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THE LAW OF SONGS; Her His Heart She Sings He Names
  • THE LAW OF SONGS; Her His Heart She Sings He Names

    THE LAW OF SONGS; Her His Heart She Sings He Names

    She is the blood by the word he is the keeper of the word, thus the man passes the name down to the sons and mothers of the blood. The ink that her sins are never forgotten they are blotted out, the same as a man if under the command the word, because sin is cut off hers is blotted, not to be hers but his by name. Think she is the ink, the tears, the blood, as the old Jewish teaching that GOD writes your story in the tears you cry, collecting them in a vial. Then you see the woman is the Cryer, she is the one in sorrows, the more blessed, the one that hears the promise of men, that is the same of GOD, she is the gold, worth it all, he will keep guard, thus striking a chord in her heart, we call this naive, GOD calls this Jesus Christ.

            Thus Jesus to His FATHER, we, we men, we man, to our Christ, the command come low to husband us back by harolding preaching teaching, offer his lifeblood as a man, not loosing save the son of perdition, leaves but the father's mission, why he commands man mentions the daughter, the wife of man, then naming animals, then sleep, rib taking, aka GOD breathed, her, from him, then fashions her for him, then brings her to him. Men this is vital you comprehend, for it is the reason of the song, why it is a law unto itself, is her in heart rhythm in the shit of the storm the duty performed that which is worn the cause the fight the chore the chorus the core, understand why David sings with the lyre, liar, a guitar by hands, sworn oaths playing as he cares. David doesn't learn the sorrow of women until the threshing floor. 

         When David learns he went to slaughter all her birthing pains. Her sons. David learns Satan did not rise at Bathsheba, because she is so chastised, she is so beaten. That in truth the devil can not rise up in her, he is bound by law, as all is, under one GOD the truth, the one father did all, u must submit too. Now you see this is proven at Job's wife, the life, not touched, and she is repeating the same as Satan before the LORD who wanted to try Job. Saying skin for skins, 

                  So here are songs i made, by THE HOLY SPIRIT, The Spirit, Her each one, thanks to THE HOLY MOTHER each Mother, every Daughter of The King. 


    • She Gave Wholely Holy "He Reads n The Noise World"

                      Link to Song @            

                    >>       She Gave Wholely Holy {He Reads In The Noise of The World}       <<             



      {      Image of GOD is Man Male & Female made GOD them.  Imagine the man in the world, with a mother, thinking he goes to heaven without her. Think of this man taking wife the life the daughter of GOD, swearing too, also. He has missed it, that good gift life in hand. Now since he done this, GOD in Mercy did send him a letter, of patriarchs, prophets, apostles, saints, & seal, the blood is the daughters the mothers each one which is the ink it's written in, and the words are THE MESSIAH THE CHRIST who does but HIS FATHER's business, the keeping of the daughters. 
                  And the man found this letter, & is at the train station where man makes many trains, as he reads he is being drowned by the world, and so as it is with men, it is here, and you can't hear what he says, so you must read, for your doubts, your greed, you must read, the father is pleading before he judges to lock you out, for the girls his daughters he will be but jealous, for love must be for the sakes of the families.     }

      {            So from here, to you children, what i've found, her letter my son, her cries, her sorrows, never forget what your mothers have suffered to bring you here. Forget not her blood life for all the sons that wage war on each other, trading wives mothers throwing down. She is of sorrows the sorority, know you this putting to heart & don't sin again. You will not sin if you remember the end & never forgetting the start. GOD IS THE FATHER HE WILL DO RIGHTEOUS Christ's riddle to shut their mouths, is David said it at the gate in her stead, "My LORD GOD said to My Husband, at Me the Wife, Life, Daughter, sit you at MY RIGHT HAND while I make Your enemies Your Footstool,."
                 It is her don't you be fooled, it's how he got all us men you fools, be foolish before THE FATHER that awoke rising for her care when no man knew, or cared. He did never forgetting. Only one kept them to heart, giving a lifetime 30 years for he life blood, Jesus Christus. Yahshuah Al'Imran Hammassiach, who loved them all to the very end, it's always the end, for them, him, and lost not one save the son of perdition, children all of GOD THE FATHER try this & you shall see who to fear, he will handle the account himself.
              To be a people you need a son with the power of the daughters given above. Son is only by THE WORD COMMAND she the will & HIS COMMAND IS HIS WILL & HIS WILL IS HIS COMMAND, only the man is head east commanded, she the kingdom the blood bone, you the word bone skins guard of life, take the sins. }
                            yours Truly 
                            Love Faithfully Always by Command of our LORD & GOD,
                                               Sir Theodore Hibbard,
                                                        Preacher Blair
                                                         The Preacher

      [Intro Piano Cheering]

      my husband my man i gave myself wholly 2 him,
      know U heard my cry husband man, none of her U would her children th mother of spirits life all of & 2
      he took me as sport hunted slaughtered me th dauter brot 2 E Z each & every 1 them have ears sons hear Eden finished by father
      your eyes will C she is good to eat
      u wil say anything just 2 B N then U like th rest will N quit He 
      send her 2 battle bring N another man child, who knows child circumcised by mothers pressing N Eve Eden both sides men R N sins not believing she is Heavens gift living

      What is it U hate is it Me is it U,
      hate Me hate U, im th life im th blood,
      your th name give me my fame,
      profess my works at the gate,
      keep battle there take it on not never here,
      love me as i do th nations man,
      bitches bleedin life thats love dauter moms much th more manger babies man child Amen may B
      1 that believes what GOD does,
      his fathers vow his mothers blood,
      GOD's word living seed her th seas
      U sand shore of Avrahams word life living

      N love he said give life he would she did,
      i know my pains, my sorrows, since a child was made 2 B th mother of GOD C U me, tended more better 2 the plastic house, by blood U should walk thru river of styx, no idol work adulterers he made way, knowing we would B so good 2 taste eat quail feedin his tomb akes pigish puttin none 2 heart no well faithful come my son th call is 2 U sons of man B U th man 4 me 4 them profess my works at th gate HIS HOLY NAME all Holy dauters each 1 every 1 each Holy He is 1 be U holy man 1 wholely

      What is it U hate is it Me is it U,
      hate Me hate U, im th life im th blood,
      your th name give me my fame,
      profess my works at the gate,
      keep battle there take it on not never here,
      love me as i do th nations man,
      bitches bleedin life thats love dauter moms much th more manger babies man child Amen may B
      1 that believes what GOD does,
      his fathers vow his mothers blood,
      GOD's word living seed her th seas
      U sand shore of Avrahams word life living

      of course is this sure course,
      the mother as th sun glory of her father above,
      sown by his own hand wrought N glory eternal no rotting of her sirs,
      beautiful sight th wife N age old & wrinklin away,
      a testament 2 his faithfulness th beautiful knowing she is heaven sent, 
      a trick played on th eyes a daughter of th king N a disguise find if U will B her guide,
      prices paid few get 2 C N old age here N th dirt find he th skins pig good 2 eat again, he is th outside wall th cover of her now he is him he is 1 man

      What is it U hate is it Me is it U,
      hate Me hate U, im th life im th blood,
      your th name give me my fame,
      profess my works at the gate,
      keep battle there take it on not never here,
      love me as i do th nations man,
      bitches bleedin life thats love dauter moms much th more manger babies man child Amen may B
      1 that believes what GOD does,
      his fathers vow his mothers blood,
      GOD's word living seed her th seas
      U sand shore of Avrahams word life living

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    "Do you know why birds often marry for life? Because THE FATHER WILL not let adultery come so close to Heaven." is the sum of this sermon, it's even in the sermon. Keep His Sabbaths, and she is a Sabbath. 


    820 NW 6th St Apt 30 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County 73106USA

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