, YA = "Ever Existent"  as in Jah, Jehovah, Jahweh

    • K  or  G 

    AK = Great or Mighty, as in Karnak, Zodiac, Carnac

    • L

    EL  = GOD ALLAH or Power,  as in Semitic El, Allah,

    LA = "That which has existed forever" 

    M   Spirit Water,

    OM = Sun, as in Hindoo's Om / Aum 

    MA = Mother, as in Ma, Mama, Mater, 

    m&n is telling the birthing of sons, 

    m&n is telling the birthing of sons, N after/other M

    Ne/Me = to begin Me,

     N = sons, is either water or snake, Me and Ne,

    N = Na, Ne, Nun, Joshuah The Son of Nun, Yashuah The Nazerine

    NE  = Born of, as in French ne' or natal, novel, naitre, nature, natus, naissance, nascence, nucleus, new, (or just born),

    Noel is he Birth of GOD,

    ON = one, as in 1,  (ne is to start like Me),

    • R

    R = 1of 3 Shepherd w/ Staff, R/P/F,  Raise, Roots, Regal, Royal, Rev 

    UR = Fire & Light, as in Semitic ur, 

    RA = The Sun God Ra or Re,   fundamentally UrA,  The fiery A

    Re, Ray = light beam, ray of light, a light,

    • S,   Z,  SH,   ZH

    ES =Essence of Light, as in esse, "to be", 

    ZE =Fire & Life, as in Zeus, zoology, Zodiac, 

    • F  or V 

    EF = LIFE, as in EVE, olive, ivy

    FI = LIFE & FIRE, as in ' feu ' we ' 

  • ..

    It is most important that you understand, "vowels mean absolutely nothing and consenants very little," said, Voltier. This is a ingenius way of cutting through most of the shit people say, when you come to the second languae, alphabet, i mean this, because you are looking, and if looking, how can you not come across another language, and here you shall learn a skill that i am not without it, for it was used to make me. In short i am trying to say, it's my salt, but you don't have to have it, GOD will provide a way if you are just true, for that is the only just. Levin not the word is our command from Jesus Christ, but i am trying to tell you something, that i don't really understand wihtout it, The truth itself must needs be transliterated, and that is the skill i am looking to describe, for it lets you see the invisible, not just from your single angle as though your the chosen people in the modern nation you are in, and it landed just providentially that you got enough, and you see it with full understanding, enough full that is, to determine the next course of your life, that is happening right now. 

    people live, people die, and it is that Americans (i am one) think we do this so great, that we should even tell our neighbors, brothers, mothers, sons, and their sons, what they shall touch, taste and do, we have defined by force and violence a world for them to pay, to obey, to fetch, and if they thought to improve it, they must first come up in it, which is to assimilate into the very thing, that is a machine, with PRI-SONS in case you thought not too, and men equipped to THE SHARPEST OF TEETH on the face of the planet, that has ever been made in known history by men, nations even. And this is the work of our doctors, our lawyers, our professors, and becoming clergy the same, that is to be anything of value, to be chemist, to make, to invent, to discover, you must be subject to be permitted, but if not then you are destroyed, utterly, by the mother's tit is your enemy come, and coming in a man like form, but it must be a babe on a tit, for he sips milk with his mind, his words, his reason, his ridicule, or he is playing you for a game thinking he is superior to you for your lack of scheming, caniving, to deceive, to compromise, as though he has made a more strategic move gaining all so much the little more. He has not, his is not, he has begun a war that he looses, the moment he set out to it, that is not to do righteous. MICHAEL, 

    if it is by the truth you made a decision to leave off the truth, and be a liar, why and how did you get the wisdom, the insight, the learning, to training, the decisiveness to make such a call over your life, others even, to hold in such unholdings? is it not by THE TRUTH? yes it is, unless you thought to go and make a wrong choice, of a lie, to reason that you shall lie to yourself is foolish, for then you decieved yourself to make the wrong decision, so then your decision is so wrong that you made, you can only repent from, and back to the truth. Or is it that you hold to a wrong decision, when you know it was wrong, and it is deficit in result, that is in the red, not the black, no profit all loss, and seeing this, you decide to still stay the course of wrong, to end up in deficit, all because you refuse the one thing GOD says you must choose, the truth.

    So you decided to leave off the truth, by not the truth? So you find the wrong answer the right answer? You literally found the wrong so good, that there is no paying attention to the truth. Then it is you never weighted anything aright, and you are playing double masters, riding two horses, stretching two bows, go about as though it will not shine forth, the truth. Do you think GOD slack in the matter, do you think to war against GOD, are you stronger than GOD? Where is he found for you to battle? what is there for you to gain? 

    Now then what is there for you to loose? Have you ever seen spoiled child in a demonic child sacrficing blood lustful hungry form of a man? Look to the mirror, see sin. The Death of all your nation, o all you man. 


  • A / O / AH / AE / AI / Ahl

    A = the beginning fire, the holy fire, of the father, the father of life, it can be both strong as in clearly A, like a Canadian would say, or it can be very soft, as though passing away only to bring forth that which is after him such as in the word "EL"  or "ABBA" these both clearly showing a guide to bring up after, Abba is fathar, but be, or ben, is son, so Beh, or boy, bah, or bubba, is the son. Ben is the house. Al is the exalted house. (Jed Ben Levi = Jed Son of Levi) and Joshuah Al'Imran Hammassiach, is Jesus of The Exalted House of Imran the Messiah. So then it is in many the soft el, or al, is the sons also, or the ALLAH the one father of fathers, all is lesser or after.  This is important to understand with the A, the first, it is always stationary, coming in first, going before, so whenever you see it, it means it was before, for instance, FATHER, the F is the staff, or P, or R, these all mean the same, of the FIRE FATHER, the ALPHA, thus you have the F/R/P=Staff which is from who? the fathers. Now see the A, is after, and what did i say, the A is always in first coming in first, it is your lack of understanding when you see it not, see understanding, your under the father 1, that is always standing, so you are standing, st, is saint, is street, is gone low so others go over, the st+A+(nding = and more to follow, that is ing, and in the and, see ing at the end of any adds a wholly holy work to it. farm, farming. Dogs, dogging.  and see it is this way with and, or what will be construde often as "nd" and is end, end is to and, that is your end comes and another's start begins, them yesterday, you today, and it shall endure as long as THE LORD GOD wills it to. What was is, and what is was, and what shall be is already, already shall be, thus then you see the "A" the father makes continually repeating forever from ever lasting to ever lasting, "T" is the crucifixion, it is the last letter, that stands just like the "A"  for it is the Alpha / Omega as it were. and see the Greek, The Ah of the A is alsom the O in Omega, so it is beginning and ending, and when he makes a beginning he makes an end, and he is eternally doing, then it is as told you, the A, is the THE FATHER FIRE ETERNAL THE FIRST.  It is, it was, it shall be again, if you can't find it, it's your lacking in his wisdom. 

    The A and in AHHH, like to AWESOME, or in DAUGHTER, or SLAUGHTER, or SAW, or SAUL, is a dramatic form of the A, but often can can be more like a crying wolf than it is to cry AWESOME, as in SAUL / SAW-l  +  PILOT /PIE-LAW-T = they are not be FATHER / FAUGHT,  no meat for THE POT, (all "f" can be "p" always, it being same exact sounds, made exact sa,e way, 1 of the secret 2 letters in Hebrew, though i think there is four now, seeing we have 26 letters, Hebrew have 22) and no meat means, no HEBREWS and only sipping milk from momma's utters as cowards. 

    I just realized that WAR, is double you are the father shepherd, that is you can wage war with men, and double you, take from them to add to you, or you OR, aka AR, A being the fire holy eternal, and the O being the golden fire of the sun. O, A, can come out similiar, and the way you make the distinguishment is the A has not such an oval / circle neatly made by the lips of the mouth, for when the child says this as a child you will see the much attention to lips, both ways, them to others, and parents to them in teaching it. Thus ooohhh, or O, is close to THE A, but only by daughter feminities, he covering her always.

    ALWAYS, see the AL, the ALL, is O sounding, and the A in WAYS is A, A wise, (YS= WISE = cursed for your sakes, seed of serpent to be reborn, so S is the snake rising, whether in a blessed or cursed, life or thunders not written (the lighting/NOOAAHH = thunder) the S does not care to either, the snake rises, in your pilgrimage, to demi gog suicide grinding in idols of men playing fetch fidol, to have your comforts, or to outright rebellion as a god king, or as to go low being crucified with Christ, to sit in heavenly places with him, thus learning his doctorines, his wisdom, his words, covenant, life.  but if a Y be before the S, it is usually Y+S=WISE .  The S is much like the W, and the V,  W=V,    if you think to German jews, they can not say W as in what, or who, or when, or where, but they say, VOLSTWAGON as VOLTSVAGON, and Where as VHERE, VHEN, hen they can say clear, but no W in the soft nature of it. For they are a people that covered in speach, word, first, THE LORD GOD is the word, and the word is LORD GOD to you, and ALL man. 

  • working on.....

               EVERYTHING that man does in FAITH is from the begotten times of old before the ancient before was, is to be ancient, to be wise is but to have THE GOD who is WISDOM ALONE. You are as it were coming to win The Favor of THE LORD GOD. Impossible, for GOD is not impressed by any, nothing is everything to him, and everything is but small and seen and known and under GOD. This is not fathomable to him that is in pride to play GOD, but as it were in Heaven's Eden, it is still for you, as it were it is, and as it is, it shall be. 

                    My point is the same to my inspiration for this of whom i got, and get from this man, Harold Bailey, in his great work, THE LOST LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM. This is a two part series book, and it is packed with nothing but notes, and notes on symbols, and sounds, and letters, and thus Harold Bailey demonstrates GOD in what can only be called as the greatest etymological in human history. I know of one work that compares to it, Moses' Pentateuch, the first five of the Bible, Old Testament to be more precise in modern lingual which is not to the accurate but to the peers, the old is no more old than the new is old, they are the same, one and the very same, it is just varied to your peculiar self, GOD being jealous and most personal, literally most personal, none bear you more than you, but GOD, for GOD, is in the knowing you, or is it GOD is the knowing itself, truth being of itself very much tangibly evidentially agreed, keeping these symbols these HIS MAJESTY's themes, like a meme but in reality, in the truth getting reall with heaviness of duty. The duty of man, of brothers as fathers supporting his rule as the father, his honor, for i am a father, and if you are a father, why do you subject yourself to the idolatry of men?  have you no backbone, or constitution to understand with standing to be a father, to be the faithful righteous man, to beat thenm down by word, with intellect, ridiculing everything they do or say or would. Chain and bind him always, for if it were you to be free by what adulterous custodial means shall you prosper? where unto? how far shall you go? When will you have enoug idol patches to see that your sunk, baptismo is what we call it in The Faith, by Christ, who is that Abrahamic covenant of which we received through Moses' voice as GOD in THE LORD's stead, and you are Aaron, for Moses, is right there, now, then, again, to tell you as he did tell Aaron, Moses with THE LORD the one who's word makes steady the way for sons, so they burn through to be the fathers, and there shall be brought up after. Telling wisdom to the fool is tiring, not able to 

                  To life, your life so that you lose none of it, for it can not be taken away, it takes away the man it has the man, the man is dust returning to the GOD he has come from, by all men at every time, and has not escaped any, leaving only Biblical understanding and explanation to everything you should as of today apply more ridicule. Tear down every man, bring him to the dust, beat him down with THE LORD's WORD, it is a hammer to beat down, nailing them fast to either the sweet wood of the staff and the hyssop, THE SOP of Nation's, The duty of man to his covenant to GOD. The children will be standing testimonies at present times, so we then men are found as what?  then you know the answer do what? not beat down their words, not shut them up? then it is to bring me to dust by the ridicule of the wisdom of truth in GOD. everywhere man turns not in faith will multiply sins, for if not in the faith, his own, yay his very one faith to his very own GOD who is GOD, Real living breathing talking wise words of understanding of GOD. 

                 If you like your games then play tag with THE LORD your GOD, for HE is now it, and all you do is keep asking, for it is by the word you shall have to find this invisible LORD GOD. Even counting is by word, it is LORD & GOD to all that is, you are his wife, his bride, blameless, before GOD. So then just talk to GOD, ask him. He is living, and HE IS REAL. I just realized it's playing tag with the being that is going to kill you like it was as common as day and night to him or something. Strange to want to be friends with THE LORD GOD.

                 Suffering identity problems because they are not doing roots. They blow away. No father to establish the sons, there are no sons established

     When you sleep, and forget, and in the not knowing, that is the knowing of you. Isn't that winkingly ironic, plucking one's own eye out 



    THE WORD IS LORD & GOD TO ALL CREATION. Hear You The Word of THE LORD GOD and think to pronounce it what, is it not THE pronounces things to be. They said of Herod, "you speak like a god, but you die like a man."  GODLESS GOD's now let me give you a cheat sheet to the way of understanding THE LORD your GOD, by WORD, for if it is as GOD says, then it is that it is LORD and GOD to all creation, Anything that boasts as such, should be proved as such, or at the bear minimum should be disproven. 
    Saying how could one prove GOD? even saying they can not prove to you GOD's Existence, and this is men of GOD preaching apologetics to university students. It would behoof some to stay home and not argue on GOD's behalf, until you as GOD tells you to argue it on his behalf. They say i am prickish, i am rude, or short, or use too many swear words, or to this, or that, they always have anything but the word, the true word,. It is with their opinions, their sight, their godship they remove themselves from the speaking for GOD. If you love me, my word, Father's word, these are the same, nothing new but your heart, being set repenting to GOD. 

    If God command, 1 GOD, you are to worship one GOD, and if man comes with three, you are to refuse the man, and choose the words, one GOD. I know it is simple for you, but that is because that is exactly what it is made to be, simple, very much uncomplicateable so that all may obtain to it. It is a so sure as a cornerstone it's more like a peg put in then broke off, it isn't going to ever move no matter what all, that is all of everything could come with, it is not going to ever move kiddos. they thought to play lil kids in understanding while be men in malice, bringing violence even into justice, excluding them from GOD's Divinely Majestic Charge. Thus then they pick a fight with not only all powerful, but all righteous, most high, that is righteous indignation. It can not be bought, or entreated, with all that is had, he has it already, he doesn't mind lending dust to passing men, he will get it right back, and he remain, as it were, it is, is it not so you see? or do you refuse that which is. Spoiled rotten men brings the magots, and this brings the flies,the busy annoyance of proud slaves at home tho born free. Reveling pride playing in Holy things, drunk as all hell keeping nothing of sound doctrine their government is in a state of scheming anarchy to kill the very nation that birthed such an ungrateful generation. 


    Simple Origins, ONE GOD 1 Letter Sound

    Aα Αα א = a Cone, Mountain, Primal Cause, Alpha, all, all father, 
    B Ββ  ב = The Feeder, house, son, Beth, boy, 
    C ג= The Crescent Moon, The Great Mother, The Sea, 
    D  Δδ  ד = The Brilliant, 
    E  Ηη ה= the letter of Apollo or The Ssun, as at Delphi, 
    F פ= Fire of Life, Fire, Life, 
    G ג= The Self-Existent 
    H ה = The Pillars, The Aged & Immutable Gateway or Door, 
    I צ= THE HOLY ONE,  the pole, the axis of the universe, 
    J = Yah, Jah,  (Ch, Sh, Ia)
    K כ= "ark" akh, kah, arche, king, merchant, 
    L ל= GOD or Power, 

    M מ=    anguliar*Mountain Peaks,   cursive*Water,

           undulation*Water* Serpent, 

    N נ = Nun, Men, Serpent, Mon, 
    O ק= Sun Disk, The Perfect One, The Pearl The Pricce, 
    P פ= a Shepherd's Crook, 
    Q ק= The Mother, Qeen, Mark, Mac, Make
    R ר= Sheperd's Crook 

    S ט=  a Twisted Serpent 

    T ת= a Hammer, Twin Axes, 
    U = Jupiter's Chain 
    V ו = Twin Rays, 
    W ו = Gemini, The Twins, 
    = Cross of Lux
    Y י = Three in one, The Great Unit, 
    Z  ז   =  zigzag, of a lightning flash, 


    combinations or complexities

    • P    or    B    ב     פ

    OP = Hoop / Eye, hoop, optics, of,

    PA =  Father,  as in Pa,  Paster,  Parent

    • T / OD         D / OB      ח  ה   

    OT = Hot

    DI = Brilliant,  as in Diana,  diamon, dyu / DYAUS

    • CH,      J,       Sh,   ש  י    ח 

    AJ =  Aged, as in age,                        Yah      Iah        Ya

    JA IA, YA = "Ever Existent"  as in Jah, Jehovah, Jahweh

    • K  or  G   כ  ג  

    AK = Great or Mighty, as in Karnak, Zodiac, Carnac

    • L       ל

    EL  = GOD ALLAH or Power,  as in Semitic El, Allah,

    LA = "That which has existed forever" 

    • M      מ

    M   Spirit Water,

    OM = Sun, as in Hindoo's Om / Aum 

    MA = Mother, as in Ma, Mama, Mater, 

    m&n is telling the birthing of sons, 

    • N     נ

    m&n is telling the birthing of sons, N after/other M

    Ne/Me = to begin Me,

     N = sons, is either water or snake, Me and Ne,

    N = Na, Ne, Nun, Joshuah The Son of Nun, Yashuah The Nazerine

    NE  = Born of, as in French ne' or natal, novel, naitre, nature, natus, naissance, nascence, nucleus, new, (or just born),

    Noel is he Birth of GOD,

    ON = one, as in 1,  (ne is to start like Me),

    • R         ר

    R = 1of 3 Shepherd w/ Staff, R/P/F,  Raise, Roots, Regal, Royal, Rev 

    UR = Fire & Light, as in Semitic ur, 

    RA = The Sun God Ra or Re,   fundamentally UrA,  The fiery A

    Re, Ray = light beam, ray of light, a light,

    • S,   Z,  SH,   ZH  ט ש צ

    ES =Essence of Light, as in esse, "to be", 

    ZE =Fire & Life, as in Zeus, zoology, Zodiac, 

    • F  or V   ו

    EF = LIFE, as in EVE, olive, ivy

    FI = LIFE & FIRE, as in ' feu ' we ' 

  • ...

  • MATTHEW 5 x in Scriptures

    MATTHEW x5 for the hand, HA, 


    Ma, = MOTHERS, 

    T  = t =  The Cross a finishing,  x 2 =

    M= Ma is a T & Alpha is a T, 

    Thew is the same as THEO / THEOS = GOD in Greek, 

                It is the reason that in Shakespearean English, you have the THEES, and THOU, THO, why we have today, The, Than, Then, Though, Their, There, Theo, Theos, Theol, Thes, anything that runs the "TH" usually followed by the "E" or "O" but as previously stated, the vows mean absolutely nothing, & consonants very little, the a, e, I, o, u, are all the same, and sometimes "Y". Please note, that Shakespeare did not create this English, it was an intentional design structure in the language as it was revealed, aka evolved to us as man, by them in Positions of Power, aka the Roman Catholic Church. 
                I just realized that, if GOD had not run the Pope University of Jesuit control of knowledge, then our Modern American English, & our Great Brittan Old & Modern English, would not be so Etymologically GODLY. So it would seem that THE LORD GOD conquered by the word, before he would in reformation, how strange of work, to stifle all that evil to make it work for the GODO of GOD, that is to our good that loves GOD and is called according to his purpose. 

                  So understand that the theologians, aka governing powers at the time that were constructing medieval universities that would come to be the modern education system today are the ones that constructed much of our language, and the TH is only there to salute GOD, but if you read Harold Bailey "Lost Language of Symbolism," you will learn quickly that everything has its origins with GOD. As the beginning Alphabet "ibid" above sections, it is all a root to GOD. it is the GOD of the word, the true word, the truth, the only wise GOD. 

                      if you are ever in the swell of mind games, and you are being cut at the root of the word, that is at the letters, such as saying things like I, or um, or me, o hmm, and the spirits begin to fill you with shit that wears you

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"Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


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